
The biggest economic problem in Africa is that no one knows how to do anything, due to every country being too hasty with decolonisation.

What if there were countless cheaply-built computer terminals that could tell people how to do useful stuff?
If spaced densely enough, they could form a radio-based internet to update their catalogs of information.

It'd make a huge difference to a village in Ethiopia if someone could just ask a machine "our village can't make tools, how do I make things out of metal?".
While this sounds like something that someone with the money to do it would have no personal reason to do, the magnitude of the economic boom in a region this technology was deployed in could allow someone to profit massively from exporting stuff from that region, as a small region would be forced to export at a low price due to only being able to export to outside traders and dirt-poor neighbours.

It'd be comparable to aliens teaching us how to produce new resources just so they can buy it from us at incredibly low prices.



The problem with Africa is niggers gonna nig.





The reason niggers nig though is that they don't know shit because unlike us, they don't have a machine to tell them everything and on top of that don't have enough teachers.

Unless you're talking about African Americans, who manage to combine the worst aspects of Africans and Americans (Group mentality of Africans, selfishness of Americans).



the problem is if they work hard the colonies attack them for voodoo and if they beg we give them plantations

literally the problem is we aren't letting an obsolete species die



I'm saying it's mostly genetic.

>has only heard about Africa from racists on the internet



You are delusional if you don't acknowledge the difference in genetics.




The only thing that would happen is they would make more advanced stuff to kill each other with








You mean rocket guided sticks, explosive rocks and cardboard mechs?












Ayy found it




Gonna have to agree. As someone who grew up in the ghettos of Atlanta surrounded by them in an area known to have one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, they literally are not the same species. There is a greater difference between an African and a European than 2 breeds of dogs. They are violent, impulsive, unintelligent, and lack empathy. They will lie, cheat, and steal without remorse, and blame everyone but themselves. They form a mob mentality, and will irrationally agree with someone or something just because it's what everyone else believes. They are also incredibly homophobic, far more than the rednecks around here, and treat other gay black people like shit and call them faggots along with anyone who says anything even remotely non-heterosexual. That's not to say all of them are like that, obviously there are nice, good black people, but if you aren't a thug then you're a self hater and an Uncle Tom. I've watched this my entire life, I have lived it, and I have experience with them. The truth hurts, but the reality is that they literally are nothing like white people or any other race.




Yeah it's always the people who only grew up around white people who want to coddle niggers.

Leave them be. Trust the people who have firsthand experience. I grew up in the same kind of ghettos. Horrible to live among them. They are indeed very different, but only the most concentrated ones. There are a few who are truly human and deserve that coddling and help, but not the majority.

If only people really focused on the few blacks who want to improve their lives, rather than helping all of the ones who ruin the lives of those around them.






Yep, I'd join the Klu Klux Klan to get rid of em. Worse than a tapeworm, they are.


African Americans and actual Africans are very different though.
The mob mentality of Africans can actually work pretty well, but when you combine the African mob mentality with American selfishness you produce a horrible mentality.

Africans outside of America are much better.

Yep, I absolutely agree. But of course, having them be stupid and conform to what the media says makes them far easier to control and manipulate. The powers that be know exactly what they're doing: keep the population stupid and complacent so they don't revolt, and they appeal to the lowest denominator. The world is fucked.

I wouldn't go that far, but I totally understand.


Those people are fucking stupid too. Any mob mentality is the problem on this planet.

Not really. Look at Africa. You are probably comparing the very few exceptions who get educated and move to Europe to the vast majority in Africa.

The few African blood who deserve help are being ignored because everyone focuses on helping the literal psychopathic niggers who are draining our welfare system.




No, they really aren't. That's like saying an American and a European are different; they aren't. Just because they were removed from their environment doesn't change their mentality and inherent beliefs. Have you ever been to Africa? I'd like to see you try something like they. They will fight over one thing until they destroy it and kill each other over it. Why do you think we don't give them weapons? Because of that exact reason: they fight and kill each other over it. You have no idea what these people are like, and we do because we've lived around them.

I'm just jokin, although I would pass for a tanned white guy if I work on my looks well.

I know, I know,

Imma sleep, I got class in 5 hours. I'll talk to youses tomorrow.


Sleep well, Twitch.

Later man. Hope your classes go well.















It's much more complicated than just "Africans are stupid".
Firstly, most Africans live well below the poverty line, in countries where the government is shit so schools aren't free.
Secondly, when an African does get an education and develop useful skills, they immediately emigrate (sometimes by invitation of foreign companies).

It's often difficult for Africans to get an education because of poor government, and the ones that do get a good education leave.

The last two generations in my family used to live in Africa, and they were die-hard egalitarian almost to the point of political assassination.




>It's much more complicated than just "Africans are stupid".

It actually is that simple on a genetic level. It goes back to generations and generations. It's really that simple, genetically speaking.

You can't go back in time and hand a Roman governor a nuclear missile or an infinite supply of energy. It just doesn't end well.

The vast majority of aid sent to Africa goes to warlords. That's who the Red Cross is helping.

Leave them be, or you are responsible for all the evil they do with your help. Or better yet, fish out the few individuals who don't deserve to be in that kind of environment. There aren't many, but they deserve all the aid that gets wasted making warlords more powerful.





And what do you think would happen if Africa had a good welfare system and education? They would destroy it like everything else, not care, and blame whitey. If they really cared then they would just move, I mean fuck, just move north of the Sahara or South Africa. Hell, hunt in the Serengeti for food and keep moving like the early humans. Or start digging in the ground with the abundance of resources, and use those and sell them. But they won't do any of that because in their minds they are entitled to everything, and can do no wrong, and if you try to give them something they'll either keep taking, or ignore you and hate you. You aren't seeing the reality here; you're trying to rationalize this with emotion and optimism, but it's just not the truth.





