Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Jelby
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: TBD
America Nom: TBD
Safety Ceremony 1: TBD
Safety Ceremony 2: TBD
Care Package winner: Jason
Have Nots: TBD
Most Likely Going Home: TBD
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Jelby
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: TBD
America Nom: TBD
Safety Ceremony 1: TBD
Safety Ceremony 2: TBD
Care Package winner: Jason
Have Nots: TBD
Most Likely Going Home: TBD
fucking shit season
could have been way worse, we had some based victorious moments
bb get incoming girls
why are you shitting on shelby?
jason is the one playing the moronic game here. sticking with his shit alliance is retarded. he should be trying to make a secret deal with shelby
I'm only watching if they get rid of ACP and AN. America has had too much power this season.
>Shelby: i don't like lawyers
This tbqh
I'm not a waifufag so I have no emotional investment in the ballsmashers. I want to see these alliances start to fragment, will make for a GOAT dubs eviction
america nominates and gets an eviction vote
its too much
noone was shitting on her.
Dumbasses just got misted by Shelbs
>shelby: you guys are acting like i cant pull dick on my own, i go on dates 5 nights a week
Have there at least been any (Shelby) nip slips this season ?
based sloot
The care package is fine, they just need to not be so ridiculously overpowered.
Drop Americas Nom and Americas winner. Keep America's vote and the care package.
Won't drop America's winner, BB Budget can't afford jury sequester.
Are her boobs real
"pull dick on my own" lol
As if it's hard for any woman to get laid, much less a QT like hue
I'd dick her down and leave her ya dig
yes, she is just so skinny they look bigger than they are
you can tell when she lays down they go flatter instead of staying up like balloons plus its been discussed
yeah absolutely
Fuck, you're right. Depressing
If digits i an hero
>justin: she's retard... shes a complete idiot (about shelby)
cant wait for him to get backdoored
Off by four, try again next time jenkins
>Dani: Woe is me, always the victim, I'm always the victim.
For a second I thought she was becoming self aware but she was talking about Shelby.
did he really say retard? that can flip america votes
Dani is the least self aware houseguest in BB history.
it also sucks that shitney is such a shit cause she should be telling the girls everything they are saying and all the shit they talk about shelby
she cant beat justin, jason or danielle in a f3 so i have no idea what shit game she is playing
He says it constantly.
yes, he trailed off saying it but he always says "retarded"
no it can't. He's black and LOLSOFUNNY.
black men and women cannot be sexist, racist or offensive
>krispy: they all ran up to the hoh
>shitney: alex followed shelby up there to find out what you said
really? im baffled why she is so raging hard to get alex out
>Justin starts laughing about Big Brother and how manipulative it is. Can see why it's been airing for a long time
Would you suck your own dick?
I dont follow
Pool Shark
Holy shit I thought you guys were memeing but this actually happens
>Be Shrimpman
>Run shitty failing restaurant
>Hire publicist to get you on Masterchef
>Make publicist a meal to show him what you've got
>Shrimp sandwich
>Publicist says he found something even better, like the Real World
>Whatever I'll do anything to get out of this shithole
>Weird meetings and games
>Witches and occult members everywhere
>People keep disappering
>2 months later a smiling african american man puts $250k in my pocket
Pool Shark
get off the table whore
wonder if shelby kept danielle safe first would work
it would leave alex open for AN though
nominating alex almost 100% guarantees a krispy AN, that is the upside
>At one point he even disconnected after celebrating so hard over news of Shelby’s HoH win that he managed to hang up the phone.
>smiling african american man puts $250k in my pocket
>it's my pops
it's literally a shed at a flea market
what is /bb/ having for din din?
vietnamese take out
right but i jason still wouldnt nom her and she would still be available to go up vs alex
sure thats putting a lot of faith in shitmerica though
shitfits sucking whitneys fatass is making me sick
exercise time!
alright that was funny as fuck
shrimpman can suck a dick though
>Alex bitching about falling for low tier jason b8
I thought these people were superfans? How do they fall for the most basic shit
they dont want real superfans because Ian and Steve won it all
>alex shitting on scott
whitney appears to ruin game talk
whats here name?
Kryssie Ridolfi
lol that imitation of jason shelby just did was gold
Is Shrimpman the first person to ever shit their pants on BB?
I'm starting to think that the new casting people decided to cast two actual retards for the lulz
I love it!
he had diarrhea from the slop/chocolate combo he ate
who are we nominating this week ??
shelby said she feels like she has gained weight and wants to cover her upper arms for the live DR
>whitney: you're crazy
>you will never feel the sensation of her soft belly pressing against your penis
why live
Oh yeah, I forgot that everyone who is on slop shits themselves
there are plenty of women to rub your dick against m80
wew just saw some mad danielle titty
How was it sittin?
who hype for BBOTT2 in january?
I've already decided I won't watch
me baby
time for james to win it
>Misfit winning this season
>Misfit 2.0 winning next season
Fuck that
morgan wants shelby to nominate her because she feels like she might be american nom
>OTT2 and BBCan simultaneous streams
>dub quad cams
gonna be the goat. /bb/ confirmed for year-round general
this is real
>Kryssie is an overweight, power-lifting bisexual
its imperative that Danielle,krissy and justin don't make it to final 3 or one will because of shit like this
i want a transsexual black father to win big brother
i dont care about gameplay, i just want them to win
Are you memeing or is that actually happening? Because I stopped watching this weeks ago because of how retarded it is. I hope real big brother gets rid of outside interaction and leaves that for this shitshow.
Taran's mememaker get on the Krispy case stat!
maybe someone can mist Sup Forums into stuffing the final vote, they love doing stupid shit like that
hey Sup Forums do this
>they do the opposite
lets see
shane was a warm body
justin sings songs and cant understand simple comp rules
danielle is only in the house still because scott had a vendetta against shane and would have been vote out by america
neeley sat on the couch with her sunglasses on
kryssie quit a comp and got DQ'd twice and consulted the rule book because someone said her social game sucks
jason hides krackles and uses his builtin fan base to get by
brilliant strategists who all deserver to win BBOTT
>I'd rather judge people by reducing them to one or two labels rather than look at their personalities and understand them as complete human beings