>magical jew kills evil germans in WW1: the movie
Bravo Warner Brothers
Magical jew kills evil germans in WW1: the movie
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For someone skinny as shit, her body is wide.
Get a fucking Greek to play a Greek next time.
Themiscyra was in modern day Turkey.
And what was modern day Turkey before it became modern day Turkey? Flint, Michigan?
Wonder Woman's Themyscira is an island.
is it actually set during ww1?
Wait, why is she killing Germans in WW1?
She's helping an American soldier in France?
turks are a subhuman disease on this planet that needs to be exterminated, just like jews
so this casting is fine
i dont think any side was particularly evil in ww1, they all seemed to be pieces of shit
It was just a treaty clusterfuck.
ethnically greek anatolia boyo, learn about the fucking seljuks, and about mass migrations cucc boi
Better than killing "evil" Nazis
I take this as a victory and a sign we are finally moving forward
Germans were not the bad guys in WW1.
They were not good either. But if anyone were the bad guys it was England.
germany started world war 1 and 2
germany started world 1 and 2, so id say they are objectively evil
We only joined the war because Germany forced us to by attacking Belgium.
>He believes there is such a thing as objectively evil.
>Germany started World War 1
And it had been Greek before the mongoloids came in 1000. Modern day Turks are muslim Greeks for the most part.
And then went about jamming your dicks into the middle-east to ensure the war machine was fueled.
>like father like son
Apparently yanks and ruskies killed more than 10 times the number of kraut prisoners compared to limeys.
I like the idea of stiff upper lip brits treating prisoners with dignity.
I will never not laugh at the term mongoloid, especially in this context.
>Germany started WW2
>Germany started ww1
>he fell for the moral relativism meme
>Belgium is neutral
>attacks German troops peacefully moving through Belgium
>Germans are the bad guys
What are you gonna do if I don't go back you braindead nigger?
>american education
Check my repeating digits
Triggered leftist cucks are actually just encouragement
As an American
>implying the curriculum isn't one day of WW1 and two weeks of WW2 with half of that time just being looking through slides of the holocaust and the other being nonstop memorization of Allied Leader's names and Pearl Harbor videos.
>German Troops moving peacefully through Belgium.
>AKA an invading army trespassing
>He fell for the moral realism meme
In England we spend a year on each and the holocaust is basically treated as a sideplot for a few weeks.
>another thread of "GERMANS DINDU NUFFIN! they are the victims of Europe!"
GERMANS or germans?
In the movie the Krauts won't be the "enemy".
Wonder Woman will learn that the Duke of Deception is fomenting the war and playing all the countries behind the stage and that Dr. Poison is producing all the chemical warfare that is being used in the war. All of this so that they can please Ares, the God of War, and set the stage for WWII.
kinda are tb.h
Holy kek
>Duke of Deception
>Dr. Poison
well yeah but in the same way that hydra "technically" isnt nazi germany in captain america
they still look and act and sound and are basically entirely based around nazis, except for a some glowing doodads or some shit to slightly set them apart
Wait, isn't she Superman tier? Why does she even need to deflect bullets? And can't she just fly right to the German headquarters and end the war?
Or does she start out only sorta powerful and get a power boost at some point?
>germany started world 2
>Wait, isn't she Superman tier?
No, she's pretty strong but not in Superman's league.
>Why does she even need to deflect bullets?
Because they can still pierce her skin and it fucking hurts, bullets are not the same as punches.
>And can't she just fly right to the German headquarters and end the war?
She can't fly, and she has no real grasp of the conflict going since it's his her first time in Man's world, plus there is a scene that seems to foreshadow her trying to kill the Kaiser (in the blue dress with the sword, fucking dumb)
Well it kind of is, they even name drop Hitler
pick one
Insidious. Petty. Presumptuous. Cowardly.
>She can't fly
well she could just use her invisible jet
t. someone who never lived in turkey
She was flying and taking damage way worse than bullets in BvS.
>implying there haven't been lots of Jews who fought for Germany during WWI
fucking retarded
>Hugo Gutmann later known as Henry G. Grant (19 November 1880 – 22 June 1962) was a German-Jewish veteran of World War I who is famously known as one of Adolf Hitler's superior officers during the war, as well as the man responsible for recommending Hitler for the award of the Iron Cross, First Class.
Why was Hitler such an ungrateful dick?
>She was flying
She was jumping.
>and taking damage way worse than bullets in BvS.
She blocked Doomsday's heat vision with her shield and she rolled with all of the two or three punches and kicks she took from him, I already covered this in my post that blunt force is not the same, not to mention she's more experienced in BvS than she is in WW
t. butthurt subhuman
>mfw Moltke told the Kaiser they needed to attack France immediately to win a quick war when for years by that point he had been privately saying France was too strong to be defeated quickly anymore
>mfw Moltke told the Kaiser the railroad schedules were set in stone and couldn't be changed even though Germany had a railroad department staffed by thousands to do exactly that, and after the war when that remark became public, the head of said department (who Moltke hadn't consulted with before making his claim) immediately wrote a thousand page book detailing exactly what he would have done if asked
>mfw Moltke then did everything possible to ensure there wasn't a quick victory over France, including failure to coordinate the armies, sending too many forces to the left instead of the right and sending two corps pointlessly east
The lesson here kids is don't put someone in charge just because his uncle was famous.