>Cut off from normie family
>Enlightned by his own intelligence
>Dresses like an old man
>DEspises his normie co-workers
>Hates the chad who keeps stealing his thunder
>Dresses like a masked edgelord to "change the world"
Is Julian /ourguy/?
>Cut off from normie family
>Enlightned by his own intelligence
>Dresses like an old man
>DEspises his normie co-workers
>Hates the chad who keeps stealing his thunder
>Dresses like a masked edgelord to "change the world"
Is Julian /ourguy/?
HR is *my* guy
Any Wells is our guy.
is allen a normie?
He's not Alchemy or Savitar if anything they may turn him into some kind of hero.
Highly unlikely he's Dr Alchemy, and he doesn't hate the Flash anymore since he stopped him from killing a kid with a gun he wasn't supposed to have.
I hope they keep him just a normal human, and never a villain.
Knowing the writers of this show, he'll be a shitty villain who kidnaps Iris/Joe/Wally/Cisco and blackmails Barry into giving him more Speedforce because why the fuck not.
I agree. I actually liked his arc last episode w Barry and his hangups re: metas. Just feels very close to comic synergy w/ Godspeed.
>Good at his job
>Lots of friends
>String of hot girlfriends
>Gets away with constant tardiness and skipping work
Barry Allen is a fucking chad.
He's too british.
>look up Godspeed
>some shitty new villain with a garbage origin
Fuck I hope it has nothing to do with him
>implying all villains aren't British white males
He's basically Peter Parker with cooler powers.
>He's basically Peter Parker with cooler powers.
I'd rather have Spider-Man's powers
Godspeed is too recent to figure into this season, but maybe he'll come around in season 4.
Is that the mexican from WestWorld?
It's Draco Malfoy you faceblind idiot
>Picking cumming from your wrists over time travel
>muh time travel
Truly the shittiest power ever.
Super speed would get boring pretty fast, I'd imagine.
Yeah that's the only power he has, you sure told me.
>Draco Malfoy
No, its not you retard.
Do you really think someone who was in Harry Potter would end up in a shitty CW show?
Quick, claim your flash-fu before someone else!
Death already claimed her brah. Best moment in the show, thought for sure she would relent but nope LEMME RUN MYSELF TO DEATH.
Mine. I want to run around the city with her stealing kisses all day.
He doesn't even do that outside of the Reimi movies and Ultimate Spider-Man. He's just a more athletic Captain America that can cling to walls and detect immediate danger.
Why are they wearing the same costume?
Where did Eliza get a costume anyway?
>Cut off from normie family
more like too cool for family,and His family is anything but normalfag tier
>He's just a more athletic Captain America
He's also stronger than Captain america, as in toss cars around stronger.
Because when the original chick died all she left was the costume which they retrofitted for Jessie
Earf 2
>Where did Eliza get a costume anyway?
She stole materials from the same lab where she made velocity 9
Is Cisco a virgin?
And super-atlecticism wouldn't?
In the current and original timelines, yes.
Closest he got was with Hawkgirl but he got cucked by boring middle-aged Hawkman.
>implying he couldn't hit this if he wanted to
he should've pounded that criminal pussy
Please explain how her """gold""" gun works
The same way the cold and the hot guns work.
Same as the cold gun but with a G.
where is patty
>he cant create kaiju holograms
he is Alchemy's son. You just wait
Now that makes sense. Alchemy has been kind of a hero at points like Pied Piper so he could become the next Alchemy too.
He was Alchemy in Flashpoint's Earth 2
What's that? You "want more Iris-focused drama"? Ok user!
>MFW barry fuck the timeline on his own
>"hairlinus evanesco"
>iris focused drama
you mean the one that was fixed in the same episode? Iris hasn't been that big a problem last season or this one at all