America is fucked. If Trump wins these riots continue and get worse during his presidency. If trump loses we get the worst president in history since Obama. Does America need another 9/11 to come together? Maybe we should let Muslim immigrants come here and rape our women and children, then we'll come together.
America is fucked. If Trump wins these riots continue and get worse during his presidency...
Fuck off retard
I can't wait for the spics to riot. Let them show their true colors.
Most of them will eventually go through the 5 stages of grief and fade away
Keep in mind they are lashing out because they have this genocidal maniac picture of Trump painted in their heads and they won't care once that doesn't happen.
They already are. Fucking degenerate thugs
America need a total economic collapse and a great clenching
That is the reason I want Trump to win. I can't wait to see what happens right after he wins. Massive spic chimpout. This is going to be great. The rioting and looting.
>America is fucked. If Trump wins these riots continue and get worse during his presidency.
We'll take them down, we always take them down.
Civil War is among us.
this. im banking on mass riots