I don’t think people understand

I don’t think people understand...
If the school system allowed any of the school personnel including the schools security guard to carry a firearm this incident would’ve been stopped before 17 people lost their lives. This isn’t about guns, or mental illness, this isn’t about countering a armed attacker with an armed defender. Allow teachers to carry firearms so this doesn’t happen again.

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Most schools have an armed resource officer, dickhead

lol no most schools don't

But it just so happens that all 24 school shootings this year, not one resource officer was armed. Hmm..

Confirmed there was an armed resource officer on premises during shooting, never encountered shooter, the shcool campus is huge almost 4000 students
Source: broward county sheriff


Closest number i see is 2000 students in 2014, and no armed resource personnel... source please

dont allow people to carry firearms so this CANNOT even happen again

How pathetic can you be.

Once in Dallas, once in Las Vegas we had mass shootings where people had guns and ak's etc and none of them opened fire on the shooter.

If they had guns is a myth.

>We have a gun violence problem.
>We have a mental healthcare problem.
>The solution is less healthcare and MORE GUNS!

The American right is so hard to understand if you have the correct number of chromosomes.

It’s not the firearms that kill people. It’s the person behind it. Those who own guns should have a mandatory mental wellness test every 3 months.
Don’t take away guns because there’s shooter every now and then, take away the shooter from the guns.

result of all the cousin fucking

trump just rolled back restrictions for retards to buy a gun. guess who took advantage of that roll back.

americans may look white. but they're all stupid niggers.

Fuck em all, school shootings are good for the US. Keeps the idiots arguing instead of doing anything productive. Meanwhile the rest of us can keep living our lives just not giving a fuck about poor sad white kids who don’t have any friends.

dead kids are part and parcel of the 2nd amendment, dont they know that? it's in the constitution. the right of having dead kids shall not be infringed.

It’s mostly the goblin south. When was the last time you heard of a school shooting in the Northern States?

Sandy Hook. Mental illness is not southern exclusive. Definitely more common, but not exclusive.

The Dems are pussies who don't want to make conservatives angry and conservatives don't do anything at the best of times.

Adam Lanza

dems are impotent like bernie's limp dick.
reps are assholes, whose sole purpose is to fuck over 99% of america. fuck your health care, fuck your security. have guns and let the purge begin.

Armed teacher is a nice idea. Sounds like utopian state. Noone chewing gum in class,because the wierd economy teaching lady is packing heat.


If we stop school shootings then the shooter wins.

I wonder if people who think like this never exceed the speed limit, never download a movie, or never cross the street without a crosswalk.
They just live their whole life timidly and carefully within the confines of the law, no matter how inconvenient.
Does anyone like this even exist?

nigga you really think I want guns in the hands of teachers who were willing to lie on me when I was 10 years old? I would rather a school shooting happen every day, with my kids in the school, than that.

seriously though, if teachers have a gun you REALLY better listen to Ms. Johnson when she says "be quiet!"

Don't allow people to protect themselves?
Are you high?

“Alright class, put your phones away!”
“Jake. I said put your phone away.”
“Jake! This is your last warning!”

1 guy for 4,000 students? That guy was just a symbol to make people feel protected. No way he could cover all that ground. Every school would need like 1 guy for every 2 hallways or something if you want total effectiveness.
I'm guessing that's too cost prohibitive, but at the same time were losing way more than that in unaccounted war expenditures every year.
I've given up saying things are or aren't in the budget.


fuck my country

The northern states lock their schools down and have metal detectors. They have been used since the great blackening... also know as when niggers moved north

Your retarded

We have the most guns and are the most armed populace in the history of the world and only we have the problem.

Yet here you are saying we don't understand that all we need to do it get even more guns.

It is also a civilization fail to support perpetual fear and that level of personal protection. We are such an advanced nation and you want to arm everyone like some war torn African country that is in perpetual civil war.

that excuse gets tiring

there are places in the world where you could kill someone and get away with it, and police probably wouldn't even know enough to find out you're the one that did it unless you gave yourself away that much. you can own guns in some of them. yet they aren't murder havens. in America, a kid can die because some idiot thought it was a good idea to rob a college library.

it's... it's not about the fucking guns

Very edgy kid
I think you need to cut back on the Mountain Dew and fruit roll ups

Ameritard, right?

yeah, downloading a movie is the same than killing someone.

Can someone like you exist?

if so that is very sad

Security guard at school was confirmed to be armed
Sandy hook had a security guard who was armed too
Just cause you have a gun hat doesn’t mean you can get fucking killed dumbass look at Chris Kyle he was shot at a shooting range when he was armed

i strongly agree with you

but people use to be more dangerous with guns

That there is called logic backed with objective facts, we have more guns per capital that anyone else, ever.

Culture is a factor but guess what, it is fun culture. It is also mental health, but guess what? In a nation that is armed to the teeth for no apparent reason, do you know what is super easy for a mentally ill person to get? I'll give you 2 guesses what Lanza's mother had a collection of that she never used for shit.

>it's not about the guns
Gun problems not about the thing that the problem is about. -1 more for total logic fail: how can anyone commit a mass shooting if they can't get a gun?

Lastly, our government could smart bomb every gun nut into dusk before they finished equipping themeslves like Arnold in commando getting ready to fight a civil war they already lost and could never win.

im with this guy

you can't arbitrarily decide what is logical and what is not..

who died and decided guns = killing? statistically, guns = more killing. that's due to the nature of what they are. but that killing depends on the individual and what they're willing to do. you're talking like some guy wouldn't try real hard to up his bomb game or even make his own gun if guns were banned throughout the country

people are gonna get dead because someone wants to make them dead. that's gonna happen whether they use a predator drone or a fingernail. the only one point where I might agree with you is that it will stop being about school shootings and start turning into assassinations

>Be American kid
>Get shot at school


Guns are just like drugs. They're neither necessary nor difficult to get. If stuff is available, people use it. Drugs, guns, alcohol... Only solution is for the US government to grow a pair and revoke all firearms permits and gradually start to reduce the number of weapons in circulation. It won't stop school shootings, but it's a step in the right direction. Either that or devise a way of filtering out anyone that might be mentally unstable and euthanising them. Time is nearly up for frivolous firearm abuse.

the kids all joked around he was going to shoot up the school. one kid guessed who the shooter was with a reporter before they confirmed his correct guess. the school expelled him. the FBI received tip that he posted on Youtube "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" in September. their was an armed police officer on campus. everything seems so close to preventing this from happening but it still happened anyway.

that's the thing.

you can filter out mental instability. you can't filter out "I'm gonna kill myself/someone else"

implying sandy

Not the most armed populace, even today. (see Switzerland)
The most heavily armed cities with low control laws have among the lowest crime rates (see El Paso vs Wash DC)
It's not the guns. It's not the control. It's the people. (see diversity/density/disproportion if wealth/etc)

gj fbi another one

That would help.

>But ultimately this is a public school problem. And then a society problem. We need shame in our society.

Wow, need a little more soy in that latte?

had the teachers been armed, and he knew it, he wouldn't have shot up the school in the first place. He would have gone somewhere else "gun free".

How come nobody talks about when Schools weren't gun free zones? Boomers could take their hunting rifle to shop class and make a new stock for it. No Problems.

>This is a Public School / Society Problem. As soon as they started treating physical discipline legally the same as masturbation everything took a nose dive. People need to start beating their kids again.

You know you're living in Idiocracy when people's solution to the gun problem is more guns.


Bzzzt. Wrong again stable genius.

Nah, he was pretty hell bent on shooting up that school specifically.

hurr durr...I don't know how to discipline anyone without hitting them. I'm a moron.


We don't even need schools. Just make your kid sit in front of an AI computer to teach it shit. Probably will be smarter for it.

>go to school, get shot
>go to the movies, get shot
>go to the mall, get shot
>go to a concert, get shot
>go out for a walk, get shot


Wrong? Because more Black and Irish kids were beaten than Anglo kids? Take your economist article and shove it up your ass.

Are you trying to roundabout argue that any law is 100% effective and has never ever been broken?
Man there's a whole group of people with the motto "laws/rules were made to be broken"


Cop raised both his arms in the air gesturing why? as shooter walked back to holding cell after judge just denied him bail. what did he mean by this?

You forgot church you ignorant atheist eurotrash

well while that "test every 3 months" sounds kind of okay, i doubt it would actually matter. There are tests for this already as i know, well not every 3 months, but how the fuck they even pass??

Of course they could just make these test more serious.

Now on the other hand, ye its the ppls who kill ppls, but i would say a teenager would have a harder time killing anyone, if he would have a much harder time getting a gun.

To be honest, i think ther more ppl would get guns,, the more killing there would be, not necessarily mass shootings, but killing in general. Like they say black ppl kill each other every day... hmm okay, guess eventually they kill each other so no one will remain who could shoot someone.

All teachers should be armed.

There's a reason people pick schools to shoot up. Schools weak and vulnerable. The shooter knows nobody is armed and able to defend themselves, schools are easy targets. If every teacher carried a gun, I bet school shootings would decrease. It obviously won't completely stop school shootings but it would probably drastically decrease them.

Some crazy kid is less likely to go shoot up a place where he's outgunned by armed teachers.

kids are cute at your age

There is a reason you never have had a gun show Massacre

>The solution to people breaking the law is to make more laws
Kind of a catch 22

Lmao Kool reply kiddo. Way to address the article. I guess it's hard to acknowledge the truth when you are a religious poor from a shithole state that has no social life, sex life, or financial independence. Keep living that hick lifestyle!

The inferences here are so weak I'm 100% positive you made that post for no other reason than to sit back and stroke your nipples in your own self-aggrandizing glory

When did so many liberal pussies come to Sup Forums? I mean I know you're all betas, but at least you can pretend to have some balls from behind your computer screens on an anonymous forum.

>This isn't about guns
>The solution is more guns

lol yeah this kid was %100 legally allowed to take his AR-15 on school grounds, nothing illegal about that, man I bet if it were illegal he wouldn't have done it.

Precisely, logic is not arbitrary and that is why are argument is shit and circular.

How do you commit a mass shooting without guns? That isn't even abstract. How to you commit gun violence without a gun.

Pussies like you and the faggets who shoot up schools wouldn't have the sand to knife someone and would get your ass kicked by the bully you wanted to make dead.

Guns allowing making people dead exponentially easier. The fagget behind the trigger just has to pull it and can be cowards where they would get served up in any other situation.

Also statically guns do equal more killing in every metric possible. Let's start with WWi where the introduction of the machine gun and lack up updated strats caused so many deaths most historians say WWII was just a continuation of wwi because of the amount of people who died due to attrition (or running into fucking machine gun fire)

Your objectively wrong, get over it

You're not wrong. I have a great life and until very recently I happily paid a lot more in taxes so that Poors like you could have a social safety net. I am openly willing to pay more taxes and yet you fucking Poor's will vote for tax cuts and repealing social safety nets and healthcare and mental health services for kids like this even though is "cosmopolitans" and "coastal elites" have no problem footing the bill. We want you poors to have a better life. But you just keep babbling about guns and beating your kids to fix all your problems. It is beyond frustrating. An entire culture built around being in complete denial about your social station in life.

Why do those Americans not understand that MORE weapons don't cause a REDUCTION of crime?

What does the NRA do to make the American this blind?

you're absolutely fucking retarded, and you should feel bad about it. Go back and reread you're post, then make another cuck-ass libtard comment after you get over your emotions and are more equipt to handle a civilized debate based in logic.

Most of these people turn the guns on themselves anyway. We are the most armed country in the world. More guns isn't the answer.

I'd advise you look at the history of school shootings. They've been happening for decades. Even in the 70s when it was socially acceptable to bring guns to school it was the second highest peak of school shootings in history. Only the 2000s~ surpassed the 70s

12 years ago Sup Forums was very liberal. It was Sup Forums that was always racist and sometimes Sup Forums would use Sup Forums memes for fun. Bix Nood and shit
It was for laughs. Look at the old Otakon footage with moot and snacks. Those fucking nerds and the nerds that attended we're very liberal. We were all just nerds having fun. Then gen Z took over and didnt get the humor and thought it was edgy to be a conservative so that is what they chose. I am sure the tide will turn again soon.

I want someone to explain to me how you disarm America, it's absolutely fucking impossible. Who's going to take the guns away? The police? The military? The guys who are extremely disproportionately pro-second amendment and would prefer not to get fucking shot.

dude you're better trolling or impersonating a steriotype American right now

12 years ago being liberal wasn't what it is today though, hell being conservative wasn't either. Both sides have been pushed to the fucking extreme.

Great idea. We should make rape illegal too. That'll stop them.

I recently saw footage of a person who was inside the school at the time as the shots were being fired. listening to that video, my feeling was fear, but my instinct was not to hide or flee; it was to kill that dude in any way I could. it's a stupid instinct, but that was what I felt

you can ignore the person armed with the gun and the intentions of said person if you wish. I'm here to tell you that this is a stupid mistake. the guy pulling the trigger is an element in gun killings, just like the gun is. because guns are banned doesn't mean the guy lacks a gun, or even a method to kill.

what is it that you are standing against, precisely?

I sincerely hope you're trolling and not that fucking dumb. What the fuck does that sentence even mean?

Less guns doesn't cause much of a reduction in violent crime either, simpleton.

You don't which is why no elected official actually thinks this.

The "muh guns" is just a meme created by conservatives to fearmonger people into voting for them.


Nice counter point, very logical

Go put out a fire with gass and your logic will stand -- I'll wait you mindless potato

People like you need to be digging ditches and kept under control with laws, your too stupid to self govern

exactly, it won't happen in our lifetimes if ever. And hell with the way things are going, bringing manufacturing in the home, with 3D printing and Auto-milling machines, you'll never stop people from making their own guns.

Less guns ALWAYS equals less gun crime... in EVERY country where it's been tried.

Americans... fucking retards.They'd argue black is white.

I'm not arguing for guns in schools, you piece of shit, go move to Europe and get raped by a muslim refugee.

Christ, you've made yourself look like a fucking moron here, haven't you?

it's kinda ironic that here in Germany we talk about the causes of gun violence and school shootings in the USA.
We've watched the movie 'Bowling for Columbine' by Michael Moore and even read a novel.

We kinda also came to the conclusion that the USA should change their excluding school system and the education of the kids. Americans should get taught (by parents and teachers) to accept others and how to find peaceful solutions for problems.
Kids should get motivated and prepared for their life as an adult instead of getting scared off.
Also parents should teach their kids to accept others even when they look or act different.

You only hear about this retards in legends O.O

This school had an armed officer and that didn't change a fucking thing

underage b&


Mass stabbing in China only produced injuries 1/2 the time and very few fatalities

Guns are designed to kill large numbers of people efficiently, most of the time requiring little to no training, or strength and can be used at range.

People will always murder but making it 1000x times easier is the entire fucking problem. How you are conflating human violence with mass shootings is not valid.