What video player does Sup Forums use for their videos, and why?
VLCfags not welcome.
What video player does Sup Forums use for their videos, and why?
VLCfags not welcome.
mpc-hc on my computer (mostly streams and tv shows) and plexs player on the htpc (for some tv shows and film)
I watch on my television because I'm not a small laptop/computer screen watching pleb
MPHC+madVR+32" LG A-IPS calibrated panel
I like to use vlc player
MPC-BE since it's just MPC-HC without the atrocious style of the interface, and MadVR.
>he doesn't hook his computer up to his tv
Baka Mplayer
BE also comes with slightly modified frame interlacing. It looks much better.
Only tryhard Sup Forumsfags cannot appreciate VLC.
This and eternally triggered weebcucks haha
Only reddit approves of VLC.
>"It plays anything guys xD"
But I still don't feel safe! What if they start liking MPC?
MPC-HC for movies
SMPlayer for porn
mpc-hc for pirated stuff (audio delay is godly for broken shit)
wmp is just fine for everything else and anyone who says otherwise is a tryhard nigger who doesn't like a nice clean interface
Fuck off VLC apologist.
>put all movies on external hard drive
>connect to router USB
>use plex on PS4 to play them
Sonygger detected.
>MPC-HC for movies
>SMPlayer for porn
where is the difference in watching porn?
BS Player because it downloads subs
VLC kicks ass.
I love VLC.
Every morning I get up and smile because I have VLC in my life.
holy shit, I ddin't know you could turn a ps4 into a mediaserver. brb gotta buy a ps4 pro
>I don't use VLC
>I'd rather download an ancient piece of software and a bunch of codec packs
>this makes me look smarter
Is there a legit reason for not using VLC though?
Virgins who will never be able to make eye contact with another human being will care about what software you use to watch shitty 12fps japanese cartoons made in flash.
In VLC i get tearing that's why i use MPC with KCP. That's the only reason for me
>I loves me le pixelated, tearing player Xd
>using anything besides mpv
>no one is using WMP
All fags.
mpv or plex
Advantages of mpv over mpc-hc?
it runs on linux
Anything but VCL is reddit shit.
>hurr im so superior because I don't use VLC cus it sucks !
Any actual advantages?
windows isn't a dependency :^)