>"Let's make a show where every single character is an irredeemable, infuriating piece of trash! That's sure to be a good idea!"
>Idiots actually like it.
Explain yourself.
>"Let's make a show where every single character is an irredeemable, infuriating piece of trash! That's sure to be a good idea!"
>Idiots actually like it.
Explain yourself.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hank isn't a piece of trash
Neither is bobby or that little asian girl for the most part
Hank forces his moronic, redneck, objectively wrong ways of life on his kid. The kids are too young to be irredeemable.
Lots of the best shows on television/best novels ever written etc. have exclusively shitty people in them
Reddit alert
Oh, not only that, he constantly puts his kid down.
>be a good father
>liberal cucks call you irredeemable because you discipline your child
How is he a good father? All he does is fuck with his mind with all his put downs and teach him wrong shit. I have never once seen him hit him, that's what being a good father is.
>Boomhauer is intelligent and often the voice of reason for the group when things get out of hand. Also a Texas Ranger.
>Dale is insane and a bit of a coward but cares for his family and friends deeply, and takes pride in his work
>Bill suffers from severe depression but still has a heart of gold
>Hank is a simple family man and takes great pride in his work
>Peggy is a strong woman who protects her family and tries to be the best substitute teacher she can be
>Bobby is a gentle kid who likes to cheer people up
>CAHN JOONYA is smart as fuck but still pretty humble
Explain yourself OP you charcoal burning fuck
Lol what a faggot
were there many episodes ft black people in koth?
i can only remember the pimping episode with snoop dogg
>It's a Peggy smuggles a Mexican girl across the wall episode
bill did nothing wrong
King of the Hill characters are flawed but very few of them are outright terrible people.
There are plenty of shows about solely irredeemable bellends, try watching Nathan Barley some time, but KOTH is not one of them.
There was the one where Chris Rock played a stand-up comedian/driving instructor, then another where everyone thought Hank was racist because Ladybird attacked a repairman.
oh yeah i remember those 2 now
the 2nd one was probably a reference to this
everybody in seinfeld is probably 10 times worse than people in koth
Whilst I do enjoy KotH, the show is problematic to say the least.
Their representation of people of color is terrible. I despise the way they portray Asian-Americans.
They could have at least made the people of color likable.
fuck off retard
>Any of the 4 main guys
I believe you mean Peggy.
Dale is a cuck.
His wife got REDED.
get some thicker skin and a decent sense of humor
It's satire you fucking moron.
The pimp Snoop voiced was white
Reddit is Archer, tumblr is Bob's Burgers
literally a "my wife's son" case
Peggy, Hank, Cotton, Cotton's wife, Bobby, Dale, Nancy, Bill, Luanne, Lucky, Kahn, Minh, Redcorn, every minor character.
It's scientific known that rednecks are not good parents.
Wrong, Reddit is Rick and Morty
>Raised in a traditional, conservative world view
>Still generally respects people who hold different beliefs, just hates idiots
>A number of the episodes deal with Hank learning to look past his preconceived notions and find the good in everyone. Also find a common ground with which both sides can appreciate
Fuck off
Oh right, true
Top King of the Hill > Top Simpsons, for me anyway
A lot of Simpsons episodes haven't held up as well as I remembered or would have liked
>I despise the way they portray Asian-Americans
You mean as intelligent hard working people?
Khan is the only over the top Asian character, and all the other Asian characters dislike him.
Despite that he's still one of the funniest characters on the show and is shown to be a good man who suffers from Bipolar disorder and lashes out at his surroundings.
>Not liking Hank, Cotton, Dale, Redcorn or Bill.
Absolutely. Even with the last few seasons of KotH being subpar, when you take each show in their entirety the Simpsons still falls short.
>irredeemable trash
Everyone else is, though.
koth was great but i feel like it just end abruptly
the last episode was kahn bipolar, which was a good one but didn't feel like a proper ending
i guess they didn't really have an ending in mind, and then just don't have funding for next season and that was it
>mfw it got replaced with the cleveland show
Hello Kahn
The last episode was the one where Hank and Bobby finally find some a common interest to bond over - grilling.
The only irredeemable characters are Buck and Thatherton.
The grilling episode was the last one by production order and was intended to be the series finale. There were 4 episodes before that that Fox skipped over and only aired months later in syndication.
So the bipolar episode was the last new episode to air on TV, but wasn't the last produced or the finale.
Kahns wife is so fucking sexy fuck I miss the streams we had
buck still does good by his employees
peggy is the real shit
ah i see, now that makes more sense
i didn't watch it originally on tv, downloaded the whole series and then binged it in the order they listed
>hating peggy
hi plebbit!
It's funny, Sup Forums about 10 years ago, you know, back when it wasn't full of retarded high school kids, would have really appreciated those shows.
>implying the characters weren't designed to be horrendously one-dimensional
>Explain yourself.
Its just people getting by. There's not much to explain.
Well then reddit > Sup Forums
Wrong again faggot, I've been coming here since like 2009 and those shows are shit and not Sup Forums at all
>Rick and Morty
Half the people who like it are just autists who love "le subversion of sci fi tropes!" which isn't really funny or original. The real problem is the characters act like cartoons, not like real people (unlike in KOTH). This would be ok if the show didn't try to get emotional all the time, which doesn't fit at all with the show's whimsical nature
It's ok, but pretty played out at this point and it was NEVER better than Frisky Dingo
Never seen kin of the hill, does it hold up well?
>Characters in a cartoon act like characters in a cartoon
Mindblowing criticism.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that Sup Forums was still full of retarded high school kids 10 years ago bud. Sup Forums has always been full of retarded high school kids
He's not a redneck. If you don't know what that is, this show isn't for you
>Fuck Trump and fuck white people.
Take your diaper with you.
I wish my Dad were as good as Hank.
Would Hank Hill vote Trump Sup Forums?
Explain your answers.
You want a dad that begs your coach to keep you on the bench? And who's most inspiring words for his son are "that boy ain't right"?
Not a chance, he hates braggarts.
"The amount of money a man makes is between him and the good folks down at the H & R Block"
My current dad tried to convince my elderly mother she had dementia by subtly replacing objects in the house for a few years and lying about it, shits onto the toilet seat and tried to fucking blame me, and threatened to commit suicide because he didn't want to see a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him as a narcissistic sociopath with bipolar disorder.
He purposefully lied about my dog's health when he took her to the vet when I was 18 so that her cancer that we weren't aware she had would progress to the point where we couldn't do anything about it because he didn't like buying dog food, which he rarely bought since I was paying for it 90% of the time anyway.
When my Mom finally divorced him and moved he turned the house into a massive shitty hoarder-hovel and it caught on fire, now he's living with some shitty relatives and likely making their life hell now too.
There's no way he'd vote for Hilary though, on top of which he always votes regardless because of his belief in the democracy.
He nearly didn't vote for GWB because he had a limp dick handshake. Imagine Trumps fucking sausage finger handshake.
>It's a Bill episode
It's funny, Sup Forums about 10 years ago, you know, back when it wasn't full of retarded high school kids, would have said Sup Forums was never good.
The only good thing about Bill is that he gets hurt a lot. I just love seeing that sack of mucus get hurt. Not even an edgelord.
>Implying you've been here longer than a year.
Pipe down newfag.
Been here in 08 bud. Using that word alone is enough for me to know where you stand.
>Literally incapable of seeing that his wife's son is injun
This always made me angry, I don't know why.
>it's a cajun bill episode
>playing the "i got here first" game
okay buddy
So he'd write in someone. I wrote in rand "the randinator" paul, and voted on senate and locals. I'm in a red state so I'm not concerned about who the electorals here are going to, much like im sure he would.
>10 years ago Sup Forums would have told you Sup Forums was never good
impressive, well played
kek, like that time those liberal parents wouldn't stop their kid from fucking up Hank's lawn, so Hank in retaliation had Bobby fuck over their lives
In my experience it's usually the idiots who dislike the show
Is REDED the appropriate term? I feel like FEATHERED would work better.
That sounds like something an idiot who likes the show would say.
was she right
That sounds like something an idiot who dislikes the show would say.
Almost never.
He doesn't fuck with his mind.
He believes that some of Bobby's behavior is strange in a way that will cause him pain later in life. Sometimes he is right, sometimes he is wrong; the show often revolves around Hank discovering which.
Moreover, he stands by his friends when they, too, need help.
Op is a troll or moron.
I'm a redditor and Simpsons is definitely no reddit. I do love Simpsons but that's an unpopular opinion there. Reddit is mostly Rick and Morty and Archer, and some South Park but they're always bitching about how the good old days of never ending fart jokes were better
>my current dad
In relation to trading him with Hank.
Luanne a worst.
Dale a best.
>reddit loves to complain about how superior golden age simpsons was
>Sup Forums loves to complain about how superior golden age simpsons was
would call this poor bait but you got some legit (You)s so well done
>I'm a redditor
there is absolutely no question this is true tho
Rick and Morty doesn't deserve the praise it gets but it really isn't that bad. It's funny. It's not supposed to be anything other than funny. It's annoying when people act like the show tries to be deep. I laughed in most "emotional" parts. I do have to agree some feel kind of forced. The show isn't perfect and it's not even close to the quality of KotH, but it's not shit.
>its a "peggy gets embarrassed by being a naive rednick then gets passive aggressive revenge by being the 'smart' character"
automatic skip
>The show isn't perfect and it's not even close to the quality of KotH
Are you retarded?
Funny prank youtu.be
>its a peggy episode
automatic skip