I'm walkin down the street, minding my own business, and suddenly I see a sign that says IMPEACH OBAMA on it. At first I'm thinking "yeah, I can get down with that" but what I found was... just bizarre.

I'll just out some of their beliefs, see if you guys can figure this shit out

>Want America to join BRICS
>Pro Production Investment economy, NOT Free Trade
>Not High taxation though
>Pro Constitutionalist
> They Really like the book "On The Subject of Manufactures
> They don't like George Soros
> They hate Trump, Obama, Bernie, Hillary, ALL of them
> They think the economy should be run on investment and credit, not on tax dollers and not on banks
> They hate WallStreet bailouts
> They hate Global Warming but love science investments
> They think Production based economy is more important than the potential to buy, as in, how much money the country has

Here are more pictures I took before they told me to get lost.








I'll give you a pity bump