Redpill me on Millennial Woes
Budget richard spencer. He even comes in a smaller size.
Long winded faggot that doesn't think he is gay for having sex with men.
>He even comes in a smaller size.
Redpill me on his height?
have to deal with shit posters who start shit threads about arbitrary bullshit such as generation woes.
you arent helping your generation by making fun of the next one, faggot.
Redpill me on this?
Gay ANGLO manlet NEET
Autistic NEET that got his fingers burned by a fatty in London and retreated back to daddy's house, where he has lived for 10+ years now.
No fun allowed in his chat.
In action.
Cool guy
>generation woes.
Redpill me on this?
hes also not a homosexual so theres that
>got his fingers burned by a fatty in London
Redpill me?
>In action.
Dam. Does anyone have any size comparison images with him?
Any images?
So how tall is he? I can't tell.
>Cool guy
Is he making a video tonight?
>So how tall is he? I can't tell.
Would like some further info on this also. Anyone got images? Redpill me?
A good lad through which I have met the majority of my edgy internet friends.
He hasn't made one in ages because hes an autist and decided to make a website instead.
If you want those go ask 8 chans brit/pol/, i've lost all of mine.
>He hasn't made one in ages because hes an autist and decided to make a website instead.
I heard somewhere he might be making a video this Friday on his place in the Alt Right.
>A good lad through which I have met the majority of my edgy internet friends.
Are you featured in the streams? Are you Knightmarez?
>If you want those go ask 8 chans brit/pol/, i've lost all of mine.
Would really like to see more info on this if anyone has anything.
He got a girlfriend and stopped making videos.
How come you're so interested, lad?
he's a F-A-G
You want "red pilled" Listen to renegade broadcasting
No fags,Trump lemmings, Trannys, MGTOW, or LGBT.
If you can stand reading a bit, this article sums up the problems of the millennial pretty well:
>He got a girlfriend and stopped making videos.
Redpill me?
>How come you're so interested, lad?
Just want to get redpilled on him, I have heard lots of rumors about his height most of all and am intrigued about the manlet theory.
We talking about the youtuber man