I mean the kid's over here, we're hugging and kissing up here, and two minutes later he's acting like a fuckin' jerk

I mean the kid's over here, we're hugging and kissing up here, and two minutes later he's acting like a fuckin' jerk.

Other urls found in this thread:


Now, now.

There, there.



you insulted him a little.


The guy saying he needed his shoes shined, but the shoeshine boy was being cunty, and insisted that it was his day off. The first guy had a big meeting later and really needed to have freshly shined shoes, so he insisted that the shoeshine boy go home and get his fucking shinebox.

When the shoeshine boy came back with his shinebox, he gave the man the best shine he ever had. But the man still missed his meeting. Also, the shoeshine boy spilled something on the floor, and had to clean it up with a table cloth. This made extra work for everyone.


After cleaning up his mess, the shoeshine boy took a ride with his friends. But after awhile, the car they were driving started making a funny noise.

So the shoeshine boy asked his friend to take him to his mom's house to get some tools to fix the problem.

Mom made them something to eat, and they all had a nice time before they went out to fix the car.

The shoeshine boy was always the life of the party, and would often entertain his friends with very funny stories.

He always made everybody laugh.

A lot


One time the shoeshine boy was really thirsty, but was having a hard time getting the waiter's attention. After trying over and over to get a drink, the waiter gave him something that wasn't what he ordered. So the next time he called the waiter, he was pretty upset. I mean, anyone would be. Wouldn't you?

We all get upset sometimes. And sometimes it's very understandable. This man, for instance, was trying to make an important call, but the other man was holding up the line. Sometimes people get really upset when you talk on the phone too long. We could all learn a lesson here about the value of common courtesy.

Sometimes being upset can get the best of us. After the shoeshine boy made the man miss his meeting, it hurt his reputation. The poor fella was pretty sad when he got a surprise party, but nobody else showed up.

Life is full of difficult choices. All this guy wanted was to cook a few sausages, but the other guy wanted him to make a restaurant. It was a very tough decision for him.

This man loves onions. But some people don't like them as much as he does. So he had to learn to compromise, which is sometimes the right thing to do.

This man loved garlic, and always made sure to cut it really thin so he could rub it between his hands and smell the aroma of the old country. It was a wonderful system.

Maybe if he and the guy who likes onions worked together, they could learn to make a restaurant.

my current favourite t-shirt

Christmas was always one of my favorite holidays. This fella likes it too, so one year he threw a really big party for all his good friends. Everybody had a good time, except. that one guy who tracked snow all over the threshold. This is why it's so important to keep your shoes neat and shiny.

Was he part of a rival gang or the same gang? Why did he think that he could be safe alone in the bar with them?

Even so, the Christmas party went well. Everybody had a lot of fun, and both of these guys got a special present that day.


They were part of a different crew.

Mafias are gangs where people wear tracksuits. It's the same shit.

Same mafia family. More precisely Billy was a full mafia member while the others weren't.

they had more structure, particularly in the era that the movie is set in. I think they were in the same family, which is like being in the same gang today, but different crews, since the mafia was so large that different underbosses/capos/whatever had their own groups that worked for the same family boss. Billy was a made man, meaning he was untouchable; even dudes from other families needed permission to fuck with a made man.

Mafias don't fight each other unless there's a dispute, the bosses tend to meet up with eachother occosionally to prevent that

Mafias are to gangs what whites are to chocolate gentlemen


They weren't part of the same family/crew. Billy Batts was a made guy in the Gambino crew. Jimmy, Henry, and Tommy were associates of the Lucchesse crew.

I thought Gambino/Lucchesse were different families? But yeah you're right, for some reason I thought they were in the same family


the autism is strong in this one

>Whaaaaah... He's making fun of my favorite movie!

Never before have I had such an appropriate reaction image.

i never implied that

I think he did a wonderful job and that's what Sup Forums is about. Doing your best for all your friends, even people who aren't your friends yet., but could be if you give them a chance.

Who was in the wrong here?

Seriously, this is a legitimate question.