Game of Thrones s7 spoiler

Game of Thrones s7 spoiler.

In the season, we will find out that Rhaegar Targaryen did not die by Robert's hand. We will find out earlier in the season how rubies and glamours work, and in fact Rhaegar swapped himself with someone before the battle and managed to escape. His body was never recovered. Until now. Once the viewer has all the knowledge of the rubies and the back story, in the final ep, we will have a flashback of Rhaegar boarding a ship to Essos, the Targaryen theme will play over this scene and will build up and up until it cuts directly to a close-up of Jaqen. Just like the Jon/ToJ reveal in season 6. Arya looked a lot like Lyanna, which is why Jaqen took such a liking to her.

If this fucking happens, I am dropping this shit, even though I invested numerous hours both in books and in tv-series

Why? This is fucking awesome.

Because he is fucking dead and he should stay dead. They should bring Danny's brother storyline in the series, not this shit.

Rhaegar is not dead.

Mark my words. This will happen.

Fucking D&D.
They fucked up Jamie so bad in the last season...
And all that strong women shit... Jesus fucking Christ

this sounds so retarded
right up D&D's alley

I think it's fucking fantastic.

Also note the white streak in Jaqen's hair, this is Rhaegar's hair slightly coming through as he's been like this for so long.

Should of shown aegon taking over the storm lands already, but I'd watch this shit show.

Which Jaqen? You realise that there is more than one.

Aegon is completely cut, D&D wanted to include some kind of Aegon story-line but just couldn't fit it in. Instead they are bundling in Gendry who has Robert's warhammer now. He'll take the Stormlands.

This is where it gets murky, D&D have said that they didn't handle the faceless storylines well enough, and they understand it's confusing. They will wing it with "the original Jaqen from s2, and screw everything else." They can't come up with another way to explain it to the viewer.

fucking cucks
And when the fuck will that fat fuck release new book?

nope, mance rayder is either rhaegar or arthur dayne

hi r/gameofthrones

Mance is Rhaegar in the books, D&D fucked up and killed him off, so they are going with Jaqen in the show. They knew they always had to do the glamour reveal, but they thought Mance wouldn't be a great character to do it with.


There's a lot of evidence that points to Mance being Rhaegar.

What would be the point?

>hey guys im totally rhaegar targaryen and btw i didnt die and i joined the faceless life xD
>nobody believes him since he admits to being a faceless man

if this were true then there really is no point for Jon as a character.

the whole Targaryen plotline is all about choosing between the 3, choose Dany, the clearest Tararyen of them all but is fucking stupid af, choose Aegon, with good will and promises but is sketchy, or choose Jon, the bastard with no proof.

in the show its just Dany and Jon and its about either The one Targaryen who wants to take over everything or the bastard who wants no part of the throne but is the rightful heir.

tldr, got, especially the tv show isnt meant to be complicted, not every character has a complex mystery surrounding him/her

Not every character. But this one does :)

Never bro. He is too busy eating McGriddles and reveling in the nerd demigod status his narcissistic ass has sought for decades.

Maybe one of his lackeys will finish the series once he slumps over dead after getting his cock sucked by some pink haired cross eyed millenial whore.

Oh shit, it all makes sense now

Aegon is not Dany's brother. Danys father was the mad king

dragon rhaegar = jaqen rHAeGAR

Aside from being bad ass musicians what suggests mance being rhaegar? Please someone enlighten me on this

user google "jeremys tech talk rhaegars song of ice and fire" and another by the same guy: "10 Reasons Rhaegar is Not Dead"

Read the season 7 spoilers which have pretty much been confirmed by set photos. This season is going to be beyond terrible.

ASOIAF should have stuck to a trilogy, ending with the defeat of the north and the decision of Jon to stay in the Night's Watch, while the Others begin their invasion. End. There is no way to have better dealt with the situation, and then GRRM could have written several short stories or other series dealing with early times

>There is no way to have better dealt with the situation
What an unbelievably retarded statement user.

that's stupid. why would rhaegar run before the battle began and abandon his wife, lover and family?

rhaegar thought he was going to win.

he only lost because he got seperated from his body guards.

it's not like he was facing an overwhelming force.

why would he run and give up almost everything except his life for a battle that he would have had a roughly 50% chance of winning?

Ask D&D.

Stay mad, this is awesome and I hope they do it.


>And when the fuck will that fat fuck release new book?

Never, he will die and theb the editors are going to call Kevin J. Anderson and we will have the ending in a week, and a whole new trilogy by the end of the quarter.

I will rather then wait another 20 years until that fat fuck finally release book, if he doesn't die before...

I am starting to regret all that time that I have invested in reading books and watching D&D's liberal shit

I like the idea of him not being dead, but I just don't see it fitting his personality. I don't think he would just run away from his beloved wife for a kingdom he swore to protect for that long.

I would like to see a mini series where he tries to hold the kingdom together while dealing with his troublesome and insane dad.

Why hasn't this thread been deleted? You redditors already have a fucking general.

>[citation needed]


Redditors have their general, 4channers have the occasional on-topic thread. You would know this if you weren't spending all your time on reddit, redditor.

Dude weak. I liked THE IDEA of Rhaegar, I don't actually want to meet him.

get prepared user

Are you an internet troll

You can believe what you want dude, this will happen.

>Arya looked a lot like Lyanna,
Quasimodo looks like a noted beauty? I think not.

He never will unfortunately he doesn't give a fuck and is fine with the hacks D&D finishing his legacy.

And then it is revealed that of thrones between kings and queens is actually a giant death ritual/sacrifice to the great Nul'Zath, eater of men and slayer of pussy.

I've always felt Raydar was Rhaegar at the least he was Arthur Dayne. But Rhaegar being Jaqen would be awesome.
This is first I'm hearing about this theory OP, cheers.

Just read a convincing detailed theory.

>Arya looked a lot like Lyanna, which is why Jaqen took such a liking to her.

Arya looks like Quasi? The fuck you say.

So that means that Jaqen also appears in season 7? Please dear seven gods, make this happen.

No there isn't, we know where Mance came from, he was more or less raised by the Night's Watch, and a big part of his character is him being a first man rather than a valyrian like Rhaegar was.

The 'Jaqen H'ghar' form Westeros S2, he also appeared in season 6 and declaring that Arya is no one.

God i'm really happy to see Jaqen in season 7.

>implying GRRM has ever had his dick sucked

Hes the beta of all liberal betas. He probably pays hookers to fuck other men in front of him

>thinks women can fuck men
>saying someone else is a cuck

It appears that Arya and Jaqen like each other. Will they become lovers?

How do you know he was in season 6?

Calling it now Varys is Rhaegar using a glamour

After the old nigger (who used Jaqen's face) died, the real Jaqen H'ghar returned to Braavos to train his friend and pupil Arya personally.

S6 Jaqen treats Arya very good and kinda warm.

I highly doubt he's rhaegar but I do suspect he is a castrated Targaryen from Lys who the mad king took in as he was kin from one of the previous exiled targaryens and not a threat as he couldn't reproduce.

He's working towards the brightflame / Blackfyre agenda.

at least the agenda was one of his eggs in a put away basket.

A man does know, not harder than taking any name if you know the way.

No. That sissy boy Rhaegar got his chest caved in by Robert.

That was a glamoured person wearing Rhaegars armour. It's already happened in the series of people wearing the armour of the dead to take that persons stead on the battlefield.

And rubies are used to glamour the identity of people. Mel uses a glamour via ruby to make herself appear young, she glamoured the lord of bones to appear as mance to die in mances place while mance went back to winterfell for fake arya.

Rhaegars armour had rubies in it, and the place he died was named ruby ford or something.

Or my other theory about Euron and Varys being the same person.

>Varys is often joked about being half mermaid
>There is a Greyjoy legend about the founder marrying and mermaid
>Varys uses the practice of cutting out his Little Bird's tongues, what happens to these birds when they get older? I suspect Varys promotes them to sailors on his ship The Silence
>Varys claims to hate magic but this could be a ruse while Euron loves using it
>Varys could have well established Essos contacts who could've procured him a dragon egg so that he could pay The Faceless Men to take out Balon prior to his arrival so that the Kingsmoot could be set in motion
>Varys is only seen once in AFFC and vanishes quickly but not before reappearing to kill off a Lannister in ADWD's epilogue

Oh I know the backlore.

I'm saying this theory is retarded and that faggot boy Rhaegar got his chest caved in by based Bobby B.

Man after all the leaks, s7 looks like it's going to be total dogshit, where do D&D get these terrible ideas, from fucking fan theories off the Internet or some shit.


I've always felt Mance was Rhaegar until tonights OP was the first I've heard of the Jaqen theory. I found a detailed jaqen theory that convinced me even more so.

With lots of comparisons to aragorn / strider etc.

I'm liking this theory more and more.

Might as well turn it into a bdsm relation or something

>Arya looked a lot like Lyanna, which is why Jaqen took such a liking to her.

he had shit taste for women

This is the first I'm hearing of the Varys Euron theory. I'll be definately looking into it further. Cheers m8.

Glad I've come to this thread tonight. Euron / Varys theory + Jaqen theory to look into.

Except Rhaegar Targaryen was a very Prophecy-Honorable person who wouldn't use such guile to survive when he honestly believed he would win. Unless you have actual proof to back this backwater theory up, I'm calling bullshit on it, despite how much it sounds like something D&D would do.

Rhaegar's death is SO iconic and changed so much around the realm, that making it moot would be a horrible way to piss on everything.

I've posted the theory before in GOT but people always assumed I was pretty tinfoil. Not to mention how eager Varys is pushing for Targs or Blackfyres, whatever the hell you want to call them back on the throne while in his Euron persona he's pushing for his house to be unioned with them. VERY strange when you look into it.

God I hope so

Me too, they are just made for each other.

Care to explain?

I think one of the dabid's actively hates jaime and twists show around making cersei the 'good' twin

fucking hate that shit. she's meant to be the embodiment of the mad king while jaime is on an arthurian redemption tale.

Both the sides of the coin the gods flip when siring Targaryens.

Mad king obviously got up in joannas shit while tyrion who is constantly reminded by his father as being no son of his and while tywin bends the rules to ensure tyrion doesn't take his rightful place at casterly rock is his true and only son.

>i do not find the most beautiful woman of Westeros to be that attractive desu
>i would not tarnish the purity of Arya with brutal sexual acts
this is literally what you said

>Implying there were only two

Also the one that 'told Arya if she was no one was blatantly just some random Jaqen who didn't even know who she was'.

He was asking her if she was the 'no-one' who Faye Marsay plays, because it looked to him like she had put her face back on the shelf without washing it first.

bran will become the ice dragon 'winter'. like drogo is now drogon the ice dragon will be resurrected via brans blood sacrifice from the pool in 'winter' 'fell'. ( the water in the gods wood is magical water thats always ice cold and is the place the last 'winter ( name of the ice dragon ) died.

died and melted

OP is full of shit but we will likely get a Rhaegar flashback. They were casting for a gorgeous white guy in his twenties and we also saw pics of Gendry with Robert's war hammer.

It would be funny if history repeats itself and Gendry kills Jon Snow aka Aemon Targaryen

>inplying there were more than two to wearnthe face of Jaqen

The Jaqen in season 6 is the same Jaqen we know from season 2, because he is treating Arya nice with warmth and also he seems to smile alot.

The fuck are you talking about, he knows by looking at the face that the Waif have failed and Arya have survived and suceed in killing the Waif.

>Gendry kills Jon Snow
Let's be real, that's not gonna happen.

I really hope GRRM makes The Ice Dragon canon in his Westeros stories, a lot of people suspect the two are related but he's always kept hush on whether they are.

I was joking. Gendry joins reunites with Davos and the brotherhood without banners and joins Team Jon

>the real Jaqen

But when the old nigger died Arya turned around and the waif was wearing Haqar's face. So there were multiple waifs too

>implying there never was a Jaqen

Yes, because Jaqen has joined the faceless man. That means he must also share his face with the others.

Let me put it like this, Jaqen donating his face to the faceless man, so every member can use his face (including the waif) The Waif did not gave her face to the cult, so nobody cant use her's.

Y'know for a board that supposedly hates GoT we sure do talk about it a lot

agreed, honestly I hope that we will get three dragon types. the fire wyverns, the colossal ice dragon and the sea dragon thats frozen within the wall.
It would be cool also that when the wall comes down it melts somewhat opposed to fracturing and breaking.
It would be cool if the melting of the wall was used as a defence against the white walkers to try to melt them.

I also think the sea dragon is within the wall due to the folk lore of the scratching you can hear. The story goes either a wildling or watchmen who abandoned the cause tried to dig his way through the wall and when discovered the sealed him within the wall. And his still inside scratching away trying to get out.

It could be the sound of the ice dragon, also sea water was used in the walls construction as they could taste the salt on their tongues when the wall would weep.

What if The Others leader is trapped within the wall? I wouldn't put it past George to make their leader or The Great Other some colossal ice eldritch dragon

that would be cool, so little is known of the great other I wish there was more info and hope more info is given in the winds of winter.

I do hope there's more to the wall than a dividing line. Wether it be a melting defence or a tomb / prison of some sort. I just hope there is more to it.

Apparently there were spells that are woven into it, If I remember correctly coldhands couldn't pass through. Hopefully there is more the to spells than just being a barrier.

oh you sweet summer child

I'm really hoping we get more exposure on The Others in general in Winds, from what George mentions we're going further north than we've ever been before so there's a chance with Davos and Jon's chapters.

they have 13 episodes left. what the fuck are they going to do with a hidden rhaegar?

So I hear everyone talking about how awesome this is. I don't know how to feel about it yet but WHY is it awesome? I feel like you people are just saying it to trigger the naysayers.