Is there a worse case of Deus Ex Machina than this?
Is there a worse case of Deus Ex Machina than this?
Have you seen Game of Thrones? At least LotR explains where the ghosts come from
>Character has a problem
>Character goes out to find a solution to the problem
>He finds a solution, and utilizes it to solve the problem
>Deus Ex Machina
there's that term again
>goes out to find a solution
More like he stumbled upon it going to the problem, where as we see later the problem was overwhelmingly impossible to deal with.
>More like he stumbled upon it going to the problem
Did you pay any attention at all?
it's not Deus Ex Machina though; it serves a thematic purpose
Is there a worse case of retardation than yours?
Literally this.
And? Did you need them to bring up the ghost army 7 or 8 times across the course of the movies? Would it have been okay if it had been 'foreshadowed'?
I bet you forgot Elrond told him to go in there didn't you
It's supposed to mirror Russia and how they failed in WWI but made up for it in WWII with zerg rush.
>Have you seen Game of Thrones?
No, I don't go to reddit.
You are all clinically retarded.
The ghosts pop out of nowhere, kill the threat and vanish. They were never enstablished before RotK or even mentioned before Elrond arrives at Theoden's camp.
Literally hang youselves, mongoloids.
That's the LITERAL definition of deus ex machina by the way, if you too ignorant for basic movie terminology why are you even here?
The people could have been brought up at the very beginning, detailing how the last bastion of man and elf wasn't at its full strength because of some pussies.
Seriously though I've thought about this and it's fine, as people have said it has a purpose and was set up fairly well (would have been better if they went looking for it instead of happening to camp outside but whatever), and it doesn't render the battle pointless because they clearly show that even with Rohan's help the best Gondor could do was hold the line, it took everything they had just to survive long enough for the ghosts to get there, so overall it makes sense and works dramatically.
It was a good deus ex machine though
>could have
Oh shut the fuck up you turbo autist.
Can I be excused from this thread? The OP is a literal retard.
no, it does serve a thematic purpose; that Aragorn, being the rightful heir of Gondor and fighting for the morally superior side, has the ability to call for aid from an immensely powerful being. You could look at is as allegory for Christians having God on their side, and no matter how strong, deceitful, powerful, or relentless the enemy is there is no chance of defeat.
You can say that's stupid or that you don't agree with it, but it's not a Deus Ex Machina
The exact moment the LotR trilogy jumped the shark, tbqh.
>those terrible after school special Le Goosbumps spoop effects
No you have to stay
I wish it had been Aragorn and his boys.
You are retarded.
Where's the guro shop?
This balding bitch right here, ruined the whole series
OP you're retarded and also hella buttmad.
I'm glad your dumbass thread got torn such a new asshole that you felt the need to write such an insanely triggered response on this welsh sheep exchange forum.
Wesker took her powers away though
>act retarded
>get told
>ahah u mad xD
Sup Forums was better bfore redditors arrived
OP would rather they had an 8 month long siege sequence where each army slowly maneuvers around the other and whittles them down using tactics, ending in the last 100 men of each army awkwardly slashing at each other in the dirt.
Me too man, me too
Keep bumping.
How embarrassing.
I think it was Gandalf who said "take the road under the mountain...look to the black ships" or something like that. But that was also in ROTK.
the way it is framed in the movie in terms of plot presents it as a deus ex machina. i would presume the way it's presented in the book gives it more of a plausible grounding in lore.
The eagles give them a run for their money.
Umm that's not it at all... Aragon is bringing dignity back to the race of men... That's why it makes thematic sense for him to win the battle by freeing men from the curse that their cowardice resulted in.
What are you referring to?
cool, even better and less far fetched
I was just trying to come up with something off the top of my head. This is a lot better
Not even the worst one from that film:
In the books they don't take part in the battle at all.
It was Hackson that had le glowing green ghosts take part in the battle.
In the book they don't even go to the Fields of Pelennor
the eagles are the real one in lotr
In the books, Malbeth the Seer tells Aragorn that he had a vision that the Grey Men would serve once more, and directs him to the Path of the Dead to raise the army.
HOWEVER, they don't go to Minas Tirith, the ghosts are only there to fight the corsairs on the coast.
In the books it's not ghosts, it's a bunch of black guys.
In the books it's not eagles, it's a bunch of black guys.
They're called Easterlings user
The ghosts kind of fight only the men of Harad and the corsairs from Umbar, I think they basically just scared everyone away from the battle
Then Aragorn got all the men from the coast and fought at Minas Tirith
Orcs and men of umbar are obv Muslims
Sauron is the Osman Sultan and Middle Earth is christian Europe
Oh fuck it.
Men = Kievian Rus
Orcs = Mongols
>you will never enjoy hero movies again now when internet teaches you everythings a fraud with deus ex machinas mary sues racial whatevers fucking politics and other bullshit
and before you even get rude in the reply go fuck yourself and dont comment anything, just walk away
>He takes opinions on Sup Forums seriously
Top kek
Name ONE (1) army in all of Tolkiens writings that is more A E S T H E T I C than the easterlings.
more like
Then God is a deus ex machina.
Guards of the Citadel
You don't know what a deus ex machina is.
Aragon was only able to get their aid because he was the heir to the throne. He also had to risk his life.
Made me think
Sup Forums and all of Sup Forums was never better, you fucking numale newfag
that's what newfags say
Your opinion is invalid when you've been here for 4 months
>using numale at random
proof that you're the newbie here
>Gandalf, who is literally an angel of God sent to help mankind against Sauron, is effectively immortal
>people instead complain about a plot point that is significant to the character of Aragorn, since Aragorn needs to recognize himself as heir to Gondor which was his main problem for most of the story
Well, the ghost was so powerful the rohans was not even needed.
Them being there was fucking pointless.
WAIT!, I can't remember... are there niggers in LOTR?!?! or was this before multiculti was forced upon fantasy genres that were about white people??!
This thing
The only DEM in LotR is in the book when the gods fucking blow air and make Glorm trip into the mount doom.
It has its reasons, but that comes pretty close.
Or when Gandalf is brought back to life.
Or when Bilbo gets the ring in the first place.
Or when Sam suddenly starts singing a hymn to Elbereth when fighting off Shelob.
Take a theatre class you mong
>last bastion of man and elf
Why do you retards try to use words that you don't know the meaning of?
Is there anything that this thing doesn't do when the plot needs something doing?
All of those things are built up to though.
The books explain Gandalf a lot more. It's more of a rebirth than being brought to life, though he is "sent back."
Bilbo gets the ring because the ring wants to be returned to Sauron and Bilbo is the first creature that wasn't an orc to come into contact with him.
Sam is constantly portrayed as this reliable good friend who carries the light. He also has a fascination elves and elvish culture.
>god fixing the problem is not a deux ex machina
Sam in the book is excited to leave the Shire since they're heading to Rivendall. Reason why he's excited is that he's an elf version of a weeaboo.
The ring allowed itself to be found by Bilbo so that it could get away from Gollum since Gollum wasn't going to likely bring it into contact with servants who could utilize it better.
Gandalf is a creation of the settings gods, all the wizards are. Gandalf is chosen to replace Saruman as the white wizard and basically reincarnated from Gandalf the Gray to Gandalf the White (In the books, they mistake Gandalf as Saruman due to the similarity of their appearance after seeing Saruman's phantom the night before). He even breaks Saruman's staff after giving him a chance of redemption, signaling that Gandalf indeed has taken Saruman's place before locking him and Grima in the tower at Orthanc. IIRC, Gandalf only uses the name Gandalf in his new being because its what everyone else is familiar with stating that that name would do.
>Reason why he's excited is that he's an elf version of a weeaboo.
Great. It is still directly stated Sam starts speaking words he doesn't know.
>The ring allowed itself to be found by Bilbo
Are you now trolling me? Gandalf directly says Bilbo was meant to find the ring "and not by its maker."
>Gandalf is a creation of the settings gods
Ok, 100% confirmed to be trolling now. There's only one fucking God in Tolkien's universe. You won't trick another reply outta me troll.
Nice bullshit, brah.
These movies are so fucking good. I love when autists try to point out flaws and get btfo'd
I think a point you're missing is that you knew that Aragorn had left to rally the legion of ghosts, other characters did not. From the perspective of Theoden, for example, it might have been DEM, because the king of men had abandoned you in the greatest time of need then shows up out of nowhere. But the audience knows where he's going and what he's doing. It's the same as Gandalf showing up with the men of Gondor in TT. It's called being dramatic.
For it to be true DEM, the audience has to be unaware of the impending power swing
They vanish because their souls have been set free, that was the deal. Why is any of this so hard to understand?
dude nice you totally belong here
>the men of Gondor
Those were the Rohirrim.
it did stress me out soo much as a kid that he didn't keep them the extra few hours it would have taken to wipe out all the orcs mordor
Stop being such fanboys. LotR is a great series but everyone has always admitted the ghosts were total bullshit. They ruin all tension, make the victory feel unsatisfactory, and make it feel like a copeout when they easily destroy Sauron's forces but aren't told to just go ahead and destroy Sauron like the omnipotent soldiers they are. Aragorn rallying the men from the coast was a vastly superior idea, and while it's understandable they didn't have time to explain it and show it, it doesn't mean that the ghosts weren't badly written.
>arguing with a bunch of fanboys about a shitty overrated movie
Who gives a fuck? Let the children have their shit covered Popsicle.
It didn't blow up the death star
>calling others retarded
By your logic so many fucking things would be Deus Ex Machina, it's ridiculous.
>Establish that the Death Star is this impregnable super fortress
>In the last act explain you can conviniently shoot a spot and destroy it
>It's totally not like the entire movie was about delivering the plans and looking for a weakpoint just like this, and it also totally wasn't established through the entire book series that Aragorn was destined to do this kind of shit
>Have Indiana Jones be captured by Nazis, on the moment of their victory
>Lol nope, Indiana Jones still wins, because he actually read the Bible and knows what not to do in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant
>It's totally not because Indiana Jones has both the knowledge regarding the artefact, and the spiritual superiority that the movie tries to convey, the same way Aragorn was established to have inherited an Empire of loyalties, and came to set straight a great past evil, to the point where the entire fucking point of Rohan being involved, is that he's the returning King, just the same as the ghosts
>army aesthetic
How dumb are you?
If they had time for ghosts scenes, they could have easily replaced it with something of similar length about the coast men. There is no excuse for the ghost bullshit.
>tfw you will never watch such a LOTR cut
This is one of only legitimate complaints I have about the trilogy. In the books its done in a much better way. The ghost army is used to scare away pirates. This allows the other Gondor forces to arrive to protect the capital. They combine with the people of Rohan (I think there might have been some other rangers as well) to defeat the orcs. It requires the world of men to unite to defeat the threat. Instead, Jackson went with LOL GHOST ARMY.
>I'm going to list two things that aren't DEM and then say the ghosts are totally like that and so aren't DEM either
Aragorn rallying the forces of men to defend Gondor makes sense, and is basically what you're saying. Finding a secret group of ghosts who are invulnerable and unbeatable and being able to conveniently control them and then have them arrive at the last moment to defeat the otherwise undefeatable enemy is a DEM and bad writing. Compare their arrival to the Rohirrim's arrival and you can easily see the difference. It doesn't feeling satisfying and no one has ever liked it. It's obviously a rewrite because they didn't have time to follow the book.
They wouldn't have had time for the ghosts to scare away the corsairs and to explain the coast men. The movie was already really long, especially the extended edition, so the script was probably even longer and they knew they had to trim it down.