Michelle Obama BTFOs Trump

Michelle Obama offered a scathing, barely veiled critique of Donald Trump on Friday as she delivered her final commencement address as first lady, warning graduates of City College in New York that while their diverse backgrounds are to be celebrated, they should beware of those who "build up walls to keep people out."



transex looking bitch

and obama looking faggier by the second

When he leaves office they are going to get a divorce just watch


her weave looks like shit lol

Thank you image.jpg



Obabos are beginning to show signs indicating they are responisble for the ascension of God Emperor.


is this real?

Holy hell, no wonder Obama is pushing tranny laws

"We don't build up walls to keep people out"

Right, you build walls to protect what's inside. Dumb chimps need to stop pretending like a fucking wall is racist


You betcha. Michael Obama is a man.

The daughters don't belong to Barrack - they belong to Michael and another woman



She really does look particularly chimpish.

the president is a muslim nigger faggot cuck


sure is 2016 in here

"Community College"


Fucking tranny.



Why is there a monkey as first lady?

Is this a joke? Like when Nero made his horse a consul of rome?

Has she done anything other than fuck up k-12 lunches

She has the cadence of ted x talk.