When a contestant takes the minus offer

>when a contestant takes the minus offer

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We need to start Chase posting. I think it's my favourite game show of all time.

The Chasers are going to be on celebrity Tipping Point tomorrow, should be good.

Yes fuck off you minus offer cunt.

Get fucked.

How happy would you be to see this lad come out?

>when a contestant takes the minus offer but still gets caught

>It's a 'contestant backchats the chaser' episode

>When a contestant gets £10k in the cashbuilder but takes the lower offer

>chaser comes out
>they're obese

The Chase is the shittest thing on tv. They obviously put a cap of about 80 IQ points on the contestants, they give the chasers points for wrong answers and THAT FUCKING LAUGHTRACK

The fuck are you on about? You must be talking about the celeb version.

>Tipping Point

The celeb version is the only one with an actual audience. The normal one they have a shit laugh track where they only have one sound effect that they play over and over. The contestants are always retards. Saw an episode on Challenge earlier that had one fat bitch claiming to be a psychic and some cunt called Zeus that was literally retarded

>when Bradley acts like the team have got a push-back wrong but they actually got it right

>The celeb version is the only one with an actual audience. The normal one they have a shit laugh track where they only have one sound effect that they play over and over

I had no idea

Dark Destroyer is best chaser, closely followed by cousin marriage and cinnaman

Did Paul come out as gay in today's episode wtf

Based Brad, literally are guy.

You'll never be able to unhear it now. It makes it unwatchable

Come to think of it, I saw some behind the scenes outake type video and it was total silence but bradley and the contestants. Must be a weird vibe in there. I remember one where they cut to an ad and the last remaining contestant yawns and stretches as the camera cranes over to brad, then fades

More like Jenny 'The Thixxen' Ryan, am I right?

isn't it about time they increased the cashbuilder money to maybe £2k per question?

they usually make around 5k-8k
lower offer is anything lower than that, but the higher offer can be up to £50k

it's a bit of a gap

GOAT feel. Especially when the team all says the contestant is good enough to go for what they got in the cash builder, only for them to take the lower offer.

The greatest feel, get fucked student scum.

>and answers no questions in the finale

In the yank version they get about 10k a question

>I used to fuck a mastermind semi finalist and he was very good

Wtf was up with Paul today

>it's a 'the joke answer turns out to be the actual answer' episode

>when a contestant openly mocks the Chaser for being overweight

>it's a "the chaser has an almost perfect run but mishears the last question because he's running out of time" episode

Minus-offer takers get such vitriol on twitter.

People calling them cunts ect.

What's up with this chaser anyway?
He's letting every Tom, Dick and Harry through.

I like this meme.

>when the contestant takes the lower offer and proceeds to annihilate the chaser

I'll be astounded if they get even a single question wrong. I'm not a quiz snob but Tipping Point is seriously braindead.

just anuva day at thuh office, bwadley.

Mark 'The Fat Bastard' Labbett is cute!

If I was on I'd want to take on Shaun, everyone knows blacks are the thickest race. Or Jenny, she's hot as fuck.

He was always gay, they just don't mention it every episode because it's not really relevant.

who /brit/ here

> Penny drop as a gameshow

fucking retarded show

fuck steve
