>it's an american movie/TV show
>characters are on the phone
>they never say goodbye before hanging up
It's an american movie/TV show
>it's a hawaiian movie/TV show
>characters are on the phone
>they say hello before hanging up
seriously wtf
>it's an american movie/TV show
>characters are wearing shoes inside the house
>it's an american movie/TV show
>characters look european and not fat
>It's a European movie
>It cuts to the credits halfway through the movie because all the actors died of starvation
>it's an american tv show
>characters keep their shoes inside
>characters have their shoes on while on bed
>americans will find this funny and post it on reddit
muh food
americans woah
>European TV show
>no muslims
>it's a european movie
>there are actors who aren't jewish
wtf i hate europe and america now
>it's an american movie/TV show
>character picks up phone and says "Yeah?"
>American TV show
>Character walks home in rain
>Steps in dog shit
>Doesn't take shoes off when entering house
>Walks all over the interior carpet
>Crawls into bed, gets snug under the covers
>Sleeps and doesn't remove his shoes until its time for the morning shower
>it's an american poster who can't handle the bantz
>it's a europoor movie
>actually no it's not since hollywood killed european cinema decades ago
I've been wondering about this for a long time actually. Why don't they say goodbye on the phone in movies and tv shows? It's pretty weird when you think about it.
>3 replies
lel eurocucks
Seriously, is this only in movies or do americans never say goodbye on the phone?
Ever notice that sometimes they don't say anything at all when picking up, they just wait for the person who is calling to realize that they have picked up. Strange, unnatural behaviour.
>its a non-american poster
>shit posting stale memes
>be me
>be european
>call my american friend
>we talk for a while
>suddenly noticing he isn't on the other end
>apparently he hung up without saying goodbye
>feel like a fool for talking to myself for 10 minutes
>american tv show
>family sits down for breakfast
>just a plate with a tower of pancakes covered in butter and syrup
t. buttblasted hungry skeletons
>May I speak to Stacey?
>This is she
Urgent phone call
>Yes I'll hold