Watching all democrats screech and shit themselves simultaneously while using school shootings to push political...

>Watching all democrats screech and shit themselves simultaneously while using school shootings to push political agendas.

No wonder conservatism is on the rise.

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Bad goy

Was. Dem in my late teens. Not gonna lie Obama was one hell of a speech giver. I bought in. Then I realized him and his supporters pander to ppl who think like pic related. (All white ppl are racist blah blah blah). I can't support that.

Does that sign in the back say "We stand with Hitler"?

This faggot took his son to a hospital that runs on donations for an expensive procedure. He's a millionaire and then has the balls to preach about how we need better healthcare in this country


>Conservatives after terrorist attack: lol liberals want to let more refugees in, don't they know that'll create more terrorist attacks?
>Conservatives after mass shooting: we need MORE guns and less regulation to stop these shootings

This liberal mouth piece never accepted this challenge. Shapiro was down. Guess maintaining his image due to the inevitable beat down he would get without a team of writers to help him was more important than helping charity

Where are all the conservatives at screeching for less gun regulation, user?

Feckin Jews

I would pay to see that debate.

>send in the whiney jew


>good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun
>gun laws are too strict in blue states
yadda yadda I hear this all the time

it's "Down with Hitler"

Shapiro "the 2000 IQ killjoy" Ben would turn Jimmy into mincemeat.

the only reason, why jimmy kimmel is so present nowadays is because it looks like pimmel

who has said any of that in this thread?

You’re a sheep retard if you subscribe to the left-right paradigm like this. You’re all just as bad as the “lefties” you’re calling out. You are all just as brainwashed.
Heads or tails? Call it in the air, you fucking sheep

No one has ever called him that

well i did you faggot

Arrogance in a nutshell, keep assuming.

not saying anyone in this thread has said it, ive said i heard it before from conservatives and ill definitely hear it again

That only proves how wide the gulf between you and an intellectual actually is

is that a compliment

he's a talk show host not a fucking intellect.

Don't you know that unless it's happening right now, in front of you there's no such thing as evidence?

Go eat a bowl of urine soaked kale, treehugging vegan faggot.

Probably the closest you'll receive to one. Enjoy it, you've really earned it

>while using school shootings to push political agendas the Republicans/conservative don't do the EXACT same thing:

The Republicans and the Democrats are both nothing but power-hungry shitheads who will use ANY tragedy to push their agendas.

So someone who can afford something comfortably can’t use his voice for the majority that can’t afford it comfortably? Fuck Jimmy Kimmel but also fuck the American health care system.


>No wonder conservatism is on the rise
What does conservatism mean to you?

I didn’t assume a thing

>So someone who can afford something comfortably can’t use his voice for the majority that can’t afford it comfortably?

Not by bitching about how he can't have it because it is not free -- which is called "lying" and it is not the best way to make a point. If he bitched about some poor guy who couldn't have it, he would not be such a douche.

That's actually a valid question, I'd like to know the answer, too. And, please, try to show what your version of conservatism is FOR not for what it is AGAINST (being against a stance, say socialized medicine, does NOT state what you are the extreme, it could mean that you believe that NO doctors should be allowed to practice).

The MSM is treating him like an intellect. That's why I'll gladly watch Shapiro destroy that little narrative CNN MSNBC have set

>healthcare is like furinture
>increase military spending haha