Why does Sup Forums hate RLM?
Why does Sup Forums hate RLM?
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False assertion.
reddit letter memedia
For you
I've never seen any of the reviewers that are constantly talked about here because I don't give a fuck what some random nobodies say about a movie.
and he's wearing a star wars shirt. I think that says enough.
Because pizza rolls = satanic pedophila
>and he's wearing a star wars shirt. I think that says enough.
He's wearing it ironically user :^)
Because Sup Forums actually likes RLM and watches every video they do but is too contrarian to just admit to enjoying them.
Thanks for the gigantic arrow and red circle OP, i wouldn't know what to look for in the image otherwise.
Mike was thin?
>it's a joke flies right over user's head post
thin and cute
CUTE i tell ya!
Reddit letter media, crying about Rey not getting BLACKED, etc. Need any more reasons? RLM is pure fucking shit. Those ugly fat retards should kill themselves. Stupid voices faggot plinkett shit everyone takes as fucking gospel. Just kill yourself if you like rlm
My favorite thing about RLM is when they troll the fuck out of insecure beta orbiters like you.
Daily reminder that people like THIS are anti-RLM fags:
Jay, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Jay Bauman. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Jay, being that you're about 30 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is Red Letter Media, Jay Bauman, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Jay, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Jay, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Jesus Christ he was actually pretty good looking.
You think that was trolling you pathetic nigger loving cuck? Just kill yourself, he was sincere, he wants rey to get blacked you stupid faggot, there was nothing trolling about it. Dumb fuck
He was the pride of Poland
>all that triggered
that video is literally making fun of youtube clickbait and hosts
it is known
Damn nigga chill.
I hate them because they make being a fucking loser not look so bad.
One of their members is a literal viral marketer, put 2 and 2 together, wiseguy.
r8 ur m8s!
Because only a viral marketer can make a post on Sup Forums?
every single day, with the exact same pictures and posts?
they spam themselves here LITERALLY 247
Jerk is a nice AIDSmoby desu. I lick himm.
Is Gay jay?
Who impregbaited Mike "The Pleb Rebler" Stiklazta?
Jay "the Sexx Bludgeon" Bauhnaham LOL
You new to Sup Forums?
He'll be fine
Jim and Collin from Canada
>tv hates this fat over opinionated lazy fraud
Sums it up nicely.
I just saw Krampus last night. I liked it
Jay as good taste in horror movies tbqh
his problem Sup Forums
what is it
I actually really liked their Suicide Squad review. They were on point with summing up the main problem which was that the film feels like a sequel to a film.
>Wanna see 2 mins of Joker?
It feels like the Joker footage is from another film and they are just showing the audience what happened previously.
Beer and Mike, in that order.
the thing with the new Plinkett is that it's not about the new Star Wars, it's about Mike. You see, he's obviously having some sort of middle life crisis and made this video for an ego boost: "I invented the star wars reviews posted on youtube!" "TFA is a decent film because of MY contributions!" "millenials BTFO!" You will start to realize some lines in the video like "I AM the internet" may not have as many layers of irony as you thought.
It's the reason why a fat, balding man was the only one to point out the supposed lack of sex in the film, as he lacks sex himself (ED or Jesse simply doesn't want him physically anymore) and projected his crisis into the movie. Other youtube reviewers didn't notice this, because they can easily cum with their gfs or porn.
He is feeling old, and can't properly critize TFA because it makes him feel the same way he felt as he watched A New Hope for the very first time. He'll leave the movie alone but make fun of younger fans who are just having fun (like the guys in the convention), presenting them as obssesed fanboys, while the Ring Theory segment ironically exposes him as an obssesed nerd who has probably seen every Star Wars film 50 times or more.
Is Jessi ever coming back?
i hope not
it takes some time to recover from having triplets, user
Missing that fat chick from the troll 2 review and something else. She deserves to be up there just as much as Len, Freddie, or Gillian.
He's high as fuck 100% of the time.
Unpopular opinions incoming
Mike mocked Trump which made him the same as every other PC comedian out there
I limited it to BOTW people
you have a poor sense of priority
I like Max.
Is mike leaving re:view?
when he's not having a meltdown.
Reddit incarnate
does mike know the babies are rich's?
Holy shit, max and mike look like brothers
I hate Wizard
What the fuck
stop sying it!!
Sup Forums or RLM?
they are little bundles of fat, so yes
I think we like them. It's not like the Nostalgia Critic where we only watch him to make fun of him. I really love RLM.
Jack totally saved the most recent Best of the Worst. Drunk Jack was awesome!
Whose semen tastes better, Mike's or Jay's?
reminder that Ben-Hurt is Jay's vanity project and the most reddit thing they've done
of course we like them, their Star Wars Half in the Bag got a sticky ffs.
it's just shitposting.
the most autistic shitposting on Sup Forums I might add.
yeah because he kept his mouth shut for most of it
Space Cop is a great film.
i have to say i agree with mr user here, jack is terrific!
Obviously a pasta and all, but people sometimes make serious posts like these. Its pretty stupid when they're being extra harsh just because the guys are internet famous, in reality 99% of people wont be "remembered" and dont do anything grand with their lives. Mike and Jay will be "remembered" more than any Sup Forums poster and even more than most regular people. Thats just a fact. I cant believe some people make serious posts similar to this pasta, it just baffles me.
I'm new to RLM and looking to catch up on their Pre Rec livestreams. What are their best episodes?
what does that even mean?
Mike and Jay are 10/10s, rich is a 7/10 and everyone else is shit.
Kill yourself
nobody watches prerec
I used to like Rich but he's turned into such a whiner on Pre Rec. I pretty much just listen for Jack these days. (And Jay when he shows up ;) )
He really is though. He made a movie review format that everyone copied and built youtube movie culture around. His arrogance in that one field is warranted and just because of that your pasta fails.
Why did you chase Jessie away, Sup Forums?
What are Rich's favourite cocktails?
the Ecto Cooler
I know this is copypasta but (sincere response to copypasta)
Why does Sup Forums hate me?
Isn't he Czech?
Colin seems to be able to get into the spirit of things even if he's not particularly funny, but Jim is just a black hole. He needs to drink more or something.
I never trust anyone with an oval face
he's steeped in the kind of culture that makes fanfiction and goes to anime cons
yer a cunt m8
Any form of dependency is an escape. This escape starts off as a search. What happens is the person literally projects the object of his search into something he finds along the way and considers the search finished. The person settles for what he finds. Gets trapped by fear and comfort.
The addict is a person who does not complete his search. Therefore, because he feels empty, attempts to fill that emptiness with external substances that give him a false sense of balance.
To some extent, we can say that all humans are dependent. The difference between the addict and the non-addicted consumer lies in the capacity of self-observation and self-awareness, on the ability of acknowledging one’s feelings and path in life. Dependency is a form of attachment. The non-addicted consumer is not ill; he is aware of his attachments.
The alcoholic yearns for a world free of conflict. To achieve that, he avoids conflict, instead of confronting the people with whom he experiences conflict; he gives himself up. He does not resolve his life but gets rid of the momentary frustration, and uses alcohol as a sedative. However, nothing is resolved.
The alcoholic literally drowns in alcohol all that opposes his ideal of a harmonious life free of conflict.
>explain movie's plot chronologically
>make jokes throughout
This format is fucking stupid and anyone who does it makes shit content.
this webm freaks me out cause no one on rlm really makes jokes like they're horny
I would be the boipussy slave of young Mike