How do you want your Megazord fam?
what did i try to convey by this post?
Wtf is this shit?
that price what the fuck? it looks like the bootleg chinese version of toys posted sometimes
at least the movie will have a zord, I thought its gonna be like twilight
thought it was some chink transformers shit
>be 7 years old
>keep asking for Megazord toy for Christmas
>see the box sitting under the tree for a few days before christmas
>pick it up a little and weigh it out
>believe it's the megazord
>excited as fuck for days
>finally christmas is here
>start to unwrap my megazord toy
>get all the wrapping off
>"wtf is this shit"
>it's a fucking pyramid
>question my belief in santa and how he could give me a fucking pyramid instead of the megazord
>never hope for anything ever again
It's what their edgy reboot designs would look like in reality. Garbage.
your autism?
It looks like Voltron if it went on a hunger strike.
>not appreciating pyramidas
You sound like you were a little shit.
Ohranger almost killed off the sentai series forever. When Saban brought it over here with Power Rangers Zeo, it was almost the death of Power Rangers
No, Zeo did well here and is generally looked at as of the best seasons. It was Turbo that shit the bed.
>looks like a numale optimus prime
i wanted a god damned megazord, not a fucking pyramid, how is a kid supposed to play with a pyramid
You could act out scenes from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with it.
Looks kind of like a Gundam. Not bad. Lol at all the ass ravage in this thread.
>muh nostalgia
>much man in a giant suit
reminds of the scene in big with the skyscraper transformer
Holy fuck you 90's kids got robbed.
Voltron toys were so much better.
it was amazing fuck you
Optimus, no!
It's not terrible but not great, will probably look better in the movie.
Then again megazord design peaked a long time ago.
Wait, Megazord looks like THAT?
What series is that from
Magiranger, or Mystic Force.
Holy fucking shit. That's... GROSS
oh wow, it looks nothing like the original
Looks about right to me
Honestly I have a bunch of old power rangers toys from when I was a kid that I'm waiting to sell at a jacked up price when this movie nears release.
That's the Chogokin, it's stylized to look better than it did in the show.
You which Gundam is that?
Here's how it'll actually look in the movie.
I'm not sure if I should like that it looks like a guy in a suit, or hate it for not looking like a combiner at all.
It's not much different, and it is still one of the best looking megazords.
Will anything ever surpass the original Mega Ultrazord ?
>tfw I had loads of power rangers toys as a kid including that pyramid thing
>tfw I never got a massive, fuck off Megazord
>tfw owned the original Megazord
>tfw friend owned Dragonzord
>tfw we both pulled our pocket money and bought Titanus
Literally GOAT childhood
You are like a tiny baby to me.
>Grandmother god me a sickass power ranger action figure with lights and sounds for Christmas
>My dad said it was annoying and it got thrown in the trash
Your dad is a faggot.
I hope your mom cucked him.
Better picture
Where the fuck are the animals?
If this wasn't a MMPR movie I'd say I like that design, the head specially looks nice
but seriously where are the dinosaurs
I just don't understand these designs, who the fuck thinks they're good, why cant we just have more mechs that look like mechs. Is it really that hard to create a good design?
If I never saw the MMPR as a kid I wouldn't even know this Megazord was made up of dinosaurs.
Plus the feet look stupid like someone wearing big shoes. How is that going to look in combat?
>make my room messy frantically searching for my zords
>turns out my parents threw out half of them
>can't even combine them
I can't wait to see the bullshit they do with Goldar.
Literally worse that Tor. And that fatass nigger was grouchy old man turtle
Tell me they at least kept Alpha as a qt Mexican girl
Tor wasnt as cool as Titanus, but he was allright.
Pyramidas too, he was basically Tor 2.0
Titanus was the bombass dankass carrier zord.
>When Tom Hanks created Beast Wars
Titanus was a prick in the English version. Without all the brotherly love shit, he's just an asshole who tries to kill the power rangers for no reason
>googly-eye gary
what a fag
>those feet
What a terrible design choice.
they forgot Sup Forums's standard
Is that Howard Stern behind her?
>Ohranger almost killed off the sentai series forever
Oh man haven't heard that meme in a while.
Fucking Japan ripping off America again.
i love how jewish sabaan was
he didnt come up with the ideal ; he just owns it
didn't he also fund rebels with guns with the power rangers money?
He doesn't own shit. Toei could cut him off at a moments notice if he wasn't funneling money up their ass.
He fired Zordon at Zordons birthday party in front of all of his friends and family, then went to get a piece of birthday cake.
this list is mostly perfect but theres NO way RPM is as good as time force or space
What kind of fucking copout is "nostalgic tier"
Where does it fit in with other seasons you cuck.
it's better
>Wild Force not in Waifu-tier above all the others
Wanna know how I know you're underage?
Is there a behind the scenes footage how the japs made the zord transformation sequence?
After all these years, and they still hold up better than shitty cgi zord transformation in the later power rangers season
>we want the evangelion audience
>Captain Planet: The Live-Action Series
The only reason it's not shit-tier is the teamups
>rangers have super powers even when out of costume
>"""Rita Repulsa""" has the green ranger powers
It's fucking Twilight with robots
It is, they were all produced by Judd Lynn (2nd half for RPM)
Remember the blatant Power Rangers copy
VR !
It's already been done in the tv show
Also by Toei and Saban tho (just like Masked Rider and Beetleborgs)
any alien invaders would shit themselves if they saw this fucking tank roll up on em
objectively GOAT megazords
Man, Beetleborgs was sick but so poorly planned
They've had unmorphed powers since Dino Thunder (which this movie is closer to than it is to MMPR)
>my mom gave all my megazords to goodwill
Just buy new toys. Got this bad boy at SDCC, 1 of 1000 made.
Power Rangers got weird in Japan
Reuben Langdon (Dante from Devil May Cry/Ken from Street Fighter) was in the Japanese version
That's Kamen Rider, you fool
no amount of 90's nostalgia is going to save this turd of a movie.
Common Writer
Whatever, point is it's got guys in lycra "armor" and it's weird
A little.
Get that trash out of here. We're only posting PR girls.