What're you listening to at the moment friends?
/podcast general/
Other urls found in this thread:
>Four Finger Discount
A weekly pod on episodes of the golden era Simpsons
>We Hate Movies
Funny dudes talking about bad bad movies they rewatch
>The Last Podcast on The Left
Funny funny dudes talking about spooky shit
The Flophouse
Comedy Bang Bang
Pardon My Take
Hollywood Handbook
Last podcast on the left.
Dan carlin.
Any other good ones?
Any redpilled podcasts? All the popular ones I've tried are SJW crap.
>We Hate Movies
>The Last Podcast on The Left
These two are definitely my "mains" so to speak. They're the ones I'll specifically go out of my way to listen to before anything else.
Others I'm into:
>The Giant Bomb/Beatcast(s)
I'm not even really a "gamer", I just enjoy the #bantz
>Sword and Scale
True crime podcast that takes itself a lot more seriously than LPotL which can be to its detriment at times. Also the host likes to insert his own positions into the cases from time to time which can be annoying. Otherwise it's interesting if you're into this stuff.
>The Next Picture Show
Depending on what they're covering
>Faculty of Horror
Stumbled upon this over Halloween, pretty good look at horror movies from a more academic stance. I very much doubt most on here will enjoy it because they do discuss gender a lot and I know how much that can trigger people.
>Film Junk
I don't listen as often as I used to, but when I do, it's still pretty enjoyable.
Lexicon Valley, In Our Time, On the Media, Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast
Norm if he ever comes back
Brett Easton Ellis podcast
>Brett Easton Ellis podcast
this is the obvious patrician's choice for a podcast, his monologues and anti-SJW Rants are fucking great, his latest hate speech in the beginning of the Mark duplass interview against SJW demanding only "clean" person to be artists is so on-point, this guy is great at expressing his ideas on our current culture... also podcastone.com offers a free two month premium account trial so you can download all the old episodes now, it's glorious to have all the interviews on my hard drive now, they were impossible to find...
what does TDS and FTN represent?
>Brett Easton Ellis podcast
Meh. Not a big fan. He has all those meme guests.
I listen to archived DVDASA and Ricky Gervais XFM on rotation.
Any recommendations?
I haven't heard that one but all his rants are the fucking same. He comes across a common problem with anti-SJW ppl which is that he prefers to draw strawmen generalisations of what "SJWs" do instead of provide real examples.
It just seems like his definition of SJW changes to whatever he doesn't agree with from week to week.
I still like his podcast though and mostly agree with his arguments. I appreciate that he has a bullshit detector, even if it is hyperbolic at times.
except kanye and marilyn manson all his guests are pretty interesting, did you listen to all the old episodes?
i feel that he's actually always well informed about all the recent SJW outrages and shitstorms so he always references the current happenings while making his arguments against millenials and special snowflakes...
but he really does repeat himself often, his usual "ideology vs. aesthetics" rant is getting really dull by now, but i just love to have just one artist/culture-figure to listen to who pisses of the established media/SJW's and doesn't spout the same agenda that you hear everywhere nowadays...
he liked Batman vs. Superman though, so his bullshit detector isn't that useful this year. other than that i got a lot if great kino recommendations from his podcast, after he praised The Invitation i watched it and loved it, never would have checked that one out without him, but i feel like he puts a lot of emphasis on violence in movies and how it is handled, his obsession with it is a bit unsettling but this is the guy who wrote American Psycho after all...
>ideology vs. aesthetics
yeah this is my main problem. he declares it EVERY. FUCKING. EPISODE. and he has a slight lisp on "aesthetics" which I now have a Pavlovian response to wretch at.
For me his rhetoric has the potency of someone like Armond, but married to a more reliable personal ethic + taste that isn't motivated by trolling or contrarianism. (he even has a strong opinion on what makes gaykino -- much like Armond)
He has been authentically himself for decades which I have a lot of respect for.
>muh 25 year old millennial boyfriend
Rubin Report
Dan Carlin
Imus in the Morning
Sam Harris
ok I'm listening to the latest episode now
>Yes, I'll notify the propaganda office, Comrade Snowflake. Good job, Comrade Snowflake.
lmao. everything I like and hate about BEE in one rant. classic.
In The Dark
The Peripheral
Generation Why
Myths and Legends
Astonishing Legends
You Must Remember This
Higherside Chats
A lot of my favorite podcasts are better suited to /x/ but You Must Remember This is about old Hollywood.
Karina is patrician tier waifu
>King of Kings was a major letdown
>Won't admit he's voting for Trump on Common Sense
When will "Ben" make sure Dan gets his oxytocin?
i love that he has his unique point of view, my own view on current cinema changed after listening to his podcast all the time, i can see how ideology infected recent cinema even more now...
i kind of see him as a preacher of the counter culture that opposes enforcement of certain political narrtives and agendas into cinema, his views on art quite resemble Oscar Wilde's i believe, and i don't get tired of him making the same points over and over again...
he should have Sam Hyde as a guest on the show, i wonder what would come out of that, someone should show him MDE: world peace...
>muh 25 year old millennial boyfriend
kek yeah, he always mentions how he introduces some 70s movies to him and he actually loves them, didn't his boyfriend love boganovich's last picture show after bret showed it to him?
>his 23 year old Personal Assistant
i bet bret wants to fuck him badly...
>tfw ywn go to film school
>ywn become bret easton ellis' Assistant and object of lust after graduating...
here's the podcasts I'm sub'd to on Pocketcast. I either regularly listen or have listened in the past
538 Election podcast
Sleep With Me
WP's Presidential
Adam Ruins Everything
Mike and Tom Eat Snacks
Grandma's Virginity Podcast
Comedy Bang Bang
Hardcore History
U Talkin U2 To Me?
he was really spouting fire in that monologue
How many of your friends and relatives listen to podcasts? I couldn't imagine living without them but surprisingly few people I know listen. Of those people they usually don't know podcasts expand beyond Joe Rogan. Are podcasts still in infancy or just not catching on?
Imus in the Morning is GOAT
I just finished listening to Charles Manson's Hollywood from you must remember this, it was absolutely fantastic
Did a great job of contextualising the murders and showing how linked it was with the entertainment industry
Just the Monday Morning Podcast when I'm bored of music when I exercise.
I used to listen to My Brother My Brother and Me but they get stale after awhile.
Bump because this thread happens to be incredibly relevant to me. I've been looking for some podcasts in english since I only listen to stuff in my language. This thread will be useful.
>four finger discount
Is it better than talking Simpsons? The last TS was almost unlistenable
He more or less admitted he was voting 3rd party in the latest Common Sense episode.
No Agenda Show
Tom Woods Show
Contra Krugman
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Common Sense
Comedy Bang Bang
Giant Bombcast
Anthony Cumia (the entire network)
The Dick Show
Legion of Skanks
Cum Town
>We Hate Movies
The only people I know who listen to podcasts listen to 2 or fewer or work jobs where they can listen to them all day and listen to like 30+.
Hollywood Handbook
The Great Debates
I find the flop house guys obnoxious. All of that jumping over one another for to ram home a joke gets tired real fast.
I like all three, don't get me wrong, but The Flop House is the only one I can't listen to in public because of how hard I laugh.
you have awful taste
Pleasantly surprised people on Sup Forums like LP.
Very Bad Wizards, The Dick Show, and Overdue are all podcasts I would rec.
Tim Ferriss
The Dollop, Ricky Gervais and History On Fire
>History on Fire
Where do you get subtitles for podcasts?
>Lexicon Valley
My nigga. I wish the original hosts would come back, I liked their dynamic. On the other hand, I know if they did it would continue to be very inconsistent on releases.
Which essentially is a vote for Trump, no matter how you slice it.
>Myths and Legends
I quite enjoy that one, but i haven't listened to the longer ones that are several episodes of the same story. I like more the individual stories
hell yeah bitch
King of Kings was definitely worse than the World War I podcast but that was one of his best so it's to be expected.
He needs to do a series on the American civil war, his podcast on the Spanish American War was such fire
> Not voting for Trump is voting for trump
>Which essentially is a vote for Trump, no matter how you slice it.
Which means you just admitted you know nothing about how American elect presidents. I believe he is either in Washington State or Oregon, which are both reliably blue states. Meaning it doesn't matter who he votes for.
>53 posts
>no TESD
Shit taste
>No Agenda Show
I don't get how they have 2-3 hour podcast and almost never have anything to say they couldn't in 1hr, yet people love them. I'm guess because they are one of few podcasts who are willing to call out the MSM.
>King of Kings
It was easily one of his worst, and I've listened to nearly all of them.It had some great points, but also very weak points lasting nearly an hour.
> American civil war
He needs to get out of Western history in general. Focus on other locals, even is means relying on less then reputable sources, with the proper warning of such of course. The East is filled with a few thousand years of somewhat reliable sources, depending on when you are talking about and that will receive less flack as his audience is less knowledgeable about the East.
>As this post is being typed:
Never Not Funny
>Regular rotation:
Comedy Bang Bang
How Did This Get Made?
Never Not Funny
Ronna and Beverly
Fake the Nation
Pistol Shrimps Radio
Bitch Sesh
Hollywood Handbook
How Was Your Week?
With Special Guest
The JV Club
>Gone but not forgotten:
Womp It Up
U Talkin' U2 To Me?
Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project
Worst episode ever niggas
It really depends on what state he lives in