>supposedly has social anxiety
>has no problems getting laid
>supposedly a l33t haxxor
>doesn't watch anime even once
Fucking dropped. That's the last time I ever listen to you faggots. Might as well call this shit Mr. Failed Normie.
Supposedly has social anxiety
*Mr. Cyborg
>supposedly has social anxiety
>has no problems getting laid
And? Social anxiety doesn't mean you can't get laid.
meme robot
user, Sup Forums/tv/ - 2016
Memes aside, this is actually a really terrible show. I know Normies have shit taste, but this is like worse than the usual
>supposedly a god-like programmer
>doesn't crossdress
More like Mr Normie!!!!!
That cat sure loves lasagna!!!!
Season 2 is god-tier tho
what is a prostitute
How does it not? Social anxiety involves high levels of stress during human interaction.
elliot will become agp in season 3
being an anxious autist does not contraindicate getting laid
t. anxious autist
In movies and shows, social anxiety just means special snowflake or troubled past.
They all function perfectly when they need to, and are at least moderately attractive with a normal sex life.
>There's no treatment for social anxiety
>Darlene has more screentime than him in the second seasons
Where did it all go wrong.
Being a retarded Sup Forums poster with a mild case of aspergers is not the same thing as having social anxiety/actual autism.
i've been diagnosed with both irl
elliot is the most realistic autist i've ever seen in any work of fiction in any genre
>Darlene will never peg you
Why even live
The only thing lending any credibility to your claim is how your posts actually radiate autism.
This. I don't think there is an actually accurate of a person with social anxiety in any tv shows
Best comment in this thread.
accurate portrayal*
>ywn take down the capitalist oligarchy for Darlene
feels bad bros
I bet if someone made a series about an angry teenager posting on Sup Forums, you would go here to post about how much you hate it for its inaccuracy.
For reference
>take down
Aren't these dumb fucks making it more powerful than ever?
That doesn't even make any sense.
>implying anyone over the age of 18 watches anime
kill yourself
i scored 24
that definition is right.
although I thought 'cyborg' is one who's both a robot and 'normal'. i'm mainly an introvert but if I have to be around people it's okay and they like my company. i still prefer to be alone though
honestly... how the shit is that possible? I thought that test was giving points away for free.
t. normie
You get like 10 points just by physical even as an ugly fuck.
Who thought giving 3 whole points just for being born normal was a good idea?
121 desu
he starts off as a cyborg and even tries to become a normalfag in one episode but he eventually becomes a robot after the girl dies
Slightly strange. Just barely, though.
meant for
I think I remember this dude being the gay neighbor in a really bad sitcom where a fat ginger played the father and one of the gay geniuses of Malcolm in the Middle played the son.
jesus fuck i need to get my life in order
Anime is for faggots, not l8 hax0rz.
Being a cyborg isn't that bad. I myself fall under "Slightly Strange", mostly because I am perfect physically and mentally, with a couple of accomplishments. I fail at the entire social category, I go outside regularly, socialize a bit, but am a virgin with 0 romantic history and don't really have any friends. Not too bad desu
honestly my favorite series, I think the characters are really well written
keep staying mad because you are even more pathetic than the mc
>Implying there's anything wrong
he had 4chin open in one episode (for like no reason) which is symbolism for all those bad things you listed
Fuck/Marry/Kill/Lick Feet
fucking kill yourself if you think the pretentious retards on /dpt/ fizzbuzzing are good. they're literally cs freshmen generals
>That's the last time I ever listen to you faggots
Sup Forums hates mr. robot, along with everything else. just admit you watched it out of your own volition
Is this real? How the guy can handle the pain?
I couldnt get past 3 episodes. Its really bad and tryhard
76 - Cyborg here
what pain if the nerves simply are not there anymore
Said the fucking normie.
I guess Slightly Strange would make sense, I get along with people pretty well although I'm shy as fuck and terrible at job interviews (not to mention haven't been employed in ages but I'm in school).
underage b&
>in school
Better than being some NEET faggot with no education and stuck in the basement with a superiority complex tbqh
136, i am happy
who said I'm a NEET
I just exist, eat, watch anime, Internet, and sleep. There are no points for that
and I get dubs
Anyone with at least half a brain
Marry,fuck,kill,lick feet i guess
could you stop killing beakfu
Fuck. I am genuinely considering which building in my local city to jump off because I'm so alone and can't proceed any further in my life, so thanks for reminding me.
>Season 2 is god-tier tho
nice pasta
Also, people can have dual personalities, and its easy to do on drugs, especially if it's drugs meant or help with anxiety
t. lifetime anxiety sufferer who's tried everything under the sun, prescription or otherwise, legal or illegal
the tv show even say exactly what is his mental illness?
There are a lot of women that prey on/are attracted to guys with social anxiety. They're usually crazy and get super attached but they're there for you if you're a guy that has trouble with women and you need someone to come on to you strongly
>tfw it's the same as the last digits
>what, you just stole someone else's code? since when were you a scriptkiddie?
>says the autist that guesses email passwords by looking at people's facebook accounts
I'm convinced that Mr Robot has one writer that browses Sup Forums but doesn't tell the other writers where he gets his dumb shit from.
I thought this was easy as fuck and I scored 53.
The social stuff really destroyed me.
he doesn't just guess, he uses John the Ripper
actually, I'm pretty normal, I just hate everyone and have specific interests
he's fucked up
He has schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder
I have anxiety and have gotten laid. Given, it's been years but don't give up. It's overrated anywho.
Scored highest in relationships, good to have friends.
oh were have I heard this before...
People with good genetics will get laid no matter what. Social skills are not mandatory.
>bonus round
Jesus I'm normie as shit.
iam 76 too user
>tfw escaping from being a robot
46. 1 point from the social category.
seems about right
87, checks out im an literal light aspie so i guess thats ok
Could be worse I guess.
Was there an option for low attention span cuz I couldn't bother going half past mental column, was it called mental idk
multiple romantic partners but never even held hands? how does that work?
Is this show Cucked?
Is he a progressive bernfag vigilante who hates corporations and shieet?
I'm genuinely puzzled by this trend.
So many Python programmers either cross dress, or are bi-sexual or have some other abnormal sexuality.
Because anime is garbage. Also tons of normies watch anime.
90, seems legit accuracy
A part of his brain does. When he was a kid his dad sacrificed himself in some way to put an implant of his father's persona into his head and that's the part that hates corporations.
I thought it was a Sup Forums meme.
he's a skizo, he can't even remember half of the stuff he does all the time.
What is up with the end of season 2 ? Is season 3 going to be occultautismo ?
> Cast joey badass known for his interest in the occult
> Frogface wich is said to be capable to influence the world by will>
> another shit i forgot
Seriously wassup?
wow, i'm a chad!