What's one dream you'll never forget; one that left you sitting up wondering what had just occurred?

What's one dream you'll never forget; one that left you sitting up wondering what had just occurred?

i got head in church

>Dream starts out on a farm
>Walking through valley herding cattle (I grew up a country boy)
>Suddenly changes to night time
>Thinking, Well that's odd
>Looking around
>Ominous glow from behind mountain
>Leave cattle and hike mountain towards glow
>Get to other side and realise it's a pop up carnival in the middle of the field
>No roads, No cars, Middle of nowhere between the mountains type deal
>Similar to where I grew up
>Walk towards carnival, As I'm getting closer, Notice colours and neons seem extremely vibrant
>Can hear screams, laughter and eerie carnival music
>Walking through carnival and there's people seemingly coming from nowhere
>Then like a light switch they all turn violent and zombiesh?
>Recall attempting to run away and fighting them, Locking myself in a stall
>Recall beating someone over the head with a piece of pipe in super slow motion, every detail seemed correct, colours, shadows, to the blood and splatters, sounds
>And then I woke up

I can't really describe how surreal that dream was, Felt like a Devil's carnival I remember thinking after I woke up, Was pretty shook.

bump for interest


I used to dream two as a kid all the time. I can keep them short. One dream I was stuck inside an enourmous empty room but I was part of the wall. I was stuck to the wall and it was so silent I could hear my heart beating and then a loud ass bomb would explode and scare the shit out of me over and over. Was torture. I would also dream I was sleeping with my parents and then I’d hear dogs fighting in the room and in the dream I’d wake up and see two dusty looking gray ghost dogs fighting violently over a rag and it would paralyze me until they were done.

> be on a small airplane on a small runway
> airplane becomes a convertible airplane (top half missing for fresh air and great views)
> take off
> wind wasn't too bad
> start climbing
> engines are struggling to make it
> we're flying over a harbor, one that is fully surrounded by buildings that go right up to the water
> below the level of the buildings oh sit
> plane reaches its max height and starts to nosedive
> just before impact I wake up

Literally spazzed around in bed when woke up
Fuck that was cool

holy shit this pic is almost exactly what I was on in the dream

It bugs me that whoever shopped that photo think people are that big in an airliner.

The face of the devil himself appeared to me and stunned me in the dream, unable to move, yell, talk, or wake up. It was black and very tribal-looking. I wish I was a drawfag, because that image will be burned into my head forever. That was the only time I woke up screaming in my life.

In my dream the sizes also got out of whack. I thought i was on a mini-737 or something.

This isn't exciting at all but it's neat. I have a ton of significant dreams (to me, they're meaningless to not-mes) but this one has stuck with me recently.

My dreams are all connected by location, I have a "dream map" in my mind. It's all mostly places I've been. Sometimes it's places I haven't been but end up at some point in the future.

There's a recurring dream I had for a while about running from and/or at something in a field. I don't remember exactly what I was feeling but it was strong.

Turns out this field is a field on the side of a highway near where I live. I had seen it a million times but never thought anything of it. It's distinctly shaped with a few landmarks around.

I passed it about a week ago and there's this big excavating operation going on. That wasn't in my dream but the original stuck with me for some reason and, who knows, maybe there's something interesting with the excavating operation.

Also I think I jumped to another dimension or learned some vital information about the universe or some shit the other night but I forgot it. I remember some words spoken by an old lady being the most profound things in the world but not the words themselves.

I've had many dreams where I was flying, since I was little through now, I could feel it, I still know what it feels like, and I continually wonder if I'm right.

when i was young like 10 id have this recurring dream i was a vampire and turned this girl at school i liked into a vampire by biting her neck, it was extremely sexual, my earliest memory to have anything to do with it (sex)

Another fun one is being absolutely terrified for some reason unknown to me at the time. I'm in a stairwell. I climb up and hesitantly go into this really nice looking room, I walk in to some super fancy room at the top of a skyscraper and I looked out to see an entire city on fire. Figured out it was Dubai a few weeks later when I saw a picture.

>out camping with beautiful girlfriend and our friends
>friends grilling, singing, playing music
>laying in a hammock together, enjoying the scene
>she asks if we should get up
>i say "or we could lay here for a few more minutes"
it was perfect. i was so happy. but then the dream changed
>girlfriend and i at the top of skyscraper
>everything's gone dark, fire everywhere, demon in the sky
>our goal is to get to the bottom, if we could reach it we would be safe
>run more
>get to the bottom, building is collapsing. steel beam falls on girlfriend, disabling her
>i run to her, demon reaches and grabs her from outside
>she looks at me and screams for me to go, and save myself
i woke up in a pool of sweat. frantic. i don't even have a girlfriend but i felt very connected to that girl. she had red hair.

>green hills all around
>towering fire wall around something in the center of my field of view
>extends into the sky
>walk through this wall of fire
>feel strange burning all over my body as a wade through lava
>weird genuine pain
>less like heat and more like stinging sensation, indescribable
>bunch of people there
>rows of modern computer monitors
>black knight looking nigga says “welcome to the citadel”
>maybe something heroic happened at some point. Like I saved them from something or I was crowned their king for wading through the lava bit?
>cut to a smallish light blue house standing all alone god knows where
>our founding fathers from the American revolution, all clad in blue military uniforms appropriate for the era, run out of the house with their muskets drawn in celebration, or maybe they ran into the house? This dream was a while ago.

Sounds like the multi-verse

more: id always wake up after she turned, i knew we'd be together for eternity from that point like that was the start to my real life, my forever

>at the house I grew up in
>my room was right at the point where the stairs went up to the attic
>attic was barely furbished, but this is where I had my games and stuff, so I spent a lot of time up there growing up
>I feel a call beckoning me up. I don't really want to go, the lights are all off and the darkness just feels...heavy.
>I don't want to keep climbing the steps but I have to. Each step is harder than the last. It's like walking through molasses
>I finally get to the top and the darkness is so pure and stifling I can barely breathe. No sound, no life, no anything. It's just the compelling force and me.
>it's like staring down your greatest fear and having to move on through it towards something you know is even worse.
>I'm panicking, raw fear flooding my system as I keep going forward until I see the source
>It's a fucking classic demon, big wings, horns, whip, goat hooves, etc, and the sight of it makes me piss myself and want to run but I physically can't
>my chest gets tight and the overwhelming fear and very presence of the demon drags me down to the ground as the demon advances and begins to speak to me
>its voice causes even more terror and fear as it climbs on top of me and stares straight into my face. It's like a sheer otherworldly pain and fear injected into my bloodstream.
>It taunts me, the pressure increasing as I physically cannot move to escape the inevitable crushing doom
>I wake up screaming, thrashing myself out of bed as i'm finally able to move again.

And that was my first sleep paralysis dream. I get some variant of these every 3-6 months.

A few months after my after my grandfather died I had a dream that still haunts me.

> Sitting in a long room that looks similar to my grandparents living room
> My family are all sitting in chairs lining the room.
Theres this weird guy walking around the edge pf the room almost like hes part of the wall.
> He looks like conman in an old cartoon
> Green tweed suit red handlebar mustache
>Whispering to each person
>Nobody seems to see him.

It seems important to note my aunt got really intto esoteric belief immediately after his death and claimed to channel him and many of my family to my shock belived her.

> My family looks to the door
> My grandfather walks in.
> But its not him. His mannerisms are all wrong his eyes are empty.
> I start to freak
> No, no he's dead.
> my family insists it's him
> I reach to tirn kn a la l to shed light on this husk imitating like the man who was the omly positive male figure in my life.
> A great man who loved me unconditionally
> the weird man gets right jn my face and screams some unknown language to me
> Suddenly my famiy chairs and all are transported to a basement
> There's a kid with down syndrome slamming his head off the ground
> He suddenly runs off into a completely black side room.
>Not dark, black a total absence of light.
> There is an bloodcurdling inhuman scream of fear and pain and without a word my grandma follows after him. I was helpless to stop her.

My ex woke me up, she said I was screaming and sobbing uncontrollably. Im tearing up a little just remembering it

That would be a cool short film.

Anymore you can share?

I guess. it's hard to express the overwhelming sense of fear. Not fun.

Another really vivid one I remember:
>go rafting with some friends, something I do fairly often
>we're out on the river, guide takes us through some more violent parts of the river no problem. It's intense, Class IV rapids but we run this a lot.
>in the calm afterwards, the guide turns demonic and the paralysis sets in
>i'm pitched out of the boat, either by the guide or by the whole brainwashed raft
>the water is icy cold glacial runoff, i'm practically frozen
>icy arms reach out from the depths, coiling around my limbs and torso as they pull my helpless body down into the depths.
>this is way too deep for a fucking river, it feels like I'm yanked down for the better part of an hour
>the last thing I saw was the demon/guide face diving down after me before I was able to throw myself out of it.

Ok a little preface:
>Have had sleep paralysis my whole life
>Amplifies when im anxious
>only way to "aid" it (more like recognize im having a bout of it) is to sleep with a blacklight in my room

So when I was cheating on one of my exes, she slept over:
>be in bed
>GF im cheating on is next to me, passed out
>slept in a room at my house that wasn't my bedroom so no blacklight
>can't sleep cause thinking about side piece and what's about to happen if I slip up
>finally get comfy
>pass out
>have a dream I'm in a desert
>get accosted by an african tribesman
>Think Masai warriors from Wildboyz
>guy doesn't want any of my shit
>tell him to 'fuck off' repeatedly
>this wakes me up, but only into a paralysis where Im still in full dream mode
>Masai dude knocks me down
>begins to eat my legs as his head grows like a carnival balloon
>keep trying to scream "FUCK YOU" and flip him off
>head keeps growing
>body keeps disappearing into mouth
>freaking out in my head
>White flash
>GF is sitting up next to me, rubbing my chest
>asks if Im ok cause "You kept making weird sound and twitching til you woke me up"
>thank her for saving me
>fuckin... wut?
>Sorry lol sleep paralysis
>take her out to breakfast after some sex
>She leaves me a month later when she goes through my phone while im walking my dog

Fuckin stuck with me after almost 8 years

Are demons a common occurrence in your paralysis?

I suddenly started Lucid Dreaming one night and ended up in this odd scenario.

>Sitting in a room alone
>Room is a white cube with a single chair in the middle
>No doors. Just solid walls enclosing on all sides and an ominous light that came from nowhere
>Remember thinking "I'm just dreaming"
>The dream wouldn't fade into anything else
>Couldn't escape. Sit in the box for a quick forever.
>Decide to use my mind to break the box
>I focus
>All the walls of the box flash to mirrors.
>I stare in amazement and try again.
>Walls are all mosaic in thousands of colors now.
>Remember being astonished but terrified that I couldn't wake up
>Keep trying
>Box turns to wood, metal, cloth, and then finally just an abysmal darkness
>I open my eyes and stare at my ceiling for 30 minutes

Yep. It's always some kind of demon that's causing it. Usually it's a combination of a fear aura and physical compression, but not always. They're not always your 'typical' demon type, sometimes it's a human with burning red eyes that I somehow 'know' is a demon.

Another with Sleep Paralysis:

>Living in cousin's house in the burbs
>Have a bedroom facing a church
>kinda peaceful
>Well lit, nice to look at and space out on architecture
>often fall asleep and wake up to gospel music on warm days when my windows are open
>sometimes music guides dreams to pleasant places
>One time fall asleep
>wake up what feels like moments later to chanting
>eyes open and see people backed up against my walls
>not many, but 3-4 people just hovering over my bed, but backed into to walls just out of direct eyesight
>Also no distinct dress or occult-like appearance, but look out of place
>Notice they're all paying no mind to me, but all staring at the window facing the church
>put 1 & 1 together that they're gonna attack the church
>Struggle to express to them not to do that
>they pay no mind
>Dream logic goes something like
"I dont really care what you guys do, but if you're in my room, please don't fuck with THAT church, it's rather pleasant."
>Still struggling to get my point across but figures assume a military like attention stance out of nowhere
>but through a wall where there is no door
>come out of paralysis
>run to next room and find noone
>Church has since been quieter, almost 2 years later and it kinda bothers me

Oh boy, my first time sharing this. So this dream fucked me up for quite a while.

>Be me, 17 at the time
>Have no gf, probably cause I'm asocial and unattractive
>Have low self-esteem and shit
>Feel lonely all the time

The Dream
>Dream starts with me going to a party
>I hate parties, never know what the fuck to do
>Once more I'm standing there like a complete retard
>”Hey, user right?”
>Turn around
>See in front of me this short brunette girl, she's got a short haircut and the cutest smile, big brown eyes, no tits or ass (she was a plank) but her face man, hers was the face of angels
>Shit she is actually speaking to me
>”Hi, I'm M”
>Spend some time talking to M, suddenly parties don't seem so shitty
>Realize that she came with her friends but prefered to hangout with me
>Fuck this can't be real, I can't be this lucky
>Eventually she leaves with her friends, but gives me her number first
>”I had fun user, let's go out sometime”
>Fuck yeah you bet
>”Sure, sounds fun”
>Time goes by, M and I start hanging out alot
>After a few months man up and confess to her
>”I feel the same way about you user”
>This is the happiest moment of my entire pathetic life
>We are now an official couple
>She is perfect, no matter how much of a piece of shit I am she stays by my side, helping me become a better me

Part 2

>Time goes on, we have been together for like six months
>Go to party
>Decide to lose virginity on that very night
>We get a bit drunk, and a bit high
>Then ask a friend of mine to get us a room
>10 mintes later M and I are alone
>I'm staring at her beautiful brown eyes
>I love her, I seriously cannot imagine my life without her, she's my whole world, I exist only for her
>”I love you M”
>”I love you too user”
>Just hearing her say that got my dick diamond hard
>Start undressing
>She takes the panties off and underneat is a dick
>”You didn't really think a girl would ever fall in love with you user, did you?”
>”No of course you didn't, you're a smart guy user, you know you are a piece of shit with nothing going for him”
>”Now come here and fuck me, you know you want to, I'm your only hope of ever finding something similar to love after all”
>I'm really confused and don't know what to do
>I spent months, FUCKING MONTHS, opening up to this girl, telling her everything, I gave her all I had. And it turns out to be a fucking trap
>I feel betrayed beyond words
>I wanna leave, want to escape somewhere far away
>This is why I fucking isolate myself, you trust people just a little and they will inevitably use you and fuck you over
>But just as I reach for the door I realise that she, no, he is rigth, no woman will ever love me and if I leave now I will live my entire life alone
>So I turn back and fuck M
>I fuck him as hard as I can
>And as I start to cry, I come to terms with the fact that I'll never be truly happy
>”Oh yeah user, keep fucking me hard”
>Hearing him makes me want to die, he won, I'm too weak to go on alone
>I cum, get dressed and leave
>As I leave I hear it one last time
>”I love you user”
>And here I though she meant it, turns out he was just mocking me
>Wake up
>Stare at the nothingness
>Cry like a kid

user fucked a trap and felt bad about it.