You have been fighting for years in the hellhole of trench warfare, surviving gas attacks, living among decomposing bodies crawling with rats, took cover from endless artillery bargarges and now you look over and see the enemy has a supersoldier bearing down on you, you pick up your rifle and stand your ground, ready to fight to the death to protect the few friends you have left.
They were right, this does take COURAGE
You have been fighting for years in the hellhole of trench warfare, surviving gas attacks...
Other urls found in this thread:
Would the bullet have had any effect if it was filled with Zyklon-B?
>magical jew approaches
>it has a sword
>it is impervious to bullets
What do
>Doctor Strange comes out
>second trailer of WW comes out too
>more threads about the trailer
Why does DC win so easily bros?
Throw some coins on the ground to distract her.
unleash the japs
let her take my bp
The CGI needs to be improved
what ps2 game is this
>World War 1 is saved by an Amazon Jewess and an American
>The British will be portrayed as cowardly and losing to the Nazis
Yes it was very noticeably sub par in this trailer.
along with the cast, plot and everything else.
>>The British will be portrayed as cowardly and losing to the Nazis
So historically accurate?
as well as this
Still better than Civil War though
This would be awful even with good CG
We held the line whilst the USA dithered and watched thousands die
comic books and super heroes are for ten year olds
It's kind of strange to see a superhero trying to save the world by killing drafted soldiers. It's not that I don't appreciate seeing a different setting than le ebul nazis, but you have to admit it's an entirely different thing to hunt down Einsatzgruppen in WW2 and slaughtering farmers and factory workers in WW1.
WW1 wasn't a good vs. evil war like you might spin WW2 to be. The only reason she's on the British side at all is because they found her first.
>cucked in Wonder Woman
>cucked in Dunkirk
>Brexit not happening
How could a single country get so cucked in so little time?
because they're spending a ton of money on it. Or you think wired, gizmodo, and the likes share the trailer saying "IT LOOKS AMAZING!" because they honestly think so, and for free?
I'm hyped desu.
I want to see WW hack through countless g*rms.
But you guys told me the studios didn't pay website for positive reception (or negative for the competition)?
Medal of Honor something or other.
This movie is about ze evil Germans, don't fool yourself.
Shut up goy.
>You have been fighting for years in the hellhole of trench warfare, surviving gas attacks, living among decomposing bodies crawling with rats
This is actually not true, soldiers spent about one week a month in the trenches.
>blocks it
>wouldn't have hit her anyway
>b-but muh hell on earth ;_;
>muh ww1 neurosis video
Mate it was a lot longer than that rotation got fucked up very quickly especially for the French.
Does she even need to block bullets?
I mean she is almost as powerful as superman. Bullets shouldn't do anything to her.
Wrong, dumbfuck. The French had the best rotation system in the war, better than the British even.
Thats not even CG
ITT misogynists
Dr Strange you are doing hundreds of thousands of dollars at the box office
Warner, OH WAIT
Detective Comics Comics I'm here to bargain!
I think we broke the shills, please calm down
Think you mean reviews user.
Studios do pay websites for advertising though.
Very interesting points