What the fuck happened to this show? It went from a drama about making computers to some Mad Men-esque soap opera where nothing ever fucking happens
What the fuck happened to this show...
they realized they were the best show on tv and it went to their heads.
but yea this season was a dissapointment.
I'm on episode 4 of season 2 and it feels like I'm watching fucking Coronation Street. Does it get better?
if you didn't like the first 2 seasons I can't tell you, because I loved them. season 2 starts a little weak but is still great. the new season is markedly worse.
imo the first 2 seasons of hacf is the pinnacle of television.
I thought Season 1 was kino but season 2 so far is shit
i have to agree. I haven't been able to finish season 2. it turned into this bullshit showing how strong and powerful women are and all they had to go through. don't care about that shit.
donna is only reason to keep watching
Boz is the only reason to keep watching.
Season 3 should have had Donna and Cameron lez out with her hallucination when she was high on shrooms. Cameron has good taste in movies watching Evil Dead but she fucked up not getting the bike.
AMC purposely kills shows that aren't Breaking Bad or Walking Dead, I'm thankful Hell on Wheels was based all throughout but I'll always be pissed Low Winter Sun didn't continue because that could have been so much more and fuck them for giving The Killing to Netflix, I don't have that shit and I wanted to finish it.
The Pierce Brosnan western is going to get shit canned most likely.
It's not even that it's female game developers, it's just the fact that they're completely ignoring the technical side of games development.
I know fuck all about coding or computers and it was so interesting in Season 1 to see how they made the Giant. Now all Donna and Cameron say about games development is "the server can't handle it" and "we need more new games".
There's nothing about how it's actually done, like there was in Season 1 (granted I'm only 4 episodes in but still...)
the show is about joe mcmillin and his rise to becoming the steve jobs of the show with his creation of the dubya dubya dubya
It was always shit. Fuck off.
i honestly thought the last 3 episodes of season 3 were melodramatic as fuck. but i loved it. the jump to the 90s was so great.
Season 1>3
Season 1 was so damn good. Season 2 was pretty good. I liked coke Gordon a lot and Boz was based the entire season. Season 3 got to be annoying when it was a bunch of little brats running a tech company. Boz and Gordon the the only adults and Donna and Cameron fuck around. Also, I was really happy to see Joe finally make it in Season 3.
>2016 watching a filler show
AMC lucked out with TWD, MM and BB and can't recreate the magic.
>filler show
Everything is a filler show until you die. None of it matters it's just something to kill time.
Hell on Wheels was the last good show they put out and the only reason to keep watching Walking Dead is literally Negan.
They snub shows on purpose so they can be lazy fucks and just keep shitting out Walking Dead now.
Does anyone remember Low Winter Sun or The Killing? They sold Killing to Netflix for some retarded reason and Low Winter was literally after BB, maybe if Low Winter aired before BB it could have continued.
Couldn't even finish the first episode, motherfucking god is this boring
>Low Winter Sun
that show was obvious shit I could barely stomach the laughable pilot, shit was so packed with tropey cliches it was embarrassing
cult status yet?
Didn't he also "save" the show from being cancelled by spamming AMC's inbox?
Is it opposite day? The first season wanted to be Mad Men so bad, but then they actually transcended that with season 2.