Hitler was a socialist and, to a rather big degree, a leftist

Hitler was a socialist and, to a rather big degree, a leftist.

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


He was a pedophile aswell

How about you prove your point first with some source or any argument because I see none in your post.

you're right. he was.

NATIONAL socialism.

It's called national socialism

, finally the tmblrinas are paying attention

Present this to a modern leftist, please.
I know you're right.

he introduced a big part of germanys social "safetys" also he disarmed the population.
he was a facist leftist populist


really makes you think

Prove it.

Burden of proof fallacy.

He also like to have sex with corpses while drinking Jewish grandmother blood.

Damn he looks pretty good with a beard

And yes he was. But not a marxiste jewish cunt.

Well, he was. I thought this was a common knowledge? Or do the Sup Forums conservacucks think that he was some right-wing hero who hated leftists?

>Gets rid of the marxist party

Whew lad

Socialists and communists were the first to be rounded up and imprisoned after Hitler rose to power.

hell no, he sacked all socialist trash who wanted to employ unionist and protectionist measures after coming into power.

In terms of government authority, yes.

Both want a strong central government to control certain aspects of society, with censorship to silence dissenters. People often idolize Hitler, but they often forget that fascism is not a great form of government. You can talk all you want about how he championed German nationalism, but it just wasn't worth the cost to society as a whole.

It's hard to place NS on the political spectrum because it combines elements of more than one ideology. That's why it's generally referred to as Third Position.

>Prove me wrong
Savaged, Raptored, Hidden

He pretended to be socialist to draw in more voters

Although to be accurate, he didn't really care about the economy.

Sure, for example this quote from his speech on 8. September 1934:

>"Wir wollen einst keine Klassen und Stände mehr sehen, und ihr dürft sie in euch schon nicht erst groß werden lassen! "

> "We do not want to see class and status differences anymore, and so you must not allow yourselves to nurture attitudes that promote them."

He was. National socialism is socialism, but it just not Marxist socialism; it is the mirror image of communism, not it's opposite.

He also ate his boogers.

Really makes you think huh

Source: en.metapedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_Speech_-_Youth_Address_Sept_8,_1934

Of course, he removed all the filth first.


They matter but way less

>old socialism
people has obligations to the state, because the state is inseparable from the people
>new socialism
the state has to pay people shit because i have feelings but not principles

absolutely degenerate

Disarming everyone wasn't a bad idea at the time, given that there were armed conflicts between lefties and normal people even in small towns.

Th nazis openly fought with the socialists in the years leading up to WW2. There were three main groups fighting for power: the socialists, the nationalists, and the business community (industrialists).

One of the original founders of the nazi party was an ardent socialist. However as the Nazi party began to expand power (at this point they had basically eradicated any opposition with the nationalist faction), Hitler came in and basically trampled all over the original creators of the nazi party (he gained power due to his oratory skills, and his ability to raise funds) especially the one guy who was truly socialist. After that point, socialism was just used for advertising purposes.

Hitler never dropped the "socialist" part of the "national socialism", and went so far as to agree to write several socialist principles into the nazi "constitution". However these principles were NEVER enforced, and hitler absolutely loathed the communists and socialists. This whole time, his brownshirts (nazi grunts that were his 'army' before he took over the real army) were constantly fighting other, real, socialist groups in the streets. The real socialists were the primary enemy, and were one of the last groups that had to be defeated in german parliament before hitler took total power.

At the same time that hitler was playing up the socialism card, he was also making deals with the business community to play down fears of a socialist take over (he needed funding from the industrialists). He assured them that the 'socialism' aspect of nazism was basically all just a charade to draw in people from the other side.

At the end of the day, hitler ended up screwed over the socialists AND the business community. While he left the "socialist principles" in the constitution (even til the very end), he never enforced them, at all. At the same time, he did exactly what the industrialists feared, which was to take control of all industry.

Only cuckbertarians and ancaps consider the Nazis "leftwing" and that's because they want to abolish "all" government

>he introduced a big part of germanys social "safetys"
most of that was introduced during the wiemar

>he disarmed the population.
myth, he actually relaxed gun control for germans

well, that would be leftist if hitler intended it to be an end rather than a means to an end. national socialism was about creating a "new order", at least in theory, so the class divisions of the past were indeed considered counterproductive, however they didn't reject the idea of hierarchy, quite the opposite they took it to a scientific and biological materialist degree.


He used the Jewish model of Socialism and simply turned it against them. Really it was Socialism that gives government's the power to become tyrannical. Social democracy is similar, anyone opposed to it is swept under the rug or even ostracized, they fill positions of power with fellow Social democrats, then they collectively pass legislation that is designed to never be rolled back, Really it is authoritarian at heart simply because it fails to realize that by shutting down nationalist participation creates a recipe for civil war.

Quite sad really.

Contrary to the name of his ideology, Germany's economics were not socialist. They weren't right wing, but they weren't left wing either.

Why would we disagree?

lol nice try faggot, everyone know's Nazi's where Socialist's, they where Nationalist's however, rather than internationalist cuck's, or regional communist's. The latter two being Jewish in origin, regional communist's broke away, and do not serve the Jewish new world order.



However i may add, imho all forms of Socialism are a vile plague, cancer on the world. Islam is theocratic in nature, which is a archaic form of colectivism and Socialism, i see them all as control freaks. Im no ancap, im more libertarian, but i in no way have a warped vision on nation states, i feel as if the states within the union should have open border's, however our national border should be secured, it's one of the basic responsibilities of a nation state, yet ours is too pc and left wing internationalist to close the border's this goes for the EU aswell.

Why would I prove you wrong when I agree with you?

Hitler did a couple things wrong.

The industry wasn't socialised (at least, no more than most other European nations). Their corporate fascism would tell the industry what to produce when they needed to, but leave them to their own business the rest of the time (as long as it didn't conflict with the state). This isn't full socialism, though I admit it's closer to socialism than capitalism

Bernie is a Jewish internationalist Socialist the complete opposite of Hitler.

No shit.

>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”
-- Adolf Hitler 1938

>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)

Basically Hiyler lied like all Socialist's he promised the preservation of private property, the sovereignty of business, however that all went out the window as they nationalized (aka Socialized) whatever business/industry the desired on a ad hoc basis.

An economy can be rebuilt, destroyed or created. But a nation bound by blood and soil can only be destroyed.

Beady eyed

He's the only jew speaking out against the international banking jew too, like Jesus.

Checkmate, Hillary.

>Hitler was a national corporatist
>Op thinks thats the same as socialism

Hitler used the ideas of Socialism to get ahead m8
all he really wanted to do was gas the Jews

>Soon the Jew became the leader of the battle against himself. I am speaking figuratively when I say “against himself” because the “great master of lies” always succeeds in making himself seem innocent and throwing the blame on others. Since he had the audacity to lead the masses himself, it never occurred to the people that this could be the most legendary fraud of all time...

>Without being aware of it, the laborer is put to work for the very power that he believes he is fighting against. He is led to believe he is acting against capitalism, and therefore he is easily made to fight for capitalism. The cry is heard against international capital, but the real target is the national economy. The current economy must be destroyed so that the international stock exchange can replace it on the corpse-strewn battlefield, with Jewish financial world interests.

>To achieve his goal, the Jew proceeds as follows: he creeps up on the workers in order to win their confidence, pretending to have compassion for their poverty and circumstances or even anger at their miserable lot in life. He is careful to study all the real or even their imagined problems. Then he arouses the desire for change. With infinite shrewdness, he stirs up the urge for (((SOCIAL JUSTICE))), an innate desire that is sleeping within every Aryan. Once the fire is burning, the Jew turns it into hatred toward those more fortunate and puts the stamp of a very special World-Concept on the battle; he builds a philosophy designed to correct social injustice. He founds the Marxist doctrine.

Im a Trump supporter, i simply hope Trump is playing the Jews to get into power.

While Fascism unquestionably has it's roots in Leftism, Hitler was kind of his own crazy thing, certainly he embraced many of the simple-minded concepts of the left, he also embraced many ornamental right wing ideas. He basically followed ' the rule of cool' he was the JJ Abrams of dictators.

Trump is my 2nd choice, but he made me want to throw up in my mouth with how he sucks Israeli cocks.

At least Bernie calls them out as fascists, and condemns their siege of Gaza. He also supports a Palestinian State.

Bernie is a Socialist that wants to spend spend spend, how is he going to combat the Jew when he is one, and ontop of that he need's the precious fiat currency from the banks to spend, he will work closely with them. Only a fool thinks Bernie isn't anything but a Socialist Trap.

>The National Government will regard it as their first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. They will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built up. They regard Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life. They are determined, without regard for class or social status, to restore the nation to a consciousness of its political and national unity and of the duties consequent upon this realisation. They intend to make respect for our glorious past and pride in our ancient traditions the ground principles for the education of German youth. In this way they will wage a pitiless war upon spiritual, political, and cultural Nihilism. Germany must not, Germany shall not go under in the chaos of Communism.

We all know that he was left-leaning when it comes to economics but he is far from being any kind of progressive or typical leftist in social issues.

And even in economics he was just a little bit to the left. But it is true that he is not right wing but is the complete opposite of libertarian.

nation socialism has nothing to do whit the left and socialism.

>It is [the Jewish-controlled political press] which attacks anything that might support national independence, cultural values, and economic self-reliance using an absolutely fanatical war of slander. It pounds away with particular hostility at all those honorable characters who will not bend to the Jewish assumption that they should be dominated, or at those whose naturally inspired ability could threaten the Jew.

Im not such a cuck that i would start defending the Palestinians if they want their land let them fight. I dont understand how you can trust a guy that wants to ban any guns, that tells me your not serious about liberty, just another Socialist cuck.

Breaking up the big banks is a good start.
Eliminating tax havens while having control of the IRS, FBI, and US military while arresting tax dodgers and criminals on Wall Street, and seizing their wealth to pay our trillion dollars debt to China is an excellent 2nd step.

>In order to be hated by the Jew, it is not necessary to challenge him. The mere suspicion that a man might someday stumble on the idea of opposition, or because of his superior genius, he might add to the strength and greatness of a nation which the Jew finds hostile, is enough for the Jew to act against him.

True right wing would promote free economics with basic anti-monopoly laws that are enforced, Hitler's Socialism, and Jewish Socialism are far from that.

>The Jew has a reliable instinct in such matters which will always sense the innermost thoughts of those he deals with. His hostility toward anyone who does not share his thoughts, anyone he does not consider a kindred spirit, will flare, and they will be judged as his enemy. Since the Jew is not the victim but the aggressor, he sees his enemy not only in the man who attacks, but also in any man who is capable of resisting him. The methods that he attempts to use to break down such bold, but respectable souls are not the methods one would consider part of honorable battle. His choice of weapons are lying and slander.
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

The only banks he would succed in breaking up are the weaker ones, the big predatory banks will simply leave and take their wealth with them. He is a control freak, as if more controls will fix this mess, also dont forget the guy wants to ban guns, not all but some, that's still too far in my book.

fuck off

Socialism is only okay in a nation of racial and ideological hegemony.

>Do you want to pay taxes so this person that disagrees with you in every way can go to college for free? You have no shared or universal goal plus they hate you.

>Do you want to pay taxes so this person that you have everything in common with can go to college for free? You share a universal goal and they see you as a brother.

That's just my opinion.

>They weren't right wing, but they weren't left wing either.
Economically, they were an anti-wall street version of FDR's "New Deal", Politically and culturally, they were extremely conservative, perhaps even fundamentalist in the sense that they wanted to erase the entire experience of the modern era in many respects, culturally at least, and return to a Germany from several centuries prior. In some cases, a pre-Roman Germany.

>How Hitler Consolidated Power and Launched a Social Revolution by Leon Degrelle

A national socialist with the might of the US military behind him, could withdraw gold from any reserve on earth.

You have to think 4th dimensionally.
It's how Hitler almost won.

Oyyyy oyy, me mama, this happened to my mother. THey drank her blood in front of us in the death camp after they burned her alive in their industrial ovens. *od is great for allowing the race to survive the Shoah.

actually the Nazis established a lot of cartels or "Reichsvereinigungen" (RVs), and used those to control the economy, so a good word to describe that would be syndicalism.
However the war kinda changed that.

So now Bernie is a national Socialist, which i dont believe for a second as the borders will be wide open, and he is going to use the military to threaten Goldman sachs ect.

You really dont understand the kind of Socialist this guy is do you? kek If anything he is more like the left of Greece, talks big but when his fellow Jewish bankers pull the rug out from under him he will capitulate just like them kek.

Hitler unlike Bernie, would and never did capitulate, like some cucks.

Quite frankly if your going to disregard his gun policy then that tells me you will trade liberty for handouts and security, you deserve nothing if that's the case.


It just shows why the left/right way of discussing politics is stupid.

If anything its more about nationalist vs globalist.

this guy gets it, Bernie would be globalist for sure

Hitler banned guns.

Bringing up the gun bullshit is taking away from him fighting the banking jew, which Trump in no ways has indicated he will do. In fact he is being investigated for jewry as I type this.

It is possible to have national socialism in America, even with open borders, so long as those who come here are indoctrinated with American socialist values. Unity isn't as big of a problem in America when the economy is booming. Hitler proved the banking Jews are irrelevant when a nation unites to undermine them. It would be even easier in America than in Germany, because we are both the largest market, and one of the largest producers.

If we formed a union with the spics(who already hate jews) and our Hat, we could crush international jewry within a few generations.

>Hitler banned guns.
Nope, he didn't, for the 6 gorillionth time.


socialism only works under dictators

>It is possible to have national socialism in America, even with open borders, so long as those who come here are indoctrinated with American socialist values. Unity isn't as big of a problem in America when the economy is booming.

If you're gonna let a country flood in with people from around the world with different heritages culturals and religions how on earth is that National Socialism? Which is the the truth that a country/people is created and sustained by a common spiritual and heritage legacy. a Nation function best when its homogeneous and filled up with ever culture you can find what from the world.
And going against this truth will only destroy you like it's doing right the now, and it angers me that you are promoting it under the idea of a booming economy, when the people that will come are those that would happily work for 3/4 or less of the salary an average american would get.

correct answer

why are Americans so reluctant to understand this? Its the same with Steven Crowder, you would think they could do some basic research before spouting something like that
Is it because it serves as a prime example for "muh ebul big gobbernment coming to take our guunz"?

Crowder is so bluepilled it's painful, and he really thinks that he's on the cutting edge of the right.

>why are Americans so reluctant to understand this?..""muh ebul big gobbernment coming to take our guunz"?
Yes. It's a product of the tactical political rhetoric of our two parties. We believe this dumb shit because we've been heavily propagandized for the last 70 years on about a handful of specific myths:
>Hitler was a communist muslim atheist faggot satanist
Both our left and right wing politicians spread these same myths, bluepilling everyone in the process. Ayn Rand helps solidify alot of this crap. I've even heard Molyneux -- for as critical of a thinker as he often is -- repeat similar nonsense like he swallowed certain bluepills and never looked back.


Can anyone recommend a book on this?

Mein Kampf.


See also:


NUH UH!! He was an American capitalist christian theocrat!!

I'm not going to try to prove what's true wrong. Only Sup Forums is so fucking stupid they think that National Socialism actually means American Capitalism.

>He was an American capitalist christian theocrat
Hardly American. We can't even make Christianity the official state religion.

They called their position third way for a reason because they thought they were too special to be placed on the traditional left-right political spectrum, taking elements from both sides that they liked.

Socialism was the trend of the day. He just made it a national movement and not an international one.

Either way Socialism does no work, and only children and idiots thing otherwise.

Thanks for the pastebin link, user.

I actually just started MK yesterday.

This is true, the Germans were not pure Socialists. But then Americans aren't pure capitalists. They're still capitalists.

>we are socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic system for the exploitation of the economically weak
what did he mean by this?

Its amazing how afraid of NatSoc everyone is on this board. They are desperate to make sure no one investigates it. Just look at all the horrible names anons will call you if you do!