ITT we ask Americans questions and they respond.
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First question: what do you think will happen in future, given how USA is now 62% non-Hispanic white?
ITT we ask Americans questions and they respond.
Keep it civilized and informative. Memes are forbidden.
First question: what do you think will happen in future, given how USA is now 62% non-Hispanic white?
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Do you think that countries like Denmark, Norway and Sweden would be the ideal, excluding our immigration policies?
Given the rate at which hispanics are giving birth, the lack of good border control, and the faltering birth rates of whites, I'd give it 50 years and we'll probably see whites either become a plurality, or go to 2nd place behind hispanics.
Socialism has a chance to work in homogeneous cultures, but with the way the world is headed it's doomed to fail. Also the lack of firearm ownership could potentially cause the governments there to get a bit comfy and overreaching, but so far that doesn't seem to be happening. Biggest complaint I have regarding Scandinavia is the lack of proper immigration control. Get that under control and you guys are one of the better regions in the world.
What do you think will happen to your country in case that happens?
Will there be a change in how USA works, in foreign policy, and so on?
Same thing they do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world
I like the free market system. The price of health care and college should be low enough for people to afford right now. Since most people are broke. But since the government is involved it allows schools and health care companies to charge as much as they want. Our system is simple. Less taxes, let people keep their money and do what hey want with it. It should potentially be better than Scandinavian systems. But sadly now it isn't.
How does the burger taste in the free land?
I have never been to any of those countries but Norway has always felt like a a Home I wish I had. If I could have been born in Norway instead of the US I would have picked Norway without having to think about it. On to your question.
I think your countries would work a lot better if you didn't let any shit skins in. The ideal of any country should be their fellow man working hard next to them and everyone working to better themselves and their country. Lets be honest though. That will only work in a white society these days and a white society is illegal. Your countries had potential but I don't see any hope now.
The US may have a lot of minorities but we have a lot of towns that have 99% white people and you can leave all of your doors unlocked at all times. Your neighbors help each other and your kids can go play outside without worry. These little paradises are why I still believe in the US.
It's good
It taste good but one of the best burgers I have ever had was in Italy at an Irish pub. Can't change a traditional burger that much to differ it. They generally taste similar but can vary based on spices and types of meat.
No. Pretty good systems for smaller countries.
Great -- all the variations. Its pretty glorious.
Do you support his loser flag?
No. We Texans supported them so they would let us be independent. They lost.
Now we have to do it ourselves.
No one really cares.
I care about our country's past and when you try to hide and bury something like the civil way it will come back and happen again. Just because one side won doesn't mean the other doesn't exist anymore. I am from the south and personally don't care about muh dixie but it is a huge part in what little history we have here. Wave it if you want to. I don't care. No reason to tear down and remove history because of muh feelings.
It's kind of like the Mexican flag. No one cares if you are waving it around unless you are using it to promote violence.
The US will collapse in 5 years
The South was right
Do bullies in schools really steal other kids money?
Only the niggers do. At most bullying involves name calling
I am sure it has happened but I have never even heard of it happening and I went to 10 different schools.
Remember this: with the possible exception of In-N-Out, most fast food sucks. To get a real burger, you'll have to go to a local burger joint and they can be hit or miss. Ask the locals of the town you're in for the best burger place.
Perhaps, but I don't really think it could work in the US. Trying to have a centralized socialist government controlling such a vast part of the planet just wouldn't work. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are small countries (relatively). The cultures are very different as well (I'm focusing on Sweden here). I believe that socialism had the effect of warping the culture of the country into a misandrist cuckhole. Here's an interesting blog detailing some of what I'm talking about:
I don't want that kind of culture in the United States. People are trying to make it happen, but (fortunately) society sees the blue-haired hamplanet Tumblrettes as a joke.
No, the immigration policies are a symptom of the cancer of your society
Haven't seen it happen. Bullying is largely just name calling (from what I've seen).
Doesn't mean there isn't theft in schools though
I will never be an american :(
Never seen this happen once in my life. Maybe it used to 40 years ago, but I never saw it when I used to be in school.
I was in Germany at this time last year. I want to go visit again but Berlin was a nightmare. An American couple (white) and myself were among the only white people I saw around for quite a while. I look German/Scandinavian and everyone was talking to me in German. Couldn't believe everything around me was where my family is from. My mother was born in Frankfurt and my grandma in Hamburg who married an American soldier and bailed to the US.
Berlin is the London of UK, would not recommend...
You could visit although this fine place
Why is your country so inferior to mine?
How's the smoke inhalation treatment going?
Looks comfy, but this is my Ideal. I will visit Germany again.