>Its a holodeck episode
Star Trek
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>Room can let you go anywhere and do anything in the known galaxy.
>Decide to simulate menial pedestrian job in an era before air conditioning.
>Its a holographic doctor episode
>It's a ship computer can create multiple sapient holograms that are more capable than itself episode
These were pretty good, especially teamed with 7 of 9.
>its a "holographic Moriarty, who has experienced existence for a meager 1 hour understands Enterprise's systems better than the people who built and maintain her daily and pull a fast one on the crew" episode
>its a "decade after the crazy Moriarty shit, it happens again, this time he pulls the fleece over our eyes because we had a duty shift" episode
Holodeck episodes ruin trek more than add to them.
I imagine some people might do that. Redshirts that miraculously survived away missions probably created an office/cubicle layout and would go there to file accounts or answer simulated helpdesk queries just to wind down.
>Computer, it is the duty of every Star Fleet officer to ask for Earl Grey tea smart enough to show me its sexual organs while doing nothing wrong. HOT!
That's kinda what they always did in TNG. Not cubicals specifically, but the mundane settings. DS9 only used it for porn. Voyager got a bit creative sometimes. The future seems to be obsessed with simulating the past.
Reminder that based on "The Visitor", the Dominion War never would have happened if Sisko was dead or didn't exist. The War is entirely his fault
On a similar note, has anyone noticed that "Tapestry" is basically an anti "It's a Wonderful Life"? Picard basically gets shown a world where he doesn't exist, and the result is...everything's fine. Apparently all the times the Enterprise or the entire Federation faced destruction while he was in command, if someone else had been captain it would have turned out fine. Literally the only point to Picard's life was his own personal satisfaction is having a good career.
You can kinda chalk that up to Q rigging the results.
>it's a Quark episode
Was the idea of Wesley being Picard's bastard ever something they actually considered putting in the show, or just a pure fan theory?
Just a stupid fan.
>prior to tos
lol pleb
There are two ways to interpret that episode. One is "fate", that everything will turn out the same regardless of individuals, or the more likely explanation that Q was just bullshitting and the whole thing was just a simulation, like the Q version of a holodeck.
We know for instance that Picard manages to save all of Earth from extinction in the final episode of TNG with some extreme ingenuity and leadership skills
that theory is stupid. The fact that Wesley is confirmed repeatedly to have magical space wizard powers and he uses his space powers to summon the ghost of his dad pretty much confirms who his father is
>when you tell your wife you're going kayaking but you're really loading up molly_needs_cummies.holo
>It's a Klingon episode
> it's a "Sup Forums shit-talks enterprise even though they haven't seen it" episode
>It's an "Archer wont save a species from extinction because giving advanced technology to a less advanced species is wrong while compaining that the Vulcans wont give humanity more of their advanced technology" episode
Picard only agrees to mess with time once Q promises that nothing he does will effect anyone except him, the man isn't stupid and without that clause it could have been vastly different.
>Q wouldn't have been as interested with the new Captain
>The Borg don't meet humans yet
>Picard wouldn't have been assimilated
>Wolf 359 didn't happen
>The Sisko never went to Bajor
>No Dominion War
>>The Sisko never went to Bajor
>>No Dominion War
So once again the answer comes back to "Sisko caused billions of deaths"
Confirmed false in Attached when Beverly realises for the first time ever that Picard loves her and refused to pursue her because he felt guilty that she was his friend's widow
>what is farming simulator 2017
>what is truck driver simulator 2017
>what is sewage disposal and stain removal simulator 2217
Is this game worth playing (if it's even possible)?
He would have done it if Phlox hadn't thrown a shit fit.
>>what is sewage disposal and stain removal simulator 2217
>tfw you make up an absurd third option that really exists
>It's a Geordie can't talk Dr. Brahms in to a 3-way with her holodeck doppelganger episode
>Star Trek Discovery will consist entirely of Holodeck episodes
>our ship will be a crack team of repair staff who are sent out to fix malfunctioning Holosuits across the Galaxy
would Sup Forums watch it?
>It's a Garak says the only way Bashir can cure his rare Cardassian illness is through a handjob episode
It was archers decision in the end, and after making it he made a speech about how saving the aliens would be "playing god" and that it would be wrong.
There was also a later episode where the roles were reversed, the enterprise crew was infected with a disease and aliens were unwilling to help them cure it despite having the ability to do so. In that episode both Archer and Phlox argued that the aliens standing by and watching the enterprise crew die would be immoral.
Enterprise seasons 1 and 2 sucked.
I just saw that TNG season 1 episode where Q makes Riker a Q and what the fuck was up with that ending? Riker just giving up his godhood because people wouldn't accept his gifts? What is Q even trying to achieve, why would they even be interested in humanity because of its pioneering nature when there are billions of other space-faring civilizations out there? Surely you can't achieve space travel without a drive like that. All these Q episodes would be utter shit if the actor didn't have the chops for the part.
Shit writing.
That said Q's interest in humanity is expanded on in the later seasons when the writing improves and the trail it retconned.
Essentially he thinks they have the power to evolve and be more like the Q.
Trek does puritanical things with the holodeck, but real humans would be simulating some kind of decadent Westworld GTA giant-titty-monster apocalypse.
The image you're using is Star Trek: Discovery which is set 10 years before TOS. They didn't have holodecks back then. Why the fuck am I the only one pointing this out?
>it's a counselor Troy is looking thick as fuck episode
Star Trek is about military officers in a post-enlightenment world. Some humans do do that sort of thing, but not on Starfleet vessels. A "visit to the holodeck" had inappropriate implications when run by a Ferengi though.
>Computer, generate 300 muscular Amazonian futanari in heat with cocks at least as big as a wine bottle.
>Computer, disable safety protocols.
>It's a counselor Troi's cleavage is constantly being shoved right at the camera episode
Find a flaw.
He never shuts up!
Captains Log Stardate 4834.2
>We have just visited Star Base 143 to pick up new holodeck programs and uniforms
>One a personal note, my closet is overstuffed with Sherlock Holmes, New York Leatherman and Robin Hood apparel
>I really must get around to sending them to the recycling unit
>The latest holodeck novel is most entertaining, it's set aboard a 18th century Naval frigate called, ironically, Enterprise
>Commander Worf and I's relationship is known to only Dienna
>She took it pretty hard when I shouted CUM as she was passing my quarters and unfortunately witnessed Worf and myself in a state of undress
>The Ship's counsellor refuses to be a member of an open relationship and she and Worf's dilance is firmly over
>On a brighter note, Commander Riker is very happy about it and has been blowing his trombone for the last three hours
Inquisitor Gowron here.
I heard reports of heathens engaging in degeneracy on the holodeck, after a brief act of faith we have discovered everyone except Mr. Data to be guilty and had them converted then killed.
Define degeneracy.
Good taste.
>tea, hot
>It's an old timey scenario in the holodeck of my fucking future space science fiction episode.
>its a Dukat has Bajoran Fever episode
>It's a Captain Proton's for everyone of us, stands for every one of us episode
>Watching TNG season 1
>Data's brother is literally an evil twin
Holy shit so much wasted potential. When the fuck does the writing get good?
When Wesley Crusher leaves forever.
Q is Picard's alter ego. He's so full of himself that he considers himself a godlike being or something beyond.
>What is Q even trying to achieve, why would they even be interested in humanity because of its pioneering nature when there are billions of other space-faring civilizations out there?
Q is mad gay for picard. Until he met Janeway.
Picard caused that shit though
Season 2, but you have to wade through a lot of shit in that season too