Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Any medfags, sex gurus, and/or people with fibromyalgia on?

Story is:
My gf has fibromyalgia and she says it hurts to have sex. She said she had sex before but it wasn't pleasant. She's down for grinding and dry humping but she can't tolerate penetration because of the pain. Any way to get around this?

Tl;dnr: how to have sex with someone who has fibromyalgia.

Also, her head game is mediocre.

butt sex is best sex

She's not into anal.

Don't know how to convince her.





Anyone here?


weed helps for fibro, smoke some b4

We do that. She still says it's painful. She can't drink either because of her meds.




what did she mean by this?

First off, ask yourself why only women "have" fibro. If your answer is "it's a bullshit disorder that has no medical tests for, aside from a complaint to a doctor," you need to educate your self.

Secondly, dump her, do not marry her. A relationship without sex is essentially the friendzone.

Elaborate nigger

Has to be someway into the pussy

If she's not having sex with him because of "fibro," there isn't.

At least not for him.


She's faking fibro or pain cause she doesn't want the dick?

How can you "fake" a "disorder" that has no medical tests aside from symptom description? At best, it's a mental illness, at worst, it's attention whoring and manipulation.

Well damn... I don't want to think she's being manipulative. Although attention seeking whore I can believe.

just say, hey you dirty nigger im tryna finna pop my 4.3 inch cocc in your little butthole and fish out a turd. you down?
10/10 works everytime

I have fibromyalgia, but I'm male.

It sucks, you get tired very easily.
And harder touch which is normal for others is painful to you.

But I doubt that the sexpain is only from the fibromyalgia.
(It might only be amplified by it)
It had a lot of girls who had problems with the condoms or didn't get
wet enough. So it was painful of them.

Have you tried rubbing your dick between her vaginal libs.

Keep your head in the sand, if you want. How many times have you done things or bought things for her because she "hurts?"


me again, forgot something:

Have you tried rubbing your dick between her vaginal libs.
If she's wet it feels somewhat like the real thing.
And have you tried fingering her?

Dick rubbing is something we normally do but it only pleasures her while im laying there feeling like a meatbag with nothing to look forward to

MedFag here.
Fibromyalgia is a nice word we invented so that cunts such as your girlfriend stop bothering us with their nonsense.
Everytime we hear this word in the mouth of a patient, we expect a long, tiring and fruitless consult.

Not too much to be honest. I'm still in Uni so my exoenses are routed elsewhere

See thisAnd I have fingered her. She does get wet but nothinf above average. She definitely cums when we're humping though

Ay yo pro here,

because of opoids, endorphines, etc. fybromialgia symptoms get better with sex (stimulation of the vegetative neurosystem). your gf has something else, maybe endometriosis or whatever, that keeps her from having sex

Choose one

Studying to be research medfag.

Never looked into fibro but I don't doubt your explanation what so ever

Any way to diagnose for something else? Might send her to the doc to check


To be accurate, the level of scientific evidence remains low. Sure, those people are in pain and their pain threshold is lowered, but what is the psychological part in all this?
anyway, I'm no specialist, I deal with more serious matters: oncology. I do research and clinical practice.

gynecologist or how it is called. a womens doctor, if its nothing from there it could be psychological. but fybromialgia affects muscle and bone perception of pain over the nerves. pussy is bullshit

Studying for psychology and neuroscience. Her personality and symptoms is most likely the reason I'm attracted to her. It could be attention whoring or perhaps something more complex.

How's finding that cure or preventative

Time to get that speculum

speculate away

Oh boy. Good luck with that.

Fibromyalgia is just what you say when you have no idea what's going on and too lazy to investigate. Guess you're just waiting for big pharma to come up with something so they can spoon feed you idiot puppets.

shes lying. dry humping would be as painful as sex if she wasn't. penis being in vagina doesn't put any additional pain on what fibro effects.

Evidence and proof faggot



Who the fuck says "humping"?

where do you live, 1993?
Fibromyalgia = whiplash = ME
It's 100% bullshit

Fibromyalgia doesn't exist. It is a bucket diagnosis when you can't find out why someone has (subjective) pain complaint. It's no wonder that all the treatments for fibro are psych drugs. When you absolutely need to be the center of attention and no one is giving it to you: make up some shit.

Sauce on the video shot?

Isn't fibromyalgia made up? just kind of a catch all for "my body hurts and i don't know why"



IF you love her. Yet want sex. Ask about a sexual friendship with someone else. If she say's no. Cheat on her.

It's a catch all diagnoses, sure. But that doesn't mean nothing is wrong.

My wife has fibromyalgia and it definitely makes shit difficult for her.

Though I know it affects people differently, it hasn't had an effect on our sex life.

Leave her.

So let me guess, she wont fuck you and wont let you get pussy elsewhere (or youre too afraid to ask) but she still wants a relationship. Real men wouldnt put up with this shit, you might as well join in on the numerous sissy threads on Sup Forums now.

Fibromyalgia isn't real, no MD worth anything would ever diagnose someone with it. It's all in her head.

This, it's a fake diagnosis that a doctor gives to get a hypochondriac out of their office.

People with "fibro" have mental issues, not physical. If a girl says she has fibro, keep looking, she has head issues.

Might go to the club tonight to get some pussy while she's home

Thanks for the input. Are you sure your wife doesn't feel pain during sex or she's just holding back from telling you so that you don't fall into my predicament of choosing a side bitch or not?

I won't cuck out. I just want to fuck. I would be heated if we broke up and some other fag ended up getting in there

I like the one's with daddy issues

I read down the thread after I posted this and found that 15 people already said the same thing. Tells you something.


Just leave. No sense in subjecting yourself to bullshit if you get nothing for it. If you stay youll resent her and end up cheating.

For once, Sup Forums finally agrees on something
Womt resent her. Cheating is a possibility. I just wanted to know my chances of smashing


Or I'm guessing your cock is tiny enough that she won't feel it anyway so have at it.

fuck her in the ass, or leave her, don't sacrifice yourself.
