>tfw no qt hacker gf
Did Rooney really get pierced? How do you even fake nipple piercings? Also, sequel(s) when?
Tfw no qt hacker gf
>How do you even fake nipple piercings?
This to be quite honest with you all
Also, they don't REALLY have sex in movies, do they??
she looks like she's so done with legos in this pic
She did really get pierced. They gave her clips ons first, but she kept taking them off and using them as LEGO accessories. The shooting of the film must've really impacted her, because usually she's strongly against using illegal builds/3rd party bricks.
I heard they are trying to make a movie based off one of those official fan-fic sequels written by a different author things. Apparently the director of don't breathe may be doing it, no idea if Rooney would do it, especially without Fincher
>She did really get pierced
The absolute madwoman.
>sequel when
Well that sucks. Thanks Sony.
they're trying to get Don't Breathe guy to direct the sequel
eh, could be ok. still wouldn't be Fincherkino tho.
yeah because the fake ones are actually more painful than the real ones and pierce you for real after some time.
>How do you even fake nipple piercing
how did she managed to keep that hairdo in a motorcycle helmet?
Amy strung her along and used her for sex.
she preys on autistic starlets.
the question is whether it is worth watching without based Fincher
I kinda enjoyed that movie.
Did it bomb that hard?
Yes she really got pierced.
>How do you even fake nipple piercings?
It's easy dude there's various methods. Prosthetic nipples, clip-ons, glue-ons..
>fake ones are actually more painful than the real ones and pierce you for real after some time
None of this is true at all.
Anyway props to her for actually going through with it. I had both my nipples pierced 8 or 9 years ago and it was the worst pain I've ever experienced by far. Way worse than tattoos over sensitive areas like the ribs and neck, worse than a torn ligament in your knee, way worse than having your fingernail ripped off. The absolute worst shit ever.
you retards better go watch the swedish version of those movies.
Don't listen to this meatball. Those movies are boring tripe with terribly drab performances. If you want to continue the story that badly read the books. Fuck those shitty movies.
it didn't really "bomb" but it wasn't the big hit they were expecting which was pretty unrealistic to start with.
wew headfirst into that ass like a true patrician
then the actor literally stayed in his room crying about it being "too cruel" and making him feel bad, meanwhile rooney didnt even give a fuck
she said they were fake at first but they actually hurt more so she just got real ones
Rooney sounds like a retarded dinosaur in this scene. David Fincher has no fucking clue how to direct actors.
>>fake ones are actually more painful than the real ones and pierce you for real after some time
>None of this is true at all.
well that's at least what rooney said in an interview.
She's clearly lying to hide how much of a freak she is.
>David Fincher has no fucking clue how to direct actors
u wot m8? he consistently gets fantastic performances out of his actors. I would argue a lot of them are career best or career defining performances
Fucking lol
Someone please explain the LEGO meme to me? I'll suck your dick.
yeah this is because he's notorious for doing 50+ takes per scene. performances are unimportant to him.
the funny part is that reddit and normies dont get it but the premise is she is autistic and plays with lego, its exaggerated from her being a bit awkward and shy. Basically "just like us"
Holy shit, is she really autistic?
Yeah the American version didn't even need to exist IMO. The swedish trilogy is already perfect.
ill give you the first one but the second and third are bad
>he thought Rooney being autistic was a meme
that guy is the luckiest in the world and he fucking cries about it?