>Dave Chappelle to Make ‘SNL’ Hosting Debut During Election Week
Is this truly the end of times
>Dave Chappelle to Make ‘SNL’ Hosting Debut During Election Week
Is this truly the end of times
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nigga must be broke
niggaz ripped now
that's his first big appearance on television since the end of Chappelle's Show
this is a good thing
watch his interviews.
He is the most red pilled person to ever make his way through hollywood. They tried making him one of them and he quit.
>the most red pilled
>He is the most red pilled person
patrice oneal too
holy shit
When was the last time he showed up on TV? It feels like ages
He really needs to do some shurgs or something for his neck.
It's too skinny for his body
>Let's put a has been on the worst comedy that's been dead for over a decade, maybe two decades
>let's get excited
yeah I don't want to see this nigger demeaned shilling for Saturday Night Leddit either.
So what's he going to do shit talk the government about releasing the recipe for crack like usual but with someone dressed up as trump in the background?
Dave Chapelle? A Tribe Called Quest? What year is this again?
Dunno, black muslims were always kinda based from Malcolm X to Mohammad Ali. Maybe it's a sign of rebellion like swastika tattoos in soviet gulags.
>black muslims were always kinda based
guys there's a black muslim on Sup Forums LOL
Nation of Islam.
Elijah Muhammed was or is the leader if he's still alive.
He's a fucking egotistical self serving shit that has never kneeled to pray to anything but the Almighty Dollar.
He abandoned Ali when he needed him most and killed Malcolm once he found out he couldn't use him anymore.
A regular muslim is more redpilled than most fundamentalist of christcucks. It's simply a fact.
I'd rather just see a 1-2 hour interview with him than an SNL appearance safe space for comedy.
>Not watching Oprah
Nigga you are so dumb for real
I bet he freaks out and cancels before it gets too close.
Na, he still does plenty standup.
Is he promoting something? Isn't that what the hosts are usually doing? Like their new movie or some shit
he's going to endorse trump
i will bet any of you $100, post your paypals
Hope he does the Rick James bit
>during election week
so he'll be on tomorrow night or 4 days after the election is over?
The 12th
He's gonna start screaming out redpills and get tackled by security
Absolutely not. Remember my post after SNL.
lmao I had to look it up
Oh, it shows.
Wait is chappelle a member of the nation of islam or "muslim".
They are not necesarily the same thing.
The nation of islam is like the scientology of black people.
>yfw he makes the usual "trump is a crazy person who ran for office so now a crazy person can host snl"
>liberal audience laughs, high fives, gets excited
>"but we all know these hosting gigs are rigged just like hillary rigged the election"
>Dead silence
>"I mean she tried rigging in 2008 but Obama is just too real of a nigga"
>A few laughs, nervous chuckles
>"However I'm confident I can come out of hiding now that the country is right and truly fucked"
>Tackled by security, NBC signals go down, itsover.jpg
I doubt it.
But him shilling for hillary would be weird too.
Chapelle and Mac were my favorite comedians but Mac had to go and die Chappelle basically disappeared.
If he does, it'll be in the same way he shilled for Bill: youtube.com
Lorne michael is a control freak that has to approve anything in the show with no surprises.
And the snl writers are a bunch of hillary shills that will never allow it.
Is either an anti-trump skit or a mild anti politics bit but nothing against their queen.
Is he going to do a bit about how much he thinks white people suck?
>you will never hang out with Dave Chapelle and Michel Gondry and throw a block party in New York
Life fucking sucks
does he or cc own the chappelle show characters?
if he owns them, i can guarantee there will be a tyrone biggums sketch but with him having switched to a more modern drug like fentanyl or synthetic maruijana so the kidz can relate, an old classic with a fresh new twist i'm sketching t-shirts designs as we speak im gonna be rich!
fucking kek, this.
I think he hates all white people including shillary
>Dave Chappelle
>Tribe called quest
I might actually watch SNL this week
In your delusional half retarded alt-right mind have you seriously convinced yourself that Dave Chappelle is a Trump supporter?
>alt right
is he cool with the jew again
He's a Sunni Muslim.
>We'll give you a second chance if you shillary
why was my gif deleted?
Can't wait for #SNL to BTFO the f*ck out of Drumpf and the alt right this week!
>sunni muslim
why not mooney?
they were retarded.
NOI was scientology tier
How many minutes into filming do you think someone in the audience will yell "I'm Rick James, bitch!" and Chappelle will go apeshit and storm off set?
Not really.
He thought that there was a white conspiracy to get black to appear effeminate because a guy wanted him to wear a dress in a movie one time.
He quit because bill burr laughed to hard at one of his racial jokes and because he thought he was better than his white writer who wrote most of the sketches
remember it's live, they're gonna need that delay so bad kek
He hosts next week. Briarpatch Cumberbund hosts this week.
This is exactly whats going on.
There is a price to pay to get back on television.
They need someone to hit the black demographic more and Lena Dunhams rap video wasn't cutting it.
am I the only person who doesn't think chappelle is that great? I think he's funny and he has some great bits but in general he's so not as good as people claim he is
i was probably 14 around the time he was really in the spot light and even then i didnt like him
Chappelle was definitely a Bernie supporter, and he won't be one of those pussy Bernie supporters who lets Hillary's victory go without a few jokes on her behalf.
However, you're right about Lorne not letting any strong anti-Hillary jokes through.
>bring on Chappelle 10 years after he stopped being relevant
>so he can shill 4 days after the election
Sup Forums, everyone
rewatching the chappelle show proves exactly that, it's not THAT funny
shit I showed it to some younger collegues and they barely laughed, was kinda taken aback by that even
time is an illusion user
It's very rare that a comedian is allowed to be as Un-PC and off the wall with his antics as Dave was in his prime. ESPECIALLY nowadays.
The only good sketches were written by Neal
Yea if you watch the entire season of his show a lot of his skits are pretty mediocre.
Like the funny ones are the ones that everybody already know by memory(Rick James, the wayne brady thing, black bush).
The good ones are amazing but they are not as many as people think.
His standup is pretty great though.
>Lorne michael is a control freak that has to approve anything in the show with no surprises.
reread this sentences please
>I'd rather just see a 1-2 hour interview with him than an SNL appearance safe space for comedy.
you know you are right, SNL is the comedy safe space. When did that happen? was it always that way?
>Watch it, Whitey
SNL is still in the air??????
Well I guess I'm going to be watching SNL....
first of all
>He thought that there was a white conspiracy to get black to appear effeminate because a guy wanted him to wear a dress in a movie one time.
is not necessarily false
>He quit because bill burr laughed to hard at one of his racial jokes and because he thought he was better than his white writer who wrote most of the sketches
is 100% bullshit
anybody who supported bernie who doesn't now support hillary is a fucking retard. they have literally the exact same policy platform aside from the extreme, unworkable shit
>tribe called quest
Uh, Phife Dawg is still dead.
>first of all
>>He thought that there was a white conspiracy to get black to appear effeminate because a guy wanted him to wear a dress in a movie one time.
>is not necessarily false
No its not just false its retarded
Pretending to be a gender you're not is a joke that is literally thousands of years old.
Nearly EVERY male comedian has done it one time or another.
He's just one of those blacks that thinks that every action by "Da white man" is out to get nergoes.
And he did have a falling out with Neal who wrote nearly all of the good sketches because people were beginning to talk about how little dave did
feels bad man
>lemme hit it from the back girl I won't catch a hernia
>bust off on your couch now you got Seaman's furniture
RIPPY Phife diggy
Does he still do the blatantly racist against whites act
the hilarious part of the whole thing is this- he(like the average black person) is more racist then most of the KKK. he does blatantly racist comedy, particularly against white people. despite this, or because of this, or whatever reason white people love his comedy anyway. this triggers the shit out of him and he fucks off to africa.
I know that isn't the whole story, and there were other factors, but that is funny as hell. speaking of which, i wonder what the kkk would do if black people started showing up at their rallies like "ya, fuck niggers! scumbags". I mean black people don't really have empathy for other people, so they don't really have the beta cucks whites have but I bet it would fuck with their heads if it happened.
Hell no. It started out as a champion of alternative comedy in the seventies that showcased Andy fucking Kaufman, George Carlin and Richard Pryor. It was essentially the adult swim of its time.
SNL in the 90s was also god tier with a writing staff that included Norm MacDonald, Louis CK, Conan, Stephen Colbert and Jack Handy.
>Louis CK, Conan, Stephen Colbert
>god tier
>why not mooney?
Mooney is a legitimate racist.
And his arrogant ass still probably thinks that he is incapable of ever being called racist just because he is black.
Regardless of what you think of their politics, they are funny people. And they were playing off of more right leaning comedians like Dennis Miller, Norm, and Jack Handy.
>And his arrogant ass still probably thinks that he is incapable of ever being called racist just because he is black.
he's right though. no one ever will, not publicly.
>he's right though.
No he isn't, mate. He is subject to the vagaries of the human condition just like all of us and he is an egotist who very much enjoys having this large social grey area that he can let his ego swim around in unfettered.
Stop listening to young college kids who affirm this shit -- black people can definitely be racist. You're not magically exempt from this charge because there are unfair power structures in the world. There are billionaires who exploit the poor regularly, does that now mean that people on lower rungs of financial wealth can't also exhibit traits of greed and avarice?
Stop this dumb shit.
this bait is so tryhardy I'm not even convinced it's self-aware
sometimes i forget teenagers think like this until i come here. if all you are going to add is a half assed insult at least try and pretend you are an adult
dave sees this in audience during monologue
What will SNL do when dave stops talking?
how do I achieve Chappellemode?
theyre trying to smooth the transition back into a Clinton presidency
>same funny black man, same groovy music - see it'll be just like old times
2011 happened and everyone good left
the new cast came weren't genuine funny people who sent in tapes from their mom's basement but snotty acting degree from liberal indoctrinating camps that don't know what to do with themselves
or in shorter terms, the newer casts have no emotions or sense of humor
4 u
Fuck him. He left his last show like it was pregnant with his child.
>patrice oneal too
Maybe on women, but he was obsessed with finding racism EVERYWHERE.
lmao that's true
>mfw he's gonna endorse Hillary for Clinton-bucks because they set that nigga up