>ITT: movies with 10/10 action
ITT: movies with 10/10 action
any marvel movie
Any jackie chan movie
Any tom cruise action movie
Both Raid's
transformers were shit but for pure action the third one had some serious bad ass scenes
Ichi the Killer
Children of Men
Last Boy Scout
Die Hard 1 + 2
Lethal Weapon 1 + 2
Beverly Hills Cop 1 + 2
Terminator 2
Kung Fu Soccer
The Fifth Element
Hard Target
Kick Boxer
Also just watch korean thrillers and gangster movies. Latest I saw was Veteran and absolitely loved it. There was a reocurring joke through movie which also made laugh every time.
All the Transformers movies have terrible action. Bay has no idea how to do action. All he knows is explosions and slow-mo. Terrible cinematography, tone and coordination.
Predator 1 + 2
Hot Fuzz
Shawn of the Dead
Total Recall
Top Gun
Batman - Burton and Batman Returns
Rambo 2 + 3
Mad Max 2
Under Siege
True Lies
Point Break
>no Woo kino
Hard Boiled
The Killer
Broken Arrow
Mission Impossible 1, 2 sucks
Im probably gonna get some shit for this but even though its short
Man of Steel
Ip man 1
All of woo except paycheck is kino
Disrtrict 9
Edge of tomorrow
Pacific Rim
Broken Arrow kinda sucks, and Paycheck is total dogshit.
What a reddit tier opinion.
Mission Impossible 2 is pure action kino, fago
Raid redemption and raid 2
Good taste.
Also The Raid
Ichi the Killer sucks but you're a cool guy.
He directed broken arrow?
Could've fooled me
not gonna lie, this shit gets me moist.
Prime Jackie
The Protector (Tom Yum Goong)
God damn that's good
I need to reinstall command & conquer
You are literally defending Bay/Transformers. Go eat shit, looks like it's the perfect taste for you.
Well aren't you a smarty-pants.
Man of Steel
13 Hours seemed pretty competent.
Most memorable fight I've ever seen.
From Oldboy
The Raid, was, insane.
>Phrase not found
Oh yeah, and pic related.
John Wick.
Mad Max Fury Road
Fucking this. With the amount of CGI in those movies, he could shoot a scene literally any way he wanted and somehow they all came out without a single distinctive shot or sequence.
Watch pacific rim and even if you don't like it, you can easily remember a lot of the action sequences and how they played out because they were well planned and visually distinctive, something that bay managed to avoid for like 11 hours of movie
I like bourne but it literally ruined like a decade of action movies. Everyone tried to mimic the shaky cam and forgot how to choreography. It's like the halloween of action.
>any marvel movie
not at all. it has zero tension which is necessary for great action
Road Warrior
>Bay has no idea how to do action
was trying to find an image from the rock to prove you wrong
but the more i think about it
the action in the rock isnt particularly great is it?
Fantastic movie but it lives off the tension and the atmosphere
the intro with hummels men breaking into the storage facility is all splt second shots of cut throats etc.
the big shoot out where everyone except connery and cage and that one guy dies is all slomo
the car chase is meh, technically good but meh and bogged down by one-liners
the final shoot out scenes are all kind of intercut and dont last longer than a few seconds
The shaky chase scenes get longer each movie. It was kinda silly.
check em
Sup Forums hates on Harry Potter, doesn't it
Just watch the action scenes in this video and tell me if the cinematography is good. If the action is immersive and easy to follow for the audience. If it's not disorienting or messy.
John Wick.
Fury Road.
Princess Bride.
Drunken Master
The Matrix.
The Matrix Reloaded.
I agree. I enjoy the third one if its on tv and im hammered
the forest fight in the second one is pretty good
hate all you want Sup Forums, POTC was 10/10 action
Hey! I agree!
Wow, I have never watched any of these movies, but this is far worse than anything I ever imagined. This nonsensical boy fantasy is not just dumb as hell, it is bland beyond repair. It has the charme of a presidential debate.
>Shawn of the Dead
DOTM is Kino.
>no hard boiled
this. /thread
only winter man
the 3 expendable films
the rambo films