>When autism goes too far
Or not far enough...
>cannot differentiate between autism and a sociopath
>When sociopaths go too far
shitty title
why's this movie pretty well regarded, the ending was pretty eventful but it's not comfy and has no rewatch value
>no rewatch value
I disagree. The whole film is a character piece and a second watch lets you appreciate him more
I couldn't stand him, I don't wanna watch that creep for 2 hours again
I swear Jake Gyllenhal only knows how to do one type character. Are there any movies in which he has relevance and is non-autistic?
Nocturnal Animals
He's autistic as fuck in it.
It appears he succeeded at being spooky.
former news producer here
He broke so many fucking laws when he entered that house... he's not with an established media outlet so shield and sunshine laws wouldn't have saved him either
That's because he gets overshadowed by the master.
that hair though
I've rewatched it 4 times
It's one of my favorite movies, Jake nailed the role
>when it goes just far enough
Wasn't the entire plot that he was doing really shady illegal stuff but they overlooked it because he was getting great footage?
the fact that it was technically dodgy as fuck only strengthens the narrative
Haven't seen nocturnal animals yet, but he was fairly obsessive in Prisoners.
This is what happens when you combine autism + ambition. Too bad most of us just get the autism.
I legit considered Jake to have dindu nuffin in the movie.
Well, dindu nuffin is a bit of a stretch. He's certainly not a 'good person'. But besides the irrelevant first scene, the worst he does is tempering with evidence in the heat of action.
I was surprised by the autism about "le succeding sociopath, very very bad man" on Sup Forums.
give me more movies like nightcrwaler
he literally sets his employee up to be shot you fucking retard
>It's one of my favorite movies
why double trips man?
No. Most of what he did was totally legal. You, as a citizen, have the right to film any police encounter.
However, entering the residence of a major crime scene, documenting it, contaminating evidence and withholding information (obstruction of justice) is HIGHLY ILLEGAL
>he literally sets his employee up to be shot you fucking retard
He doesn't care about pajeet's life, but it's not like he hired the other guy to shoot him. There was no way to predict the chain of events.
his "buddy" almost fucked him by wanting to back out
Jake's character did the right thing
That movie was terrible, forcing a woman into intercourse, fucking cunt
Source Code
Autism is LITERALLY (not figuratively) on the opposite side of the spectrum to psychopathy.
Stop using words you dont understand please. It makes you look retarded.
Not autism. Severechildhood trauma resulting in anti-social personality disorder.
End of Watch
that gyllenhair
Sup Forums?
they fucked up in this one
when he was talking to the woman in the hotel room he said he lived in 34 different houses as a kid, and she tried to clarify and asked him if he moved 34 times. I don't understand why they didn't make him correct her and say that he moved 33 times, he lived in 34 houes
To be fair he does often force himself to refrain from pointing out things and stating the obvious to people, and in general he forces himself to be more sociable, but he usually fails, like when he says "Have a great day!" after he first meets the woman.
He really should have been nominated for this movie.
I watched this movie a while ago, then watched a livestream recently of a guy doing the exact same thing in real life - he videoed a scene of a car accident (including the accident) where a drunk black woman ran over this hispanic guys dog and crashed into stationary traffic or something, but hes getting right up to this drunk woman as she is sitting in the back of a patrol car, then he goes and pretty much lets himself into a house to find this injured dog and finds the dude crying in the bathroom with the dog hiding behind the toilet with blood everywhere and like 2 crushed back legs, then he films himself as he searches for a box to put the dog in and goes with the guy to a vet ALL ON CAMERA it was fucking weird
jesus christ, fucking extraverts