Thoughts on this Sup Forums?

Thoughts on this Sup Forums?


Mental illness. Gender dysphoria. Look into DSM V, but its all good baby.

Of course they did :)

My skin color does not define my race.

It's true, and it's fine, but it doesn't need to be highlighted everywhere.

Yes they do.

If there's no biological basis for gender then doesn't that mean that transpeople are just mentally ill?

All Facts are subjective
Lib detected

Nice comment

They’re gay and there’s only 2 genders, but I do like a man dressed as a woman with a throbbing cock.

I might be gay.

30 murders
Don't define a serial killer

0 blood pressure
0 resperation
Head detached from body

Don't mean he's dead

There are two genders that are determined by genitalia. That is all.

Just because you say I'm dead, doesn't mean I don't have a right to vote!
Life is subjective.
But UFO's & aliens don't exsist

Wouldn't something like vitiligo be a good refutation to this?

In this case, skin color isn't the only thing that defines race, and analogously genitals aren't the only the thing that defines "gender," either.

Seems legit to me.


it is a mental illness, for which transition and social assimilation as the new gender is the treatment.

uh no its not you fucking retard

The shit you say defines you.

Traps are gay.


And yet somehow the suicide rate rate remains unchanged.

Treatment = effective
Pseudo treatment = ineffective

You decide


Do people just not like definitions?

Physically speaking they do, I couldn't give less of a shit what people call themselves but objectively speaking there are two genders determined by genotype

join the 45%

The problem is not gender I believe, including how many genders there are.
What the problem is, is that the ones who want change wont such the fuck about it. Bite your tongue cunts, we dont need to know of your personal mental problems.

Not noticing that the shirt is only available in 2 genders

no, it means nothing. you can be born with that, or born albino, or born dark or light AF black person.

suggesting you can be a white person, get dreads, talk different, take skin darkening meds, you'll never be a black person. you'd be a white person trying to be black. and everyone will know of it giggling whether you think so or not. this is the mental illness of traps.

My lack of hellfire missile hardpoints doesn't define me as NOT an attack helicopter.

This seems to me like an oversimplification where we say that dysphoria's only symptom is attempted suicide.

I haven't seen the numbers, but I would imagine this treatment would at least ease non-suicidal symptoms even if it doesn't stop the suicide altogether.

Also, suicide isn't unique to dysphoria.

Charmanders don't go "Bulbasaur" ya dunce

I'm fine with trans people
I'm happy to indulge them if it'll make them feel better
non binary is retarded though


Well, your reference to things like mannerisms and hairstyle really betray the point you think you're making.

I think you really just affirmed what I was saying, really.

describe your gender "role" in society all you want, but there are two sexes: male and female. you are either born with XX or XY chromosomes, and no amount of physical alterations or identification can change that.

>> I haven't seen the numbers, but I would imagine this treatment would at least ease non-suicidal symptoms even if it doesn't stop the suicide altogether.

So you're guessing based on your personal support of the narrative.
Don't wanna fuck that up by looking at the research.

And the size of your foot does not determine if the glass slipper will fit. Come back to reality, user. There are only two genders...

What you do with yours is up to you, but the fact remains, you got what you got in the lottery that is life.

We, like the rest of the animal kingdom, come in two genders. If you feel like you're something other than what you were born as it's just that...a feeling. Your cock and balls define you more than how you feel on any given day.

If you've got the numbers for efficacy (or lack thereof) of non-suicide symptom reduction among people living with gender dysphoria feel free to link them. I'll take a look.

I was just trying to say that reducing the efficacy of a treatment down to a single variable (which is neither unique to the illness nor a necessary outcome of it) is probably not reasonable.

>dubs of truth

vitiligo doesn't change the fact that blacks are blacks and whites are white anymore then hermaphrodites change the fact that men are men and women are women. There are always biological deviations from the norm, but that's why we notice them as deviations, if they were the norm we most likely wouldn't even be having this conversation because neither the idea of gender or sex nor the ideas of race or ethnicity would have taken root.

Phase 1 complete

this is true.

your chromosomes define your gender


Well. Exactly, right? How do you avoid following that to its logical extreme?

I don't see any way out. The fact that there are biological differences that don't conform to a binary (whether or not they are outliers) are all you should need to realize that a binary system would be constructed.

Are you illiterate? I said that there's only two defined physical genders. All the others are arbitrary social constructs with no objective definition.

Almost every snail is hermaphrodite. Just to give you an example that not the "rest of the animal kingdom come in two sexes" (not genders, those are two different things.

Your genitals define your sex (most likely)- your behaviour defines your gender

Who cares...snails are fucking weird

you're suggesting conditions people are born with, im suggesting people actively changing, mentally thinking theyll be something theyll never be.

speaking of conditions youre born with, your mental logic is similar to a typical delusional trap.

I'm a disphor!

Worms and several kind of fish are also hermaphrodite.

Trust me on this one, sex is not binary. And gender is a completely different thing.

nah a guy that looks and acts like a girl is clearly a fag.

You have the mental illness. Gynophilia. Or maybe androphilia. Look it up.

There are 51 genders
Genitals don't define gender
Gender is a social construct
There are no genders

Please pick one, were getting dizzy


>all facts are subjective

go to bed, Kelly.

there's 2 with humans. act and do whatever you fucking want, your DNA tells what you are. period.

Seems like mentally ill people just say what ever they need to at the time, just to get by.
Very sad, no treatment available other that humoring them.

underrated post

Trust you on this? You can't compare humans to fucking worms and snails. They might as well be alien creatures. Sorry there, snowflake but humans come in two genders just like every other primate.

This is what you said:
>Suggesting you can be a white person, get dreads, talk different, take skin darkening meds...

These are the different variables that define being a race (in your opinion) and they are not reducible to skin color alone.

This is the whole point. Skin color does not define race.

If the analogy works, then genitalia alone does not define gender.

There are facts/variables regarding people that help/cause us to categorize them in certain ways, and these things aren't prescriptive. A person with brown skin doesn't need to be "black." A person with white skin doesn't need to be "white."

Does that make sense?
(also inb4 I am a trap. I'm a cis white male (lawl) libertarian centerlord. I have no vested interest in much else besides the truth)

>excuse me, but where is the tree-kin clothes section?

I'm Not Kelly
But subjective facts prove otherwise.

it's right.

the ability to give birth does.

saying that "objectively speaking" there are two genders is just plain wrong.

We say that there are two genders because 99.99 of the people in the world are XX females or XY males.

In fact it is well known that there are also X0 femailes (Turner's syndrome) and XXY males (klinefelter syndrome). Finally, there are people who have 46 XX chromosomes and 46 XY chromosomes (hermaphrodites) and yes, they can go fuck themselves.


You are either male or female.

/psychosis/ is not a gender

to add clown-fish are born male and the dominate one becomes female, when the female dies in a school of clowns the next most dominate male takes her role

also traps are gay

I always heard that a leopard can't change its spots. I suppose if it could, it would still be a leopard, but with different spots.

Mind blowing isn't it?

Soylent Green is NOT people.
People are fish!

No, gender is differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior:
Dictionary it

my iq doesnt define my intelligence

my body doesnt define my physique

my skin colour doesnt define my race

make more stupid fucking arguments

Those are all pretty much genetic dead ends that can't reproduce anyway, they're a genetic fluke, not a gender

You keep saying gender when you mean sex, but I'm pretty sure at this point you are just being illiterate on purpouse.

How do you call someone with a micropenis? How do you call someone with a macro clitoris? And a "woman" with a bear? Or a "man" with boobs?

Did you know that every fetus is female until it produces enough hormones to develope male genitalia? The scar you have in the middle of your scrotum is the result of your vaigna closing. The production of male hormones (mainly testosterone) depends on your alleles (not chromosomes) and your enviroment. So yeah, things are a bit more complicated than black or white, sorry.

mental illness


um... but it does...

Mental illness. men are men and women are women. intersex/herms are a genetic mutation.

Are you offering free rides.
Gas, ass, or grass, nobody ride for free.....
And there it is, the motivation for this bullshit!

These are not the droids you're looking for.
They think this shit really works...kek

they can definitely reproduce.

If you are going to go "objective" you have to be ready to accept scientific data

Some men become women while in prision.
But not one baby, ever! Can you guess why that is?

You've already surrendered too much ground to that user by accepting that something must be able to reproduce.

Is anyone who is infertile not gendered? No. Obviously not.

Everything is a fucking genetic fluke. We choose to categorize things based on continually repeating patterns for the sake of simplicity, but that doesn't mean we are right about these things.

Biology is complicated.

Faulty logic. Aberrations do not define the set.
is "sociopath" a gender? Because by your definition it is.

learn 2 read ; if theres no stress theres no illness.

whats depicted in op's pic (she's a fag btw) is basic neuroscience. gender is the way you brain works. how it thinks.

>Aberrations do not define the set.
Yes. We define the set, and we conveniently ignore outliers for the sake of simplicity. But we are surely ignoring them because we desire simplicity. Reality is very gray, and we like to try and make it as black and white as we can.

Also, I'm not that user, but he didn't give you any reason to lump sociopathy in with gender. He was actually playing by the books and dealing strictly with biology. I don't know where you get sociopath as a gender.

reproduction and gender go hand in hand. And I don't mean that you lose your gender if you snip it or have an accident.

the set, by definition, must contain all the possible options.

If you choose to define gender by Chromosomes, you must include all Chromosome combinations

I thought hermaphrodites were sterile, could be wrong but I'll need a citation to concede

When I was little I would pretend our dog was a dinosaur. I put a fuzz hat on the dog and everything. No and dad would pretend with me too. But no matter how much I wanted a real dinosaur, I Never got one. This was the welcome mat at realities door. I walked in. What did you do?


I personally identify as a piece of cake.

Me too, so fuckin' eat me!

And these are mutations or outliers. You're a retard.

Mental Illness
>I think i'm a girl stuck in a man's body.
Okay, we believe you! Heres your tits and vagina!

>I think i am a CIA agent stuck in a civilian body.
Okay, we think so too! here is your gun and badge!

>Those are all pretty much genetic dead ends that can't reproduce anyway, they're a genetic fluke, not a gender
The implication here is that things like frequency and ability to reproduce are defining features of gender.

This can't logically be true because someone could have a gender and be biologically unusual, and also have a gender and be infertile. These are not the things that are (at least by themselves) unique to what a gender is.

And now, implicit in what you're saying (that snipping it off or having an accident has no bearing) is that it's entirely based off of biology. Then we get back to the other user's point that biology doesn't play by the binary rules either. So what should we do?

If we're reducing this to chromosomes then we have no disagreement, but no one who is at all intelligent is discussing chromosomes here. Maybe it's worth crying about that the traditional definition of gender (as it relates directly to biology) is being hijacked here, but owell. It's being hijacked. If this argument is semantic then it's not worth having.

To scientifically disprove a theorem like "there are only XX and XY people" all you need to do is show a single case of X0, XY or XX XY.

Calling them outliers does not stop them from existing.

XO is still female, XXY is still male.
XXX is still female, XYY is still male.
If it has no Y it is female, if it has a Y it is male.

it's the gayest thing I read in a long time