Now I know that Man of Steel sucked

Now I know that Man of Steel sucked
and that Batman v Superman was garbage
AND that Suicide Squad was shit


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Why does DC keep shitting out movies lol

>Man of Steel sucked

>le meme b8 post

This tbqh

Batman v superman was a mess and suicide squad was suicide squad, but that was at least decent. It's a hell of a lot less of a bastardization than superman returns was of the reeves movies

Yes, it did, pretty hard actually

Because normies will always watch whatever capeshit has cool trailers

>mfw when this marvel cuck uses rotten tomatoes as a literal movie scale

>mfw this normie cuck refuses to acknowledge the rest of the world knowing this movie is shit

Why would you ask a deranged manchildren to have self-awareness?

Man of Steel ruled
Batman v Superman was goldeage

user, I shouldn't be able to shut you down this easily.

I picked Iron Man 2 because it wasn't a stellar movie, same was MoS wasn't a stellar movie.

But when you've poorly cropped the audience rating out, you probably should rethink your approach.

also wow, WW looks bad. I'll drop a webm in a second

If anyone was ever excited for this movie, I don't know what to tell them.

I'm looking forward to this. I feel like Snyder's influenced most likely has poisoned the well already and I'm not entirely sold on Gadot's performance yet.

But Patty Jenkins is directing it and the movie looks like it has far more color than Snyder's films ever had.

I feel like it's going to end up being a 7/10 good movie that could've been a 9 had it not been for Snyder already having written the plot.

This reminds me of the right scene from MoS where Zod and his men slaughter the soldiers sent to stop them.

But they were the villains, and WW is a hero.

So her moral conflict will be over why she's engaging in these entirely unfair fights and slaughtering Germans, which is why the movie is set in WWI, because the war was fought for....reasons. Unlike WWII where it was about killing the evil nazis. IN WWI it was just honest guys going to fight for their country, and now they're getting slaughtered by a wonder cunt for....reasons.

I don't even need to see the movie anymore.

Why is DC so full of hacks bros?

My favorite part about this is that wooden filing cabinet. It just rejects the awful blue filter they've but on it, because the blue just makes the wood appear more red. Contrast and all that.

Which is hilarious, because this was shot on a real set rather than a greenscreen, because otherwise they wouldn't have that wonderful antique filing cabinet in there.

There's even a light hitting it through the window, making it contrast with the gloom and blue even more. Why is this cabinet so important? Do they know they've made the cabinet look important?

All three were good movies that I personally enjoyed.
Wonder Woman doesn't look very interesting from my perspective but I shall view it due to being a fan of the DCEU.
I'm actually eager to see Justice League so I might as well see Wonder Woman while I wait.

The day where a dc movie get a 85% on rt (problably never) suddenly it will matter for u, dont lie to yourself, user.

>DC not being shit
kill yourself

this movie would only be good if WW spent the whole time in a bikini

when I am military pressing 85 lbs at my last set I listen Wonder Woman's new theme

> mfw the butthurt is palpable

>DCEU is bad
Yeah yeah, sure. That's why literally remake of BvS and Green Lantern are their last movies.

Holy Retarded Reaching Batman!

So what's bad about it?

Civil War has same plot as BvS, and Dr. Strange has same plot as Green Lantern. Marlel is dead, bury it.
Next step of their master plan will be remake of MoS and Skwad.

Name a fight that used slow-motion well, that could not explain it in-universe like the Matrix.

Wonder Woman already got a great movie in 2009.

MoS and BvS are the only good capeshit




Sucker Punch
V for Vendetta
300 2
Arkham Origins cinematique
Amazing Spider-Man 2

So far as I remember

>nlike WWII where it was about killing the evil nazis. IN WWI it was just honest guys going to fight for their country, and now they're getting slaughtered by a wonder cunt for....reasons.

same thing

I know right

>The day where a dc movie get a 85% on rt (problably never) suddenly it will matter for u, dont lie to yourself, user.

dark knight trilogy got well on RT

>Civil War has same plot as BvS, and Dr. Strange has same plot as Green Lantern.

whoa, someone is reaching. Civil war is a comic story from 2006, doctor strange is based on the comic origin


Stopped reading there

Half of these are Snyder films.
Somehow, citing Snyder as an example of doing good fights does not bode well for a DCEU movie.
The other half is mostly bad. I'll grant that Deadpool the one stand-out exception, but Deadpool is tonally different than most movies.

>moving goalposts
Yeah. You provided examples and now the topic is changing slightly, as the original was answered.

I remain unsold on this technique appearing.

All Quiet on the Western Front used to be a major part of western literary canon, taught in grade school.

Sup Forums go home. What is there to complain about in WWI except the exploitation of the common man by the industrial leaders -- but oh wait that's based in Marxist rhetoric and commies are evil scum because they fought against the facists.

That much denial. Wow.


>he doesn't think Snyder is an overrated hack


>That much denial. Wow.

not me

Because DCucks are emotionally invested in their brand loyalty feel a moral obligation to watch these shitty movies because they think it somehow matters that DC keeps up with Marvel.

It's nationalism minus any logic or stakes.

>>he does think Snyder is an overrated hack

Watch it, cuck.

>>That much denial. Wow.

>not me

Yes you are. Those two flicks have little to nothing with comic source from where they bought name.

>marvelfags shitposting because DC made 01 (one) bad movie (suicide squad)

>Yes you are. Those two flicks have little to nothing with comic source from where they bought name.

civil war: registration act now is sokovia acords and has the Bucky mixed into it. Don't see how this has anything to do with Bat v Sup.

also fail to see how Doctor strange has anything to do with green lantern movie. It has more plot similarities with Iron man

>>marvelfags shitposting because DC made 01 (one) bad movie (suicide squad)

1 bad movie

name another

Batman v superman.

Man of Steel was mediocre.
Batman v Superman was okay.
Wonder Woman will be good. Third time's the charm. It will leave you hyped for the Justice League, no doubt.

Even Marvel wasn't stupid enough to make a black widow standalone movie

what goes on through their minds i wonder

You know it's eventually going to happen sooner than you think.

and one (3) kinos

It's not in the schedule Disney put out that plans movie releases to 2020.

Unless they're intending it as a surprise, she's not getting any more attention than Hawkeye got in Avengers 2.

>wahh stop hating what i like
>wahh reddit
if you care so much why don't you go to reddit. watchmen was a snoozefest with a somewhat good character who made it worth watching. same as BvS. MoS was far better imo and i don't get the hate for that

It wasn't so long ago that Fox and Sony were the big satans in scifi/capeshit and WB was seen as the saving light of the industry. Oh how times change...

Me too, and I'm hype for Wonder Woman to see what it goes world-building-wise.

>I feel like it's going to end up being a 7/10 good movie
this looks god awful and Gaddot it's a terrible actress.
They shot themselves on the foot by casting her.

>5 nanoseconds into the fight, the only MCU left standing are the Hulk, the Vision, and maybe Dr. Strange.

You are in deep denial, I can't help you unless you help yourself, I am sorry and good luck.