Who's got more pics?

Who's got more pics?

There's gotta be more shots from the inside, it's 2018.

Maybe shots of the shooter?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping for interest


i always run to Sup Forums the second i hear about a school shooting :)


Fake gun is fake

That’s a pic from inside? Damn. I wonder what that guy did to piss him off.

heres the video lads its only 2 sec tho


The red cap is a safety mechanism.

Is that a bag of pickles?

that's a woman/girl

I usually hear it first on Sup Forums

No, it's a fake gun. That's an airsoft gun, retard. Look at the trigger.

>The red cap is a safety mechanism
This is how little people understand guns.
>I'm sure that little plastic cap will keep the bullet from exiting the barrel.


Of course Sup Forums has better coverage than the news channels
I love your detective levels of autism

You took the b8 m8.

Proven fake you liberal bitch

>cucumbers idiot


Yeah, I guess. Sometimes the stupidity is so bad that it overlaps the trolling.


Trump and his followers *are* liberal, you russian stooge. Just look at his economic policies.

Fuck you. He's a gun toting right wing piece of shit. When are you dumbass, non critical thinking morons gonna start calling this a false flag?

proven where

My news source.

that's true- he raised overall deficit spending by over a trillion dollars with his latest budget. republican cucks are the dumbest people on the planet.


>Anonymous 02/14/18(Wed)18:58:50 No.759942
highschool shooting "Featured" on snapchat map, has video from inside the school when shots were being fired


I never go to /b but when there's a shooting, im mooting

Pic of shooter

here , a video


Billboard quality

as expected

Another video:


confirmed not his ig


damn that shit would be scary as fuck if you were sitting there

I love how some fag rushed to throw that together.

>Pray for this shit yo
>Our fucking school is getting shot up

Wow America is a fucking dystopia, good job assclowns


No it’s not.
This was proven to be a fake account set up by by liberal faggots trying to push a political agenda.

You retards should be ashamed of yourselves...
you talk about how you guns should be banned because of all the poor children who died and then exploit their deaths by lying about who did it so you can make people who supported the candidate that beat yours look bad.

You should seriously take a moment of reflection on what you did by contemplating killing yourselves
>preferably with a gun

dystopia, k lol that kids just retarded.

>This was proven to be a fake account
[citation needed]

Gotta be more than these two videos.

>MSNBC just showed the "our school is fucking getting shot up" video.

I know ya'll can do better than that. Everyone had a phone and these kids film EVERYTHING

Is that screenshot you got from a video inside the High School?

You fucking right wing nut jobs need to pull your heads out of your asses. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy you autistic faggot.

just like the conservative accounts trying to say he was an antifa democrat

The red cap is a safety mechanism

on whatever retard echo chamber he crawled out of.

kill em all 2018

How about you prove it WAS his account.


Yes, that 2-second video


You must have more!! Do share.


Do you have the link?

That's how internet works lol, is he okey?

>Muh Russia
Not everything is a conspiracy user

Dub dub trips
Well done sir

Muslims are taking over Western Europe meanwhile Burgers are killing eachother... Pathetic

thank you

She looks pretty hot, I would got a grope in while she was still warm.

Dude did better than I did

They shouldn't have let those shitskins in.


holy shit is he okay

I didn’t make a claim, you did. The burden of proof is on you

Yeah, well the chief sheriff is named Scott Israel.

>argument soundly defeated.

The Gingers?

Let us ALL hold landlines togethAr end PRAY for JesUs two save us oll and preevent diz form happineng aghen~

Hope the shooter gets at least a weeks detention.

>white loser kid kills other white kids
fucking niggers am i right

would put my finger in some dead vagoo



gob bless america. truly a miracle our brave officers where there so quick to aprhahand the suspect. salute to the flag

He wasn’t a student.

the fire alarm was a smart idea

He was a student of life.


He graduated already.


Did anyone die

An unfunny, try hard, knock off of Tim and Eric?

Nah. Sam's too low test for that. Have you seen how fucking fat he's gotten? Probably still cussing out his mom and beating her up.

17 so far

Damn, whoever was gonna fuck that snatch tonight must be really disappointed right now. What a shame.

eh. depends what you're into

with sound faggots
pr0gramm com/top/2382590

He can't keep getting away with this.

Another video. They're surfacing.


Goddamn. You are so dumb... why are you fuckers never the ones getting shot.

As long as they are still warm within the first few hours.

Thank Satan for video. Send to Alex Jones b4 the Rube Goldberg machine in his brain cranked up and starts shouting “false flag!”

twitter.com/buttgoblion101 their you go boys have fun

are they alright? are you alright?

Are you fucking stupid?

Underrated comment.

Are you?
You are so so desperate for it to be a right wing person
Thats horrible.
How did you feel when you foung out the las vegas shooter was a democrat?
Is that gonna help your confirmation bias too?