Other urls found in this thread:
Daily reminder this women makes $45,000 an episode
>it's another "family member screwed them over but they didn't get it in writing because they trusted them" episode
>it's a sassy black woman tries to out-bitch the biggest bitch in TV history episode
>it's a plaintiff forgot to bring the necessary paperwork episode
watched one a couple days ago where some dumb bitch lent her car to a friend and she didn't have a title or anything saying it was in her name so they just took it. topkek
>tfw this guy makes $12,500 each episode just to stand there
Living the dream
Many judges make more.
And have even more powerful friends then Judge Judy Sheindlin could even dream of.
There are 0(zero) judges that make 45 million a year except for her.
>it's a defendant loses their shit and gets removed from the courtroom episode
THe fuck was his problem?
I watch this bitch everyday is it true that whoever is getting sued doesn't have to pay?
those are my favorite
>it's a judge judy lifts up her robe and exposes her huge, beautiful bush episode
The defendants don't pay anything. They are paid by the production company.
It simple arbitration not a legal case.
both parties are also paid a fee to be on the show.
>stay in skooks
>mfw the reason people go on is because win or lose they get a free trip to the city plus $1000 each.
It's a pretty good deal.
Hell yeah.
I'd work up a fake lawsuit with a buddy just so we could get a free trip and some $$$!
wtf's her problem
Urban > Stallone > Judy
debate me
which episode is this?
is The Baliff /ourguy/?
no idea who the first two are
Christ you're a fucking moron.
>it's a loserds episode
Posting a people's court parody in a judge judy thread. Were you born this stupid or did you have to take lessons?
I'm not the only who thought it, am I ?
He's got a fuckin' problem.
> mfw some dudes made up a fake story to go on the show and split the cash
> mfw it worked
>Amerifat judges
She makes $47 million a year and is the highest paid person on television.
I don't know how many episodes she does a year but she makes way more than 45K per...
He makes $1.5 mil a year.
1.5 million just to stand there and occasionally show someone the door when they get an attitude
talking about the 13 year claiming trump raped her?
They need to put on a faggy powdered wig. Then we might be able to actually take them seriously.
who /mathis/ here?
>It's a Plaintiff and Defendant argue in the courtroom post-verdict episode
She's not a judge
name one. literally one.
>It's a audience member laughs too loud and gets thrown out episode.
>its a judy has obviously reached her verdict 2 minutes in but she will pad this out episode
>when you can smell a lie like a fart in a lift
>I don't know how many episodes she does a year
I recall reading they do the whole series over a month
>judge reindeer
that finger thing he does when he asks someone to enter the room with that fat ring he has
i wish i were baliff
Yes she is.
She may not be practicing, but she's still got the title.