Why are millenials so attracted to socialism

you'd think the easy access to information now would make socialism even more ridiculous but people, mostly millennials, are still attracted to socialist ideas
i mean, there are people starving to death in Venezuela right now and yet Bernie is still popular

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Socialism can be done right, look at Europe, they only thing they did wrong is the immigration policy
And actually, look at Switzerland even now.
Or Czech Republic.

I don't know why younger people are more attached to leftiest ideas, maybe it's the mindset that we are all equal or that they wanna save everyone.

As you get older you realise, you can't save everyone.

They try to compare USA to countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway. But we have such a stable country that it can really work over here.


The millennials here always justify socialism with "muh Scandinavian model" without looking into why it worked in the first place and why it is now starting to crumble and fail miserably

They also ignore the vast majority of socialist governments which failed horrendously, particularly in South America and Eastern Europe.

They think that socialism is some magic cheat code that they can vote for in order to get out of hard work and personal responsibility, and that anyone who opposes it is just a dick.

None of these countries would describe themselves as socialist. A few countries even told Bernie to stop calling them socialists.

Owning a business in Norway is shit because of socialism

>socialism is some magic cheat code that they can vote for in order to get out of hard work and personal responsibility, and that anyone who opposes it is just a dick
I can't agree with this more.
They don't want to believe economics exists. I think the reason why is this is what I remember being taught in school. No one told me to budget, save, brush up on social etiquette and live below my means. They taught me how to be an idiot and that whites are evil and that math is hard.

>And actually, look at Switzerland even now.

Low IQ people and women are why it is gaining popularity.
Anyone with any sense and intelligence just wants the Government to leave them alone.
Smart people aren't afraid of working and taking care of themselves.
Weak stupid people want the Government to magically take care of everyone and control everything.

Stop spewing bullshit about us.

No. We just want a cheat code to blow the brains out of everyone above us and enslave everyone below us that aren't funny or productive or cute. Just like everyone else.

Correct. Sweden is not socialist. Sweden has state welfare. Socialism would imply that the state owned industry. It doesn't.

Because they are a lot poorer than their parents and probably always will be unless they are third worlders.

>state welfare
>not a form of socialism
who pays for it?

>taxes are socialism

Are you a berntard or just a regular tard?

It's not about socialism, it's about the costs of healthcare and retraining/higher education which are absolutely in the stratosphere.

If a right, center-right, center-left, whatever government was able to successfully tackle that, no one would care about socialism here

psychology and studies such as Monarch and MK ultra has lead to more effective brainwashing on children.

this bothers me too, OP

I think it's propaganda from old hippie professors, they tell them lies and fairytales about evol western imperialism and glorious socialism

same place the SJW and all the craziness movements came from

Taxes for "welfare" is socialism.
I am giving my money to take care of other people.

Everyone. But everyone benefits from it, if indirectly.

This also means that yes, the 200kg freak of nature that gives themselves several simultaneous forms of cancer and type 2 diabetes via blowing their entire welfare check on cigs and soda while "searching for jobs" via the government funded job center - that couldn't find a person a job if they so placed the employer and the employee in the same room together due to their inane degrees of bureaucracy and utter alienation towards productive activity - has it's lifestyle funded by the 50 year old engineer that makes high six figures as a senior consultant.

This is a small price to pay however, because it keeps useless people from causing trouble. Feeding and housing a person on "minimum wage" isn't really that expensive in the grand scheme of things.

Of course, this only applies if the useless people share in a culture that makes them keep their head down as long as they aren't starving.

Because they wrongly believe socialism will distribute wealth in a way that they can spend 8 years doing gender studies for free and come out with a 40k a year job combating tumblr ptsd.

Because they equate socialism with easy living. Why study hard to become a doctor or engineer when you can live a middle class lifestyle while working in a warehouse or flipping burgers for your whole life. Socialism is favored by underachieving low-lives who use fairness and general welfare to convince others to join their scheme.

Switzerland is rich because money stolen from you by your government is in their banks

"Revolution" is something that always attracted young people. Its not about the ideology, it's only about the "change".
Young people is easily bored, and traditional ideologies make them even more bored. Socialism screams about change, revolution, the youngs see it as a way to escape the boredom.

Even traditional groups that wanted to attract young people needed to adapt to it. See Italian irredentism in Fascist Italy, and the Großdeutschland in Nazi Germany.

>it's about the costs of healthcare and retraining/higher education which are absolutely in the stratosphere.
>the government creates monopolies through regulation
>people wonder why the prices are high
>people demand more government to fix that

they dont know about anything else

they do not know the truth about history, the real history that can get anyones attention if they just knew about it

>socialism = laziness
the self-proclaimed "socialists" at my university can barely even wash their own hair or change their disgusting smelly flannel shirts, let alone actually work hard and become successful based on their own grit and merit.

Children enjoy having fun and doing whatever they want whenever they want
Socialism is the closest they can get to doing nothing for free
Kind of drugs are you on? Europe had to fuse their socialism/communism with Capitalism after only a decade because it tore their economies apart. And even then their economies couldn't survive because communism period fucks your economy.
The only reason our economy has any problem at all is because our government is destroying business on purpose and because we have several socialist programs mooching off the system and slowly killing it.

>Because they wrongly believe socialism will distribute wealth in a way that they can spend 8 years doing gender studies for free and come out with a 40k a year job combating tumblr ptsd.
so basically they want socialism because in the end they want to consume capitalistic products

one of the reasons immigrants are flooding Europe is that its heavily taxed (for muh socialism) industries need cheap labor to compete

>being this deluded

What you call "middle-class lifestyle" in the US is actually working-class lifestyle. And what you call "working-class lifestyle" is actually just being poor.

Effectively, most USians run on a perverted version of the protestant work ethic turned into prosperity gospel where of course people need to suffer - and if they do, it's because they made the wrong choices.

You aren't giving it. It is being taken from you.

revolutionary socialism =/= modern socialism
Ven,Brazil,Argentina, Bernie in the US and etc rose to power through elections, modern day socialism has nothing ''new'' about it, if anything, fascism and libertarianism are way less traditional and should attract more edgy teens

funny because "intellectuals" who went to college are prone to have socialist ideas, while the working class is usually conservative
Also, some one has to move heavy load or flip burges you piece of shit.

i just watched some nigger youtuber doing a ''social experiment'' by holding a trump sign somewhere in the US and then in the end mocking the only trump supporter he found
in the description of the video the ape said he did that because for the first time the US had a racist candidate for president
this kind of shit is really depressing

More to the point, US culture is one where there are winners and losers and everyone is trying their damnedest to jew their neighbors out of as much gold as they could possibly stand to get without completely losing face.

At the same time, and contrary to this, US people espouse an ethic of peaceful living and productivity.

These two things can never coexist. You either help your neighbor or watch him turn on you. You can't have the cake and eat it too.

Honest stab at an empathetic answer here -

Lots of things that used to cost a lot of money are now free thanks to the Internet and smartphones. Flashlights, maps, general knowledge, entertainment, porn, all that stuff used to cost money so older generations place an inherent value in those things.

So what things actually have a monetary value to millenials? Cars, food, new electronics, and shelter, right? These things are boring, if all the best things in life are free then why do all the shitty things still cost? It's not fair!

Socialism in America seems to be a way to say "let's stop hoarding all the money to the 1% while making everyone elses life shittier like we have been doing for the past few decades" and actually anyone who is against that is a fucking retard. Literally people here wondering why they can't buy a house and a car at 20 and then thinking that the answer must be voting Trump and killing them evil libruls.

Also pretty much everyone here is a millennial unless you're underage in which case you should leave.

Well, the poor are typically black or some mestizo one generation removed from peasant status.

>he thinks swiss bank accounts are still secret

they put a stop to that like 5 years ago or so

Wait for it, world. Once Bolsonaro conquers Brazil, millenials will be attracted to bolsonarism

Socialism is about collective ownership of the means of production.

Welfare is a capitalist method to paper over the cracks of the system.

What's funny is people moan about the unemployed, yet they don't realise capitalism relies on unemployed people to keep wages down. Only socialist states have ever had full employment.

This. Every conservative USian that isn't actually a goddamn captain of industry is voting against their own interest.

Not even small business owners have any reason to vote Republican. The only people who ever should vote republican are people who have so much money that they literally never need think about welfare for themselves or their family or friends.

Bullshit. You have hordes of white trash. Don't try to hide them behind the coloreds.


Soviet demoralization

Socialist states are cancerous. I would prefer the current state capitalist bullshit we have right now to any socialist government. Give me stateless communism or fuck off.

Because current wealth dsitribution makes is virtually impossible to get into the top 1%. So millenials reasonably believe it's good for them to force rich people to share some money.

The Democratic party is in no way socialist or even pro worker. Just look at how little they have done to overturn Citizens United.

Programmed by education system and media.

the bulk of their existence has been having their parents take care of them, and technology doing everything for them

most cant even cook a homemade meal ffs

once their parents start dropping off or become invalid there will be a small crisis on their hands, unless they secure their permanent gibs

Modern socialists use the system in their favour, but their rethoric incite revolution.

See the PT politicians, even though Lula and Dilma never spoke about revolution, other people in the party spoke. Though its more a speech against middle class than against rich.

Since the average person see Lula and Dilma as spiritual leaders of the party, the esgy teenagers think that they support the minority that spoke about revolution.

Fascism is estigmatized, but if you speak with a teen about his ideas, without mentioning the word fascism, most will support.

Few people know about Libertarianism, and the socialists that know, relate it to bigotism because the US before the FED was near a libertarians society

>Parents hand out gibsmedats with easy
>Think gibsmedats is best strategy because their parents were rich
>Vote socialism like the NEET reetards they are

Because that's what they're taught in public school.

There's a population of mestizos in the US equivalent to 40 million, that didn't exist 50 years. That's almost the equivalent in population to most south american countries. Where do you think these people come from? Like they're all rich and capable of performing a useful economic function.

This. It's literally a robin hood situation.

People think the robin hood argument is silly because "rich people don't have so much money / they're people too / you could get money if only you tried".

Well, it's not silly or naive anymore. Not in the US.

I'm not a Leninist or Trot. But the USSR and other socialist states did achieve some good things. On the whole they were negative though imo.

The left here is also alienated from the working class. This is of little matter however. What the US needs above all is public welfare, the unions are a secondary issue.

Unions as they exist in Sweden or Germany would be utterly alien to your culture AFAICT.

I just finished my last year of university studying in a political science school (bear in mind it is a broad field covers everything from philosophy to law). This is true, they love socialism, many really well educated young people, and even some very intelligent people I know are socialist. I can only really tell you my own opinion that I assume is worth more than the average POL user because of my experience, also I will cover some other SJW type things. It mainly ideological bias filtered through the mainstream and popular media, basically it is cool to say you are a socialist or marxist, in comparison to a anyone right of centre. Basic group think. Bear in mind university is an echo chamber, other students will think the same or keep their mouths shut, the penalty is to be a social pariah, this is what happened to me. For example the edgy marxist hipster faggots seem deep and intellectual to the standard shallow student girl, he will be a revolutionary (despite being the mainstream opinion but they don't see it themselves) whereas the right wing type guy is seen as a monster. Girls have alot to do with it also, I have met a number of non sjw type guys but only 3 non sjw girls, want to know why they weren't sjw ? because they had no intrest to begin with. Also another intresting point I want to make, it might seem strange but all educated people acknowledge this as fact now "Socialism is no longer the ideology of the working class". Yeah its very true, most working class students or students from poorer families (such as myself) are in fact the most anti socialist. I have seen the damage the welfare state, sexual promiscuity, single mothers, drugs, immgrants have done to society. The better off students have been a bit more sheltered in this respect.

Anything else ?

Why dont't you go give some welfare to mohammed's dick?

Is it wrong to have more money than the next guy?

They are too young to understand that socialism doesnt work. They havent seen all the previous failures.

No. This is a misunderstanding in terms.

I know many NEET millennials and am one myself. They're surprisingly crafty. Some even manage to break out by living in collectives or anarchist squats. I've actually gotten several invitations.

They're also, to a man, very aware of their situation. I haven't met _a single one_ that didn't understand their situation.

Calling all millennials spoiled is like calling all latchkey Xers washed-out heroin addicted crust punks.

what movie is this?

If you have more money than the next ten million guys together it leads to a shitty society and people don't like it and that's why they want change and are voting for it which is what OP asked.

We have socialist govt but we are hardly socialist. There are no money for that. Consider us right-wing freemarket country.

they lack own accomplishment therfor demand equality for all

I cant work out if this is bait or not.

If you were starting a business, you wouldn't start it in Europe.
Over-regulated, high tax, high cost, finance is tight and failure stigmatised.

Before you can do good, you must first do well, if you dont do well then you have no money with which to do good. I love European countries but the EU is a failed political project, and a disastrous economic one.

No movie. Just Jews Jewing Jews, such is American politics.

o bolsonaro é outro lixo socialista

>Only socialist states have ever had full employment.
by working for the gov and receiving bread in return
what a dream

It's not really a question of having more money. It's a question about people being retarded.

Basically a large part of society constitute the kind of people who go on Judge Judy. They are not right in the head and they are very angry.

In the past there was ditch-digging for such people but now we don't need them at all. So it's better to just give them shit.

A parasite who lives and dresses and eats for free is better than a naked bum dead in your garden.

And, for that matter, the great majority of society is semi-retarded and make hilarious mistakes that turn them into bums if they don't get bailed out by others. This is just a fact.

i hope you do know Robin Hood stole tax money from the government and gave it back to the people
seriously, you're the perfect example of mindless cuck i had in mind when i made this thread

I'm not a mindless cuck, I'm a mindful cuck.

I understand that in the hellish plane of sex-monkeys that you hail from, "giving people things and getting nothing in return" is not really an option but in more organized societies you can actually make it work.

>but in more organized societies you can actually make it work.

sure you can ahmed

no you're a cuck, robin hood stole tax money from the crown / state in a time when the aristocracy openly treated the peasant population as nothing more then surfs

Not all rich people are elites in with the state, the majorly of the shit Marxists and socialists target is the middle class people, you know the people who worked their asses off to get where they are and they just want to drag them down to the peasent level again because "it's not fair that they have more"

Seriously you're lucky I even gave you that much of a reply your fucking Sweden, the most cucked backward country to fall in this century, Enjoy your third world status soon. you degenerate cuck

The invasion of sandniggers is a separate issue, if a bit overwhelming.

My statements apply solely to people who are actually part of civilization.

Even US ghetto blacks are able to participate in society on a cultural level.

That is because they are not socialists they are students who think they are socialists while dressing in anime cat ears and putting on lip gloss.

The invasion of sandniggers is a related issue, because you can't have socialist policies with open border immigration, your own government is openly seeing it now and crying, literately crying on press releases that "it's not fair that it doesn't work"

socialism is what a 12 year old thinks civilization should be. and your leaders have the same mentality, you follow it congratulation you never passed mental publicity.

I'm not even saying all socialist polices are bad, I love the Idea of the NHS here but it takes a special kind of troglodyte to not understand that you can not have these universal socialistic style benefits for the mass population with no border control, It's mathematically impossible so yes the invasion of armies of sandniggers who add nothing and take as much as they can is a related issue,

face it, you fucked your country and now it's on the verge of collapsing. the good news is that hopefully when you fall the rest of Europe will wake the fuck up and go radically to the right to solve this problem, you'll probably be dead at that point.

Oh yes, this is just fact.

It would be better if we'd just gone full neo-colonialism.

We're gonna see gated communities, we're gonna see segregation on a level that most US people would balk at. Perhaps a British person could understand it seeing as your society has a history of *real* social segregation, not just "that's the area you don't go if you don't want to get mugged".

Because white men we're too stupid to keep the education system under control and instead took comfy, LOW-ENERGY jobs as plumbers, welders, and electricians, and now the millennials have been indoctrinated by women and marxists.


FYI: A bunch of stupid low education tradesmen aren't equipped to run this modern world and the white race is destined to fail due to white men's lack of foresight.

i think it's because capitalism and corporations and wall street have signed terrible trade deals that have ruined this country. They prob think trump is a joke and they want some free shit.