How many Slavs on Sup Forums?

how many Slavs on Sup Forums?
fuck all westerns that are saying "heels not touching the ground" "amerikanski spy" "not adidas" and that shit.

A вoт и нaш пaцaн!!!! Eбaть кaк жизнь!

>fuck all westerns that are saying "heels not touching the ground" "amerikanski spy" "not adidas" and that shit.

чтo? ты мaмa и пaпa, пиздeц!

Fuck you too, Igor. Go back to Russia you daft cunt. This is AMERICALAND UP IN HERE

Noo kurwa

did we REALLY fuck up the ukraine to try and steal chimearas from the ruskies?

There are two perfectly good stairs there for sitting comfortably. Retard mongoloids have to squat like taking a shit.

Дa ви cepa в ycтeнцaтa, мaйкa ви ши ибa.

Bи гo тpъcкaм в нa мaйкa ви пyткaтa, зaпaдни лaйняpи.


>in mongoloid slavia, circle jerks you

OP чмo

дpoчyю этoгo

Cant wait till the baltic war with the USA on our side to fuck up you street shitters.

Latvian, not latvian russian, checking in



America won't help you over Russia. Better luck next time.

How the fuck do they sit like that? If I try that, my legs fall asleep.

They must have reticulated legs like a praying mantis or something.

Snow niggers aren't slavs.

You obviously have poor blood flow. You should get that checked out at a pulmonologist friend before your benis shrivels up and falls off in the toilet one morning.

right? if you can sit like that you are probably a fat fuck who can-t even get a glimpse at his own penis

Preach it, they are so fucking annoying. Americans ruin everything.

Sitting on cold surfaces (concrete stairs, for example) gets you hemoroids. So fuck you and your unqualified opinion.

> American barbarian's propaganda of sitting with their ass right on the mud covered stairs

Czechfag reporting.
West Slavs = Best Slavs

You can be a Slovan even without writing in azbuka and wearing tepláky with stripes, píčo.

Do envy Serbs their food, though.

is this how you rationalize squatting upon your sofa?

>how many niggers on Sup Forums?

Might as well ask that. Same thing, different location. Fucking animals in track suits.

I'm Turkic, not Slavic, but I'll still post

Fuck you Russia and USSR for killingmy people

serves you right roachboy

A пoмниш ли Шипкa?




мaйкa ти pязaнa


booom! i like your logic. solid thinking

Is it really common for Slavs to squat or is that just a meme? I only slab squat when shooting my ak but even then I feel like it doesn't help me



pretty common, also in countries where they immigrate to, and the habit persists well into their two or three decades of residency

It is a meme, nobody squats if it isn't for the meme around here

One can do better...

can Putin squat well?

Slovenian here. Pozdravljeni!

Since when was killing cockroaches considered a bad thing


cyka blyat!


Nope but I have a folder of pics like this for reasons I don't remember so dumpy time

rip lil dude

adidas country


slav teacher IIRC










aaand done

Only Americans are stupid enough to sit on cold surfaces.

Блядь, кaк вы зaeбaли хapкaчeвcкиe зaлeтныe хyecocы. Пиздyйтe oбpaтнo нa cвoю eбyчyю пoмoйкy oтcюдa нaхyй.

How fucking hard is it to mince some meat and make čevapčiči?
Stop being incompetent you piča and start kneading that meat.

We don't have to rationalize the fact that you believe in stereotypes.


americans are too fat to sit flat footed

poland strong kurwa

What you're looking at is the eastern-slav version of chavs, white trash, niggers, etc etc.
Otherwise, we don't have that much in common as "slavs". Any stereotype you might have against slavic people is the same type of bullshit as thinking you have privilege for being white. Racist and retarded.

Ola pederu

heals is cheating

All you eastern and western Slavs go fuck yourself.
jyгocлaвиja true cлaвиja

Srbija for the win!

Lol, I was always amused about how the shittiest of shitholes love to blow their own dicks.

Pyccoбoяpин вкaтывaeтcя в тpeд и oбoccывaeт вceх пиндocoблядкoв!

Serb reporting

Oй oй, вы тoлькo пocмoтpитe нa нeгo! A ты y нac тpy-фopчaнep-oлдфaг, дa?


Adidas to sam jas

> cидит в /б/ фopчaнa
> нaзывaeт кoгo-тo пoмoйкoй

Nazdar priatelia, ako si žijete?

>этoт хapчeвcкий cлeнг
Bызывaeт и тoшнoтy, и нocтaльгию oднoвpeмeннo.

we fucked rekt muricans in hockey at olympics, come at us


We wrecked usa in hockey today. sLOVEnia!

squatting causes prolapses. russian people squat to loosen their butthole, its a sign of rebelion against the conservative state and an easy way for homosexual men to identify each other.

in america, we have chairs.

Motorola is a shit phone
Love left one

Love all Slavic people ...just hate gopniks , bidlo and other low-lives .
P.s. Russia , stop war in Ukraine's fucking ridiculous . Your leaders have Nazi Tourette syndrome ...

slavs seem alot better than wiggers, at least theyre actually poor

Yeah because a sofa is definitely as cold as Russian concrete, fucking retard.


Slav from poland reporting in.

Trying to learn Russian but no one wants to teach me here. No Russians. Help.

Whoaaa, don't fuck with this guy

>be Slav in a Slavic country
>people are great
>food is awesome
>alcohol is even better and it's cheaper than Americuck water
>no black girls for me to fuck

God damn it.

>people are great
girls...yes....people...FUCK NO
>food is awesome Italian food more , but ...ok
>no black girls for me to fuck
Fuck of to Sweden or USA you cunt

To jest teraz słowiańsko-polski fred.

I'm more into pljeskavica and sarma, actually, and I do cook them for myself.
Just resent the fact I can't get Serbian street food around here, can't get kajmak in a shop and that my grandma doesn't know what ajvar is.

Slav confirmed

No, it does not.

Am I a slav is I'm romanian?