When is it okay to hit your daughter?

When is it okay to hit your daughter?
My daughter is 12 and i caught her trying to steal money from my wallet this morning. I gave her 2 bucks and she spat in my face. What should i do Sup Forums?

throw it in trash.
make new baby

pathetic, at least come up with something original...

Smack her across the face. Ground her indefinitely.

Is shitty pasta again


kys sage

Isn't the standard penalty for stealing cutting off someone's hand?

I never hit my kids. I use a point system and give them points for good vehaviors I feel they need to work on. I also talk to them about why we do and dont do certain things. If theyre being huge assholes I take away privilages. Usually leaves them with 2 options. read and or help me get choirs done. If theyre being really really shitty I just send them straight to bed. The last option doesnt happen often but ive used it a few times. They dont need to be hit. That teaches them that hitting is okay. hitting is 99.9% of the time not okay

Put your dick in her

Yeah you should probably hit her if she ever does that again. Maybe try slapping her, not full force, but enough to get the message across. You can't hit her now that it's over, so ground her or whatever, and if she ever tries anything like that, slap her.

b8, but interesting topic regardless.
on a scale from "burped during lunch-time" to "intentionally burning your house down", when would you start to use physical violence / feel the urge to do it?

Leak her nudes

Id slap her straight across her ugly little face. She ruined your life by being born. Now she thinks she san steal from you! slap that bitch

I got spanked when I was a child I'm now a drug addict

"farted during anal"

Not on my dick!


violence can solve any non scientific problem

well, pure pacifism has a high chance to take bottom in any social dynamics, but at least you have a strict system in place to teach them authority-based social dynamics, so I guess they won't be completely lost on the jobmarket.

Kinda okayish of you aim for mediocre.

0/10 shitty copy pasta

Legal option: take everything from her except bed 1 dresser and the ugliest of her clothes; keep wallet on self or in safe

Illegal option: she's gonna lose a couple toes

>get choirs done
nigga, you live in a church?

>to teach them authority-based social dynamics
I hope you don't have children.

what caused this disrespect towards you (i dont mean this case)?

I hit your daughter every night