What the fuck Rivers

What the fuck Rivers

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weezer fans btfo

dudes been off the deep end. he needs help

Weezer fans triggered as fuck.

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Rivers' twitter and instagram are a goldmine

that attitude is what brought us raditiude, rivers.



can't wait for the rc #metoo stuff to pile up


>Making fun of Weezer fans
>Making fun of Weezer

This really bugs me, I don't get how people can just go out and do this to someone they don't. My cousin has seen them live and is friends with a bunch of fans, and I'm glad they have that space. When you meet autistic people you need to let them be themselves. There is no room for negativity. Mind your own business and please leave Weezer and their fans alone.

Literally Brian Wilson.

you speak of rivers here
Weezer is one of generic college fucking bands
am I the only one that hates college it is literally a fucking pyramid scheme and they also mock the Greeks the Gods will surly damn them

Dog I am literally autistic and I gotta tell you calm down these are just jokes. They're not even that mean-spirited for a change

Rivers cuomo is the leader singer and songwriter of weezer though, that's why it's so funny

Gene going wild

>In November 2010, Cuomo mentioned in an interview with Spin Magazine that "the idea came up" of having Sharp rejoin the band for their "Memories Tour," in which they play The Blue Album and Pinkerton. Cuomo stated "I think we left that idea behind pretty early on. I don't remember. I wasn't involved in the discussion so I don't know what the issues were." [1]


What does this mean

He doesn't write anything that's posted on his instagram or twitter, for whatever reason he seems to post the contents of messages that are sent to him. Try sending him a message on his snapchat or twitter, sometimes you can see one get posted.

>he wasn't involved in the discussion of an old bandmate rejoining
what the fuck