Be American

>be American
>get shot

>tip the shooter

>be european
>get raped then beheaded

> Clap

>Be American
>Get shot
>DO YOU have a serious injury?
>OUR TEAM of lawyers can help!
>Win a bajillion dollars
>Still in debt after paying off medical bills.

yeah, happens on a daily basis here...

86000 people in US shot per year.

US population 323 million

Percentage of Americans getting shot = 0.03%


>be american
>dont get suicide bombed

seriously europe... why havent you made bombs illegal?

thats not thread. you now have to break up how and why people shot. also how many died. and so on.

step up nigger

>Firearm death rate per 100,000 in US (2014)
>Sex crimes per 100,000 in Germany (2010)
That one person makes a huge difference.

you guys are overdue for another truck of peace

sorry, not sex crimes, just rape

11000 killed. 0.003%.


this is right down the street from me guys

what do i do

Be an hero

You have a gun, right?
Even fight.
If not, lol.
I also live in FL but this is far enough away that I don't care.
Depending on caliber and type of bullet, just carry about a quarter for the tip.

>be local murifat
>try to run away
>wait i want some soup beforehand
>get fat stuck in microwave door while you microwave your water
>nigger breaks in your house
>get shot
>survive it
>pay dr shekelstein all your money
>walk out of hospital
>get shot again
>your family tips the shooter at your burial


well i tried to report on a disaster getting national coverage for Sup Forums once but by the time i walked over there police barriers were so far back i couldn't see anything.
would probably be the same for you.


so how many died because only the criminal had the gun

That's just firearm death rate, not including everyone getting shot who don't die from the wound.

>Associated Sup Forumsress

I think his name is Nicholas.

press couldn't get closer either, i was with them

Because this never happens in other countries?

and what's our rate when you exclude suicide and nigger-related shootings? the same as anywhere in europe.

>have to resort to an american reaction gif

You're just sad

>that's just rape
>from a particularly sparse year, at that
>doesn't include the pedophilia or other sex crimes
Should I have included the very specific form of homicide "beheading", too? Sorry they weren't the same year. Wikipedia blows and I cbf to care enough to keep looking. Gonna look up the US rape rate, though; Just for fun.

I was implying that you're Sup Forumss version of the AP. Just jokes.

And your point? Mass shooting is much worse than raping.

Not in a western country no not often.

>US population 323 million
>Percentage of Americans getting shot = 0.03%

but do you give muslim americans the same break when way less than 0.03% of them commit terrorist acts in us?

>Mass shooting
No one said anything about mass shootings.
Also the rape rate for 2010 in the US was almost 3x Germany
fucking lol

I also disagree with your claim. Dead people don't suffer or take up more resources than they are taxed for like so many of our niggers (the primary victims of firearm related deaths) do.

Closer to low end, actually, iirc.



In one day, Islamic terrorists killed 3,000 Americans. That's nearly half the number of Americans killed in an entire year by guns.

Islamic terrorists repeatedly murder innocent people simply because they have different religious beliefs.

There are 300 million guns in the US. There is thankfully not 300 million Muslims in the US. The percentage of Muslims killing innocent people is much higher than the 0.03% of Americans shot annually.

So fuck no, I don't give Muslims the same break. Fucking privilege for these people to live in this country and they want to kill us.

Are you telling me that people who fuck alligators, sell fake golden tickets to heaven to catch a ride with aliens to go to a planet made entirely of meth, and burglarizes public toilets also commit mass shootings? Well color me fucking surprise Sup Forums.

fuck children. kill em all. muslims are evil too. kill everything. hurr durr. shitface.

Those other countries don't have guns retard. Guns are part of American culture. 300 million guns in this country. You don't like it, leave. With 300 million guns, every once in a while someone will get shot.

These numbers include suicides which account for 2/3rds of annual gun deaths in US

nigger on nigger shootings shouldn't really be counted. without those US is on par with europe.


>tfw you were in an active school shooting
>shooter only shot a projector and held a class that wasn't mine hostage then shot himself

i feel like i missed out

beheading - sex crimes

>be eurocuck
>repost stale copy pasta

pretty sure you went to my highschool

idk whats up with white people shooting up kids...

> be eurofag
> invite mooslims into country
> mooslims rape women
>act surprised
>make stale bread

95% of this thread is faggots pushing their agendas
>lmao xd

how many muslim americans are terrorists?