what's your favourite thing about True Detective?
/True Detective/
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Mammario's fat whoretits
The bit where Rust shoots at God
When it seemed like it was actually going somewhere.
Before it didn't and just fizzled out.
>you should probably kill yourself
rust was based
Based on reality. For example the Epstein pedo orgy ring that has Bill Clinton involved
This is not just make believe story this is grounded on fact
unironically this
That whole scene where they were describing how the event occurred and the action was completely different made me WTF hard.
The scene where the darkie robbery went wrong and they had to escape had me on the edge of my seat too.
s1 had a non-kino ending
dropping of the Lovecraft references out of the blue.
Especially when one of them poses as an attorney to interview the elderly woman while her daughter is present. The reaction on the old woman's face when she mentions Carcossa was perfect.
the shootout at the projects
that whole episode was ridiculously good
a man with taste i see
This was one of the best preludes to an upcoming episode I have ever seen.
if you clicked this thread and weren't thinking about posting this, you are a fag.
pure kino
something i learned is you never mow another's man lawn
also, why isn't she part of the MCU?
kek women have no shame whatsoever. Even in amazing shows like true detective they seem to know all they are there for is to show their tits and look pretty. They have to know this right? It would explain why almost none of them even bother to try and act
That it's a documentary
Best piece of TV since Sopranos ended.
Here's some random knowledge: my friend went to the same high school as MM in Texas. Apparently, MM had a reputation for being pretty unclean, smelling like BO and shit.
The story and characters of season 2.
I had to watch s2 a couple of times to fully get it, but it was well worth it.
Season 2
I guess you didn't watch Breaking Bad.
I did, it's good enough but nowhere near as good as TD season 1.
what's BO?
yeah, it's well known that matty is hygienically challenged...
I'm just here to fuck your wife's thicc ass Marty.
the season 3 intro youtube.com
hes right though
Literally the truth though.
does MEW have the chops to be in True Detective Season 3?
i'd say so
Yes but they will demand full nude, and not that artsy shit like her fappening stuff, Daddario tier televised pornography
isn't it kinda obvious? he's always sweaty on screen too
what's known about Rust Colhe's dad Travis?
mews hair looks like ghost in a shell's
body odor
maybe the bit where the antagonist is never given a motive to heinously murder people.
or the part where they've fucked around for 9 episodes before realizing that the answer was in green paint! ah, so clever.
or perhaps when the alcoholic rust, tired of life, finds religion and meaning in life. gotta love hollywood.
that i stopped watching it after season 1
cast her Sup Forums
>perhaps when the alcoholic rust, tired of life, finds religion and meaning in life
lol wut?
she plays the true detective
Pakistaní number 1
The rusty mason
yeah she looks so much better with brown eyes
That its redpilled as fuck and season 2 was deliberately tanked because of the stuff Pizza and Fuka loaded into s1 and wanted to cram more of in s2
The landscapes. God damn did they utilize those abhorrent fucking landscapes. 10/10 for that alone.
Thank you.
>when he lies to the cops and we see what truely happened
>i'm a shy guy ... whit a huge dick
>longshot scene
>Daddario and the other
but in the end it was underwhelming
was he jesus?
No The Devil.
she'll be in Fargo s3 instead
>was shooting at god
Fucking powerful scene, I shat myself at the end of that episode.
>At the end of every dream, there's a monster
>show this
Too bad the "monster" didn't live up to the hype, but maybe that was the point ? To show that the most twister fucks could be and look pretty ordinary
I feel they built up some incredible tension and then in episode 7 and 8 they pussied out and didn't go for it. Felt like a cop out.
Show me a scene from television that is as good or better than the last ten minutes of "Who Goes There."
All right. List your top five TV shows.
1) The Sopranos
2) True Detective season one
3) The Shield
4) The Wire
5) Breaking Bad
Season 2.
Had much more cohesive tension, season 1 had some really great scenes (ghetto robbery) mixed with good photography but average everything
Season 2 really reached a more dramatic climax - its built up better, stuff like seeing colin farrells character get followed and etc
True detective season 1 finale is shit.
>muh jesus
I want a third season with episodes 1-8 on par with season 1 and last one/two on pare with those from season 2.
>It's an every goes to shit in 10 seconds episode
Episode 4 was kino
1) Generation Kill
2) True Detective season 1
3) Twin Peaks
4) Fargo
5) Monty Python's Flying Circus
>The Sopranos
>The Wire
>Mad Men
>Boardwalk Empire
>True Detective
For what?
I like that part where Rust grab her by the ass.
Was it ass dubler?
Pretty thick and juicy desu
Fucking kek
true detective season 1
mr robot
havent seen sopranos the wire or breaking bad :^)
I thought his dad was Dusty Mason
>generation kill
holy fuck you can't actually be serious here
get fucked cuck
Do you mean Michael Mcconaughey or Michelle Monaghan?
1) The Sopranos
2) Fargo
3) Breaking Bad
I haven't seen The Wire yet.