I guarantee you she made them do it.
I guarantee you she made them do it
Other urls found in this thread:
What, did she get the UN's army to force them? OH WAIT, UN AIN'T GOT NO ARMY!
>Emma Watson in Beauty and the Beast
So who's cast as beauty?
Emma Watson is not cute/hot enough to be Belle.
Japan is sending PlayStations
Wow I would have never noticed in the first place
Belle isn't meant to be super hot, just cute and bookish. Fits the bill perfectly, imo.
>Fits the bill perfectly, imo.
I guarantee you guys this user faps to boys.
I agree, I don't understand why people are so against it
Emma Watson with long hair is a hyper-qt
When she cut her hair it was disappointing
Probably because she's muh feminist and speaks about SJW stuff at the UN. Every Sup Forumstard would froth at the mouth if they even had a chance to fuck Emma Watson, it's a really weird dynamic.
>make the furniture ugly because it's Baroque and that's period
>fuck up and make the dress plain and Belle is just anachronistic as all hell
I'm just mad they're fucking it up wasting Luke Evans as Gaston. I was hoping to see more skin, but no. They're covering him up. He's not going to be all but bursting out of his shirt like in the cartoon.
Gotta make Emma "plays herself in every movie" Watson the star of the show.
It was a committee decision, like in every Disney movie. Actors are almost as irrelevant as directors on Disney. In fact, they probably hired worst Emma for her feminist statements, not that she'll be allowed to say anything controversial during the interviews, only shallow and cinically calculated GRRLLL POWER
Its not called "Bookish girl and the Beast", you dumb faggot
>is wearing a corset in the pic
I'd love for Emma to use me has her personal toilet. The thought of her waste coiling to formation inside of my mouth as it's made easier to swallow with her urine following close by. It would be fantastic. I'd use my tongue to clean the remainder just so I can have the taste ingrained into my tongue so I never forget the moment we shared, and more importantly the taste.
I guarantee this "kino" is going to flop
jesus christ how horrifying
>Belle isn't meant to be super hot, just cute and bookish. Fits the bill perfectly, imo
Cartoon Belle was a total babe. Also her name is BELLE.
Why didn't she complain about Saudi Arabia while she was at the UN?
Jesus Emma is one of the most insufferable cunts in Hollywood
How anyone can call this overt sjw feminist best Emma is beyond me
I actually kek'd out loud from this post.
>female inventor
>no corset
dropped, if i wanted to watch some hunger games shit i would but if they're not going to at least pay some proper homage to the animators of old then fuck this shit
are they going to have some scene with her dressed in steampunk attire covered in grease working on some Rube Goldberg machine?
What do you think she is going to invent?
inb4 feminism
she invented the laundry machine
no, seriously
anyone wanna bet they turn her daddy into a total fuckup retard and try to imply that hes riding belles coattails?
What is her fucking problem
curling iron
He makes clocks now so it in her blood to be an inventor
Keep spoiling the movie for me guys by mentioning shitty cliches. I'm being serious, I want to see how creative this movie will be.
It'll bomb hard and any critic that talks bad about it will be labeled as sexists.
if this shit triggers you, you have issues
>"I sing occasionally, but I don’t think you wanna hear me singing Matthew Crawley." -Dan Stevens
Oh well, I guess it was made for the generation raised on famed Broadway and West End actor Gerard Butler.
Saudis arent white men. I dont think you quite understood feminism yet.
how do we restore her?
How is Emma still relevant? Is she still riding her fame from the HP movies? Her last movie was only seen by 7 people in the theaters. LUL!
is it even possible?
What's wrong with corsets?
dying laughing
only one way, user
They're "sexist", I guess.
I want to believe...
second wave feminism decided they were bad at the same time they were burning bras. later generations remembered they were bad for some reason but forgot why.
...but I guess it's only fantasy.
Try to appease feminists by making her an inventor.
Her name is still Belle.
>How is Emma still relevant?
she really isn't outside of Sup Forums where we spend all day triggering our own userbase
Just think of this mixed with Disney bullshit.
>live action Disney movie
>not even on ice
>Beauty and the Beast
>Her name means beauty.
>She's a beast.
yeah thats the other face she can make
great post!
please don't ever stop posting
what did she invent, blowjobs?
>what did she invent, blowjobs?
That's more of a discovery than an invention.
"Hey baby, why don't you put your mouth on my cock?"
"Teehee, no way!"
"I don't think you heard me.."
Come to think of it, it was also how the bitchslap was discovered
That's impossible! Everyone knows your mom did.
sorry couldn't resist.
>inb4 my mom couldn't resist x
5/10. The correct grammar and spoilered part is very reddit.
Kek what if the tampon is sentient like the arbitrarily selected half of the stuff in that castle
>first world feminists caring about the mistreatment of women
Jeez, you must actually be dumber than the age group the original movie was intended for.
"Beauty" doesn't just apply to physical traits. The beauty in this story refers to Belles gracious nature and her ability to see the man inside the monster he was transformed into. Where others would have fled, when given the chance, she chose to stay and ultimately save him from his hatred (the beast) and break the spell.
tl;dr - Both the words in the title are metaphors.
Dan Stevens
did anyone else think he should have stayed as a beast
looks like a right bender in human form
Way to fill in the blanks of their half-assed narrative, buddy. If they wanted that to be obvious she could have been ugly as balls with a heart of gold, but she had to be pretty too.
How could we have an ugly princess?
if Disney wanted to be really modern they would have had a man play Belle and a woman play the Beast
scandalous and revolutionary, take all my money while I jizz myself to death
People think she invented post-its but it turns out she only figured out to make them yellow
it wouldn't have a couple years ago, before sjw's made me loathe every aspect of their ideology. every Sup Forumstard in existense today is their creation.
the name beauty is supposed to be figurative AND literal
Emma Watson really isn't even that attractive.
If it weren't for her being Hermione no one would give a shit about her.
>They're covering him up
why? too much "toxic masculinity" for them?
Well it's a cartoon so how can you really tell? All the Disney lead girls have essentially the same cutesy features. Maybe the "real life" Belle was meant to be be plain/average, just like Emma.
I think it would have been fine for her to sort of be a "learning" scientist, like wanting to take after her dad. And maybe that will give her something to fucking do in the mansion other than shit around with talking furniture while getting to know the beast. Maybe even have an attempted escape scene based off something she was able to make. As long as she's not some deus ex machina cardboard, im ok with her "being an inventor"
I'd watch that desu
>Well it's a cartoon so how can you really tell?
its a book you faggot
i like how in the Disney cartoon she comes of as a bitch who looks down on everyone and does not read anything productive
Why? She was already an intelligent and accomplished character in the original, why go even further with it? I get that her father was one too, but this just comes off as trying too hard.
>She was already an intelligent and accomplished character in the original
in what way?
>her father was one too
everything he made was useless. he is a crazy tinkerer
Haven't seen this gif in a Looooong time.
She was literally the only person in her village who could read. And she still didn't buy her books, just read them and returned them. Piece of shit.
What is bill hader looking at in this?
lmao i bet you buy blu rays instead of torrenting them.
yeah it's based on a fairy tail and she's supposed to be the most beautiful daughter
cast him
Nope, I let other people subsidise the industry for me. Belle was the only person who could possibly support that bookseller, and chose not to.
Also, I torrent HD DVD, not Bluray.
They are all equally hot, she is just "less shallow" or more tryhard cute if you want to look at it from another way. I think her sister were already married so that is why she was sent
>Emma "Manjaw McFlatass" Watson
>cute and bookish.
When will she get a haircut, bros?
>other people subsidise the industry for me
Freeloading cocksucker
Just like this faggot right here
Now I, as an old fashioned man, would cum on emma until my balls shrivled up but it strikes me that why should I watch a retelling of a film that, from everything we've seen so far, is uglier in both narritive and visuals than the original when I can just put in my dvd copy of the 2D animated delight and enjoy that immensely more?
I have seen nothing that warrants the existence of this film, so it doesn't really exist to me.
she doesn't even need to wear a corset, it's not like she's chloe morëmeatz
nice reddit spacing.