So I was having a bargument with a femninist the other day

So I was having a bargument with a femninist the other day.
She was claiming that all men were rapists (yeah, blah blah, usual fucking nonsense) but when I asked her what she meant by that she introduced me to the idea of "consensual rape"

So apparently all women in a relationship with a men feel compelled to put out to "be a good girlfriend" even though at times they may not necessarily feel like getting down to it.
And it is at this time of "passively forced sex"(her words) that we, as the monsters we are, become full-pledged rapists.

When she told me this I looked her dead in the eye, chugged the rest of my drink and left, I had no words left for this woman.
This shit has gone too far.

yeah, I'm a feminist and even this makes no fucking sense to me. Fucking third wave bullshit.

ITT: shit that never happened.

Believe it or not, see me give a shit

I'm guessing Sup Forums has no strong feelings about this.
Or is it that I'm not bumping with porn?

Oh well. I wouldn't care so much that my nihilism would send me to limbo

Your fault for listening to that garbage

It's not a question of nihilism.
They've completely blown the concept of rape out of proportion

>is it that I'm not bumping with porn?
definitely that

I stopped being involved activism because of people like that. Fucking cancer.

>be me poorfag playing Paladins the other day
>play as Fernando 'couse mission said so
>my team is weak af, gets obliterated by the other guys quite easily, even though my team had only damage champions and me as front line
>eventually get pissed and say in chat "can you guys suck less? You all have good heroes why do you suck"
>one prick gets triggered like the mother of all triggers
>"This totally doesn't make you look like an insecure loser, telling people they suck. Your life is so shitty that you harass people online you loser" and shit like this
>this went on for 10 minutes
>the other guys didn't had any problem taking the point since these losers were bussy either jumping at me or defending me , paying less attention at the game
>we lose miserably
>Not even in the lobby chat they don't shut the fuck up
>reported them all
Fuck these people

It's like they ran out of shit to bash men for so they just started making up bullcrap like this

>your life is shit because you harassed him for one whole sentence
>he proceeds to harass you for 10 minutes
What does that say about his life?

You're on the right track, but it's not the feminists making this shit up to bash men-- it's men making this shit up to bash feminists.

No. This literally came out of a feminist's mouth.

Uh-huh. We believe you.

>my daddy is a policeman

I hardly believed it when I heard it, myself. That is how little sense this shit made.

Yeah I sold a car to this guy once because I needed the money, and regretted it later. He stole my car.

Also consensual robbery. Since men feel compelled to provide resources to women to "be a good boyfriend" even though at times they may not be able to afford it or want to. It's "passive forced robbery".

All women are thieves.

But she ran away before you could crush her with your unerring logic, so you came to us.

Totally believable.

If this makes us rapists then, yes, that makes them thieves.
I like your thinking.

Whether it's true or not, this is not a representative opinion of the feminist movement.
There are some feminists who have said this, but any cook can say any crazy thing they want.

What's the fucking point of creating a thread based on an anecdote of a random women in the bar saying stupid shit and then crying that feminism has gone too far?

Did you not read the whole thing?
I am the one who left

What's the fucking point of every other trash thread on this board?
There is no point. I just wanted to share with you this story of stupidity, no need to reach so deep into it.

If you look closely I never stated that 'feminism' in itself has gone too far. All I said was this shit, of painting men as rapists, has.

I've had the luck to never run into one of these idiots, but if I had this conversation, I would've ended it with "By definition, rape is non-consensual. If she starts it, it's not rape."

My ex was a horny bitch. There were times where she wanted it and I wasn't up to it, for one reason or another. (I always wanted to, it was usually a case of physical ability.)

>All I said was this shit, of painting men as rapists, has.

Yeah and all you present is some flimsy anecdotal evidence. As if no one had ever thought or said anything similar in the entire history of humanity. It sounds more like you're really pushing the significance of what someone said in a bar.

So I guess that would make your ex a rapist.

Dat shit is hot, tell a story