This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with this

This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with this

Other urls found in this thread:

Austria is German. Nothing about post-WW2 borders of Germany is legitimate except the German-Dutch and the Danish-German.


>letting the greekshits keep cucking southern thrace

What do you need Baden and Württemberg for?
Fill it with even more Niggers?

>Turkey still exists
>everyone should be happy

Just. No.

Funny because I'm called a Turkshit for not giving them Constantinople



Idiotic neo nazis and Grossgermania kiddies who think the elections in the 30s were legit are not welcome

Keep it away from you Germans.
If you would have another great austrich painter, you would have a country, but not now.

So. Take constantinople from the turks to give to other turks?
Makes no sense.

No yugoslavia 0/10

Tell me if what there's literally anything wrong with the concept of Greater Germany.
Also, you still didn't disprove my point and the sources I've given you.
>this part of Germany must be taken away from German because they are fucked so give it to one of the nations that's actually worse.

Tito has to be immortal for Yugoslavia to work

iberia should be either united(if we talk in general terms of culture) or divided in Castille, Andalusia, Aragon, Navarra and Galicia (if we are more strict with culture groups)

Your map puts Galicians and Portuguese together but not Germany and Austria, who speak the same language, not just related languages.

Switzerland gets a pass because they've got a unique system that they've had going for 500 years, but the only reason people wouldn't join Germany and Austria is because the Nazis made the idea unpopular.

Austria has too much history and culture and has never been a part of Germany (Except in the 30s when they were forcefully annexed)

>implying not this

>forcefully annexed
If you believe this you are objectively and medicinically deemed idiotic.

Austrian culture is just pretending not to be German
and Austria was a part of the Kingdom of Germany within the Holy Roman Empire for a thousand years

the hypocrite right here, presenting himself as a knower of central european hsitory of Geramny,Austria and knowing jack shit from other areas

giving N.Transylvania to hungarians, the last to come in Europe, that magyarisedand genocided the romanians

>Austria not part of Germany
>Greek areas still in hands of Turks
>Corsica not with Italy
>No Catalonia
Poland and Russia owning any land on the Baltic sea

1/10 Try again

Lol Fuck Algeria

made some more improvements nobody cares about Romanians ins the problem
also Bucharest is Hungarian clay

Oh look ! The most fake country of Europe is trying to be funny.

Well by that logic "Germany" has only been a thing since 1870. If you mean the German cultural area, then Austria has been an integral part since the beginning. Bavaria has almost as much of an argument to be a separate country excepting the last 120 years or so.

shit i went off and my thread almost died


Tell your serbian friends that they need to try harder with ethnic cleansing because they failed miserably.

This is you

Vilnius is not Polish region. It doesn't have Polish majority, nor it is historic Polish city.

OK. You leave the EU and we make a coalition.
And you persuade Austria and Croatia to join.

I grew up in a 50-50 Serb and Hungarian (and a few other) place, and you people are all right.

Serbs kek

Daily reminder that OP is a Turkroach.

Not sure the Nederbros want some parts of Belgium.

I think they'd rather gift them to the French, or Germans.

We were multicultural before it was cool.

>Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo together

Kaliningrad should be polish

half the image is about giving Serbia half of Europe but they don't even keep Kosovo on my map
also that Germany is historical with only Austria added

Not really, just keep the Srbija's in check.

I think we all understand that he meant that we fumigate for roaches first.

It is what it is.
What had to be suffered was suffered.
It was the price of pride and standing up to a sandnigger empire.

But we are again Serbia and Serbs. And there are no minarets in my neck of the woods.

Actually this

its more german than polish. Besides , we deported everyone out of there. Only russians left.


>retarded Americans want to make this an independent country with population 0

>no turkish culture
>turkish genes
>proud of the fact
only serbs can be this dumb.

Everyone forgetting MAGNA FRISIA

>Iceland getting mad at me for trying to break down Europe into as many small places as possible

this nigga didn't forget magna frisia


yes when you do it like a retard

it always bothered me that it's this little zit in central europe. anyway it should belong to either poland or lithuania. i guess for all intents and purposes it's russian now. leftover from soviet days. just seems kind of impractical like northern ireland

Gee thanks for the lands

Guys, stop killing Slovenia. Slovenes are most definitely honorary aryans, and their language is very distinguishable from Serbo-Croatian.

Slovenia did nothing wrong.

No galician would like to be part of Moortugal

Returning it would do more harm than good. At this point you would need to replace the entire population of kaliningrad

>any year
>any universe
>any dream
>any fantasy

Take Wallonia from us and I'm a happy man.

Plus. we have a shitton of missles there.

ah now i see the reason

Less than 0.2% percent of Saint Petersburg is Finnic. Finland has no rights to the region, and Russia deserves acess to the Baltic Sea

Scotland...dont think so m8..

>t*rkish culture

Also the t*rkish genes meme is getting worn son.

Do you think that every intercourse results in conception?

Do you think it is impossible to terminate a pregnancy?

>Less than 0.2% percent of Saint Petersburg is Finnic
>Finland has no rights to the region
>Russia deserves acess to the Baltic Sea
extra wrong and the main reason the area is given to Finland

They are cool with me.

THIS is the perfect version of Europe.

source picture?

Slovenia has a 1/3 higher GDP per capita than Croatia and as far as I can tell is the richest slavic country.
Pic related is Ljubljana

You know it would be even perfect if Norway, Sweden (after thorough purge), Finland and Viinaviro were all in a cozy nordic alliance.

Norway probably doesn't really need anyone or anything because they got oil sources so maybe not them.

I am well aware of this
doesn't change the fact that they are a joke and should never have gotten a country

Now now Stefán that's enough shitposting for today.

Why so salty ?

I am sorry Slovenia but I know nothing about the country except for the Croatia meme picture and this is a meme thread so that's just how it's going to have to be

Everytime the same map anf everytime the same mistakes

Galicia is spanish prussia is german austria is german and anatolia is greek

Actual future map

Greater finland includes the brown areas. This specifically excludes saint petersburg.
Finland has absolutley no claim to the city. It was founded by Swedish Colonists and was captured by the Russians. It never belonged to any type of Finnic entity.

the point is that Russia is not allowed any access to the Baltic and Finland by succession from Sweden takes over Petersburg because someone has to

It actually has people on it. Only 18 people though

and 0 of them are permanent residents

keking at the mad bulgarians
stay cucked son

>Belgium Exists

500 years ago? Lol yeah it is.


>implying Bulgaria won't be a turkish province

>implying Taтapoв didn't firstly painted Macedonia
in your dreams cuck

objectively best Europe

>No Greater Brabant

This is the best map! Thoughts and opinions?


seriously, why is your butt hurt that that is a country or not? what difference, pray tell, does it make to your butt?

why is it so hurt?

This map is good, far from perfect, but not as bad as what we have today.

Are those grey zones containment zones for white people?

mortii matii de ungur prost


Are you cool with the Romania in this map?

shittiest map itt

How is this one?

Perfect Europe coming through


>oy vey muh German problem!

>Greek Megali-idea