Maggie... I will f-find youuuu

>Maggie... I will f-find youuuu

What did he mean by this?

Was it racism?

Did they kill off the race mixing whore too?

are you referring to Michonne, Rosita, Sasha or Maggie?

He will find her in the after-life


>itt: people who say the comic is better than the tv series but have never even read it

Yep. Plenty of them.

>itt: people hating on a tv show because it's "cool" to do so.

So that's 75% of the thread then.

>itt: people angry at me because I enjoy watching certain programmes.

Keep it up guys. You're not changing anybodies minds.

Haha holy shit buttblasted

I also cried :'(

Can this be a new Sup Forums banner?

That's the gayest shit I've ever heard,

He means that when he dies hes gonna become a zombie and find Maggie and eat her

That way Maggie can always sleep with one eye open, thus Glenn will give Maggie a way to stay alert and alive all her life.

Those sluts didn't cry. No tears there, they aren't able to cry, you'd need a soul for that.


>crying other death of some asian side-character

>Negan being swaggy as fuck in the mirror while they are crying

>Maggie... I will f-fuck youuuu
how the hell did AMC get away with this?

you don't understand, most of the female audience is wet for Glenn.
For western audiences, he's one of the first hot asian guys they have ever seen.
And he's portrayed as a complete selfless nice guy to boot.
They really wanted Glenn and Maggie to live happily ever after with their kid, they would have traded Rick for Glenn any day of the week.

one jap eye, one white eye

Was this racism?

>when a little asian boy gets cucked by a big white man with a bat
is Negan white btw?

He's either white or honorary white.

Also Glenn didn't really get cucked, Maggie and the fangirls watching did.

That sounds eveh more pathetic, mate. Now I glad that Glenn died. Precious tears of stupid bitches must flow.

Do normies really cry like this? I don't get them covering their mouths either.

why do you think Negan said "did you really think you'd live happily ever after, eating sunday lunch?"
Then they even had the gall to show a video of that sunday lunch, Glenn at the head of the table with his baby.
It's just rubbing salt into the axe-wound.

>M-Marge... D-Donuuuts

wait until Daryl dies, then you'll see real tears

not if they aren't fully aware they're being recorded they don't.
People don't like reaction videos where there's no reaction.


At this point im just waiting for a proper rape scene desu.


I like the show but jesus don't they have any weapon knowledge. Last season a character complained about crossbows recoil.

I think she's purposefully trying to hide how her mouth gets ugly when she's crying

Absolute kek. Made my day.