What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on Joss Whedon?
Has he ever made a good show/film???
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on Joss Whedon?
Has he ever made a good show/film???
Toy story is the only good thing
honestly he's not a bad writer. I fucking hate to say that, but Toy Story, Atlantis, and even Cabin in the Woods are all interesting, unique, charming, and enjoyable on a writing level
but he's mostly putrid human shit
He looks like a fag.
He denies the armenian genocide just like cenk
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was great.
Angel was great.
Firefly was good, specific audience.
Never saw Dollhouse.
He's good at writing interesting and fun shows tvh
I think his television output is pretty solid. But im a huge buffy fanboy from back in the day.
He does well with an ensemble, which is pretty difficult to do. But all his stuff usually gets weighed down with all the overly clever dialogue, after a while it starts to get a little grating.
His real problem was getting too big for his britches.
He's not bad, but his cuck political views and the fact that he needs to ventilate these opinions on social media on a daily basis, makes him insufferable in my opinion.
Is that a fucking earring?
Have the Young Turks ever addressed the Armenian genocide?
>Cenk Uygur more like KEK UYGUR
Was that more clever in your head?
You guys know he barely wrote any of Toy Story, right?
I think he means
CeK (o)UYR GU(y)R????
His problem is he hasn't grown as a writer in over 10 years. Avengers 1 already had a script when he joined. He just did a pass on it.
Everything else he's done has been a rehash of something from his TV days.
Well that explains that then
I tried watching this interview but I can't stand his voice, it sounds ridiculous
never heard it before
Yeah, he just got the award because he was the writer on record at the time. He himself admitted he just wrote some lines to make Woody less of an asshole.
It's not like he conceived any of it. The Writer's Guild is all kinds of fucked up when it comes to crediting.
Pathetic manchild libcuck
Has he ever written anything that didn't have a 100 pound girl who is a master of martial arts and can kick every guy's ass?
Atlantis is great but he didn't do ANYTHING. NOTHING.
He admits it too.
ITT: Fedora tippers think the they are above capeshit
Avengers and Toy Story were great
Ironically, Whedon is a huge fedora lord.
>be me
>browse imgur
>everyone always piss himself about Firefly and the 5th Element
>watch both of them
>pic related
plebs shouldnt be able to be on the internet.
Both Buffy and Angel were superb tv, but Joss's work always seems to be way too "Joss" for my liking.
What I mean by that is the dialogue is really snappy and witty, it just could be said by any character. There's no distinction. It's "Joss dialogue."
>when Joss virtue signalled HARD for the radfems, only for them to shit so hard on him over Black Widow he quits twitter in fear.
Only toy story is great and he hardly wrote that
Cabin in the Woods was enjoyable
Vampires gaining souls are a satire of how capitalist liberalism allows select representatives of oppressed classes or groups to ascend to the bourgeoisie, placating them while robbing them of their intellectual leadership, right?
sjWheedon's quips aren't actually that funny
His movies will age like shit.
>he didnt like the undisputed best cape film
go back to Sup Forums
I want Sup Forums to leave
muh boogie2988 man.
He's a SJW loser who (by extension) plays an active role in ruining everything. As far as I can tell his entire body of work is capeshit and children's entertainment, which explains why so many redditors ITT seem fully familiar with him.
Alien Resurrection
Firefly was awesome.
I've never liked his stuff. I don't know if I'd call of it shit but even things like Buffy and Firefly I always hated them. The Avengers is actually the first thing from him I actually liked and even then it has a lot of the same issues all his stuff does.
>undisputed best
Kek not even the best of the mcu stage 1
He's a genius. He expertly weaves together themes such as sci fi, feminism, mind control and character development with deep plots. He's a huge inspiration for me.
wow, fuck me then that makes a lot of sense
Sometimes his writing is neat. He's a horrible person though and worthy of a shotgun mouthwash.
Who made it? Sup Forums or Sup Forums. Or are we all unified together?
>Toy Story, Atlantis, and even Cabin in the Woods are all interesting, unique, charming, and enjoyable on a writing level
Yeah if you're some reddit gentlesir basic bitch
Yea dipshit
>Has he ever made a good show/film???
I could live to be 1000 and I would still not understand the appeal of Buffy. Whenever I see it on lists of greatest TV shows of all time I get genuinely confused as to why anyone likes a show like that.
I am sexually attracted to his massive forehead.
Came here to post this. Anita's face is fucking killing me.
Is he an alcoholic? He looks bloated and red af
Until the feminists /sjws forced him from Twitter.
I think there's a lot of people who only watched it for the cute girls. That's probably atleast half of its fanbase right there. The other half is tumblr hamplanets who have mistaken the cute girls fighting monsters part to be a message of empowerment and all that shit, when really it's just Joss' fetish, and all of his shows are just fap material for himself.
And like the beta he is, instead of learning anything from the experience, he doubled down on his pansy behavior.
his Beta orbiting around Felicia Camelface makes me feel like human shit.
Very nice. It will go in my kultura collection.
>illegal alien
Damn illegals
Hey, kids.
Let's take this discussion to the fucking parking lot.
This is horrible.
Why are alt-right types so inherently untalented?
Never liked him and never will
fuck that faggot.
>he's tipping an actual fedora in his profile picture
The snarky self-aware shtick is wearing really thing.
We need better writers to break out of the Joss Whedon cycle.