Could someone give me a accurate number of how many jews actually died in the Holocaust. I know it wasn't 6 million, but surely there was some jews who died in camps, right?
Could someone give me a accurate number of how many jews actually died in the Holocaust. I know it wasn't 6 million...
Other urls found in this thread:
About 500,000 from typhus
500,000 plus two clowns.
there was a sad high of deaths in '43-'44 due to typhus, but based Nazis killed the Typhus Viral Outbreak with Zyklon-B.
Nope, it was exactly 6,000,000.
6 million on the dot.
In the holocaust or the war.
>One of these things happened
It was 6 million.
Holocaust did happen, anyone who says otherwise is a meme tier neonazi or an autistic retard.
This however doesn't justify the kikes' behavior after the war.
Why two clowns?
At least 1 million.
We don't fucking talk about them, okay?
You dirty antisemitie. It was It was 600 trillion
4.9 million including extermination camp deaths, concentration camp deaths, death squad shootings, antipartisan shootings, famine and diesease.
600 gorillilion
this can help you
seks billioner fjert
It was 6 million mate...
> want to learn more about history
> ignore literally every single credible historian or historical society in the world
> ask for 'the truth' on an anonymous message board for autistic neets.
.... lol.
So you don't give a shit about all the jews?
>> selection at the camp, children and old go to gas chambers at arraival
>> showing pic of children and old in camp uniforms...
There are also pics from auschwitz camp liberation by red army, pic is full of children and old people on it...
Type this in google images:
"pictures from auschwitz liberation by red army"
they represent homos, gypsies and such
This. Though that number may have gone up to ~750000 once the Russians rolled through.
>6 bodies per day
>340 corpses could be burned every 24 hours after the installation of the three furnaces.
340 corpses, 3 furnaces per day
340/3 per day
Remember the 8 million goy...
two jews drowned in the auschwitz swimming pool
Russians killed most of them, when"liberating" the camps.
About 2 million from the work camps turned death camps, which we have real non anecdotal evidence for
Yes there is truly credible sources like that don't try and inflate that shit to over 6 million
Coming from a Jew, youre a fucking retard when you actually think theres a determined actual number than just a whole fucking slog of debating the exact number, and you're only rebuttal is talking about some racist neckbeards using infographs
Gulag is truly equal opportunity employer comrade
Not enough.
1.5 - 2.5 milion
My question is were they really turned into soap
5,8 e6
How many? Not enough...
That pic is amazing Kek.
This, I doubt my great-grandfather would lie to me about that...
Literally every single major historical soctiey in the world estimates the number to be around 7 million.
What kind of world do you live in when you would doubt people who devote their entire lives to the study of history (all independent and separate from one another) to believe random people on the internet?
There is literally no legitimate fact checking or sources what so ever on a board like this.
You must see the amount of bollocks that gets posted her daily?..
Yeah. Yet I'm the crazy one for accepting the figure of actual experts
All those stories are bullshit. Yes they were gassed and a shitload of jews were killed, but muh soap, muh torture dildo machines, etc. are all fake
How do you know?
Remarkable how commie jew job sheets to execute 100x times more people in Russia is not genocide.
He doesn't.
He's a fucking moron.
We have documated evidence of the torture too. Pictures, records from the time - from both German sources and prisoner.
Quotes and evidence given by those involved, etc.
Anyone who doubts this is a willfully ignorant muppet.
reminder that there is a stormwinnie infestation
>It was 6 million mate.
>Literally every single major historical soctiey in the world estimates the number to be around 7 million.
>he doesnt think there are people who devote their life in history who deny the Holocaust
>he unironically uses the appeal to authority
Damn, the JIDF force is strong
That's why I asked, because as I said earlyer my great/grandfather was there...
here is how the raids are made, its always a person asking, did x really happen, how many number of x were killed? always one or two sentences, then a couple of them say yes it happened, after that someones comes in and spams a bunch of pictures as proof, always the same ones
im the CIA
>posts no evidence
The allies bombed the supply routes to the camps, some jews died of starvation because of this. The jews controlled the allies though, so the jews are responsible for that part of the "holocaust"
Other jews died of typhus and other diseases, the Germans tried to delouse them and their clothing but the jews later used the zyklon-b and shaved heads as evidence of the fake holocaust fake as in not starvation or disease)
Claiming that a lampshade is made of skin by simply saying it is, is not evidence user
>He actually fell for the delousing myth
Mistype. My mistake.
There are, I know. And they have been proven wrong at almost every level. Why do you think not one of these people holds any kind of prestige's historical posting? Because Jews control EVERYTHING? Lol.
It's because they are morons who can't admit their hatred of a people has blinded them into seeing basic facts.
And appeal to authority? I'm simply talking about organisations with credible backgrounds, commonly accepted to be the most prominent leaders of historical knowledge.
>anything 'mainstream' is instantly wrong
>trying not to be a whiny teenage bitch
240k was the last figure put out before they jacked it up for no reason to 6 mil
before 240k it was about 400k. the downward revision comes from records being combed through and things like zyclon b not always being thought of as used for extermination purposes since it was commonly used at the time in europe to clean typoid contaminated clothing
and the general lack of evidence of any mass killing having happened at many alleged concentration camps. maybe soem did get killed but many concentration camps seem to have just been holding facilities . nothing that could even be considered a gas chamber or crematorium found
exactly mate
They were deloused. You know illegal Mexicans are deloused when caught on the US bordeR?
>4000 shekels have been added to your bank account
The short answer is no.
If anyone digs into the actual number too deeply these days, boom pow hate crime off to the Gulags with you.
There are some things you just don't talk about objectively, and this is one of them.
The Truth Could Get You Killed, if you push too hard.
(or at least they were)
it was 2 mil with the shooting that was first claimed from number killed in occupied eastern territories
>6 million
>not 6 gorillions
Get your facts straight, you filthy holocaust denier.
>The Truth Could Get You Killed, if you push too hard.
Fucking. Lol.
Yup. The government sure is picking off Sup Forums one by one eh? The only people smart enough to know the truth. Are right here!
Top. Fucking. Kek.
>Could someone give me a accurate number of how many jews actually died in the Holocaust.
0. The Holocaust literally did not happen.
There is literally no evidence to prove the Holocaust happened.
I challenge any of the cucks that believe the Holocaust happened to post a picture or film of the Holocaust as it actually happened.
>know it wasn't 6 million, but surely there was some jews who died in camps, right?
Jews died in camps sure. But Jews dying in camps are not a Holocaust.
>but surely there was some jews who died in camps, right?
The weak Jewish victim meme needs to die! There have been large amounts of Jewish partisan and a big part of the French resistance was Jewish. Lots of Jews died outside the camps fighting against German military.
The father of Anetta Kahane, who is responsible for German censorship now was fighting in the French resistance.
Yeah, they must have discovered a new, secret camp, what with Auschwitz adjusting its own estimate down, but the total going up.
>anything 'mainstream' is instantly wrong
>trying not to be a whiny teenage bitch
Nigga you are literally saying anything that counteracts the mainstream is wrong and claims they're all a bunch of whiny cunts
Using fucking Wiesenthal Foundation or Jewish Virtual Library is the most retarded use of information
Are you actually trying to say that these same organizations who claim Nazis used soap or skin lampshades is credible because it IS mainstream? Fucking hell man
This is why arguing over Holocaust is fucking stupid, its the most retarded subjective shit that anyone can argue over
((( )))
Thanks user for clarifying
You're lying. And refusing to post evidence as well. There is literally no evidence that proves the Holocaust happened.
I know, this board isn't good for some of the hyper-sensitive sissies from the nanny state of the UK
Just relax it's all satire, your government are mighty vanquishers of evil and saved 6 million holocaust victims and brought back 6 million more holocaust survivors and they're going to protect you too, from everything! 'mummy' will protect you :D
What I am suggesting is that
>this is from a mainstream source (the number being around 6 million) so it MUST be wrong
Is fucking stupid. All of these organisations - major Universities - Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, major Historical institutions like the Royal Historical Society
Cite and source their findings in their research papers, summaries, etc.
Yet you are trying to create a legitimate argument out of - 'obviously it's ALL bullshit because it's from a mainstream source'
It's fucking stupid as shit.
I'm not going to respond to an obvious bait.
You can argue about the numbers (barely...) but not the actual event. That's so fucking dumb it's beyond any kind of recognition.
I genuinely don't know what the bloody hell you're trying to say here?
Are you suggesting the number (accepted by pretty much all international historical organisations) is propaganda by the British state?
Well clearly this has been a failure.
Germany is a fantastic country with a fantastic people and culture.
>I'm not going to respond to an obvious bait.
It's not bait. There is no evidence for the Holocaust.
If there were undeniable evidence, you would've posted it in order to silence all of us evil anti-semitic holocaust deniers up.
So far've posted nothing that proves without a shadow of a doubt that the holocaust happened.
>You can argue about the numbers (barely...)
No you can't. They're 0.
>but not the actual event.
Absolutely you can.
> That's so fucking dumb it's beyond any kind of recognition.
The Jews don't want you thinking for yourself. The Jews want you believing that the Holocaust happened because they said so.
You've never investigated the Holocaust for yourself.
You were told it happened and that you're evil if you think it didn't happen. So you blindly obey your jewish masters.
Pic related. You believe this happened because a Jew said so.
>No source
>No evidence to back up the pie graph.
And yet people think that proves the Holocaust happened.
>Yet you are trying to create a legitimate argument out of - 'obviously it's ALL bullshit because it's from a mainstream source'
No Im not ya dumdum, Im saying you keep appealing to authority and claim that it's infallible as fuck and none of it can be subjective or criticized while calling out who think it could be full of shit or incorrect are just dumb or not smart because they're not official or have some title
Its subjective as fuck, jesus christ get that in your head
Half a bakers dozen million.
This is insane.
So you genuinely don't believe a single Jew was killed in Nazi Germany? Where the fuck did they all go?
Have you ever been to Europe? I've been all over the continent. You can still even go to old Synagogues in towns with no Jews in them!
Where the fuck did all the Jews go?
You're legitimatley retarded. There is no other way to put it.
I challenge you to go to ONE, just one historical society and challenge them to a debate about the holocaust.
Gather as manyyyy sources as you can and go do it.
>remember the half baker's dozen million
Are you stupid?
Firstly "universities lol". Yup good response. So there is not a single legitimate place of learning left in the world?
Also, I like how you ignored the second point. Historical associations such as the royal historical society?
You really are a fucking idiot. My point it. Authorities on the subject are where you should appeal preciously because they ARE NOT infallible! They literally cite ALL their sources and actually invite questioning and debate on the issue!
That's exactly what a kike would do. Your grandfather was a jew and you are most probably also a jew. Enjoy your last goulash cunt.
My grandfather was a christian and first republic military officer... he get to camp because of his political wievs.
This is silly propaganda...
In the book "The Good Ol' Days" a German soldier talked about seeing a line of jews being marched past his post every day. He said about 300 at a time. One day he went to look what was going on, and saw they were shooting them all in a mass grave. He thought "If we lose this war, things will be very bad for us."
Another German talked about the gas chambers where they killed the jews. The "shower" gas chambers, and the jews would generally be in a pile trying to climb the dead to the fresh air at the top.
Definitely around 6 million. I'm not a jew nor leftist but there is enough evidence that many millions died in those camps. If you make those claims at least bring some facts, sources, etc.
>This is insane.
Yes, it's insane that you believe holocaust happened.
>So you genuinely don't believe a single Jew was killed in Nazi Germany?
Oh I'm sure there were Jews who were killed. And I'm sure there were Jews who died in the camps.
But a systematic program of extermination by the Nazi's to exterminate every Jew they could? Didn't happen.
>Where the fuck did they all go?
Why the fuck do you believe they were all killed in the first place?
>Have you ever been to Europe?
In my youth.
>I've been all over the continent. You can still even go to old Synagogues in towns with no Jews in them!
ROTFLMAO! So because there are empty places that means the Nazi's holocausted them?
News flash...empty buildings do not prove a holocaust. empty buildings prove that there are some empty buildings.
I bet you think piles of shoes prove that Jews were killed too, huh?
Did you go to the town where the Nazi's vaporized 10,000 Jews with nukes? (pic related)
>You're legitimatley retarded. There is no other way to put it.
And isn't it interesting while you're here insulting me you still haven't posted any evidence proving the Holocaust happened?
>I challenge you to go to ONE, just one historical society and challenge them to a debate about the holocaust.
Why would I do that? I would be thrown into prison for Holocaust denial and I would never, ever be given a fair trial.
Plus, the Jews would ruin my life for questioning their precious Holyhoax.
>I challenge you to go to ONE, just one historical society and challenge them to a debate about the holocaust.
I already have mountains of evidence that proves the Holocaust didn't happen.
But hey, I'll give you one chance.
Post a single, credible picture or a film from the holocaust of a gas chamber killing a room full of Jews and I'll delete all my holocaust denial material and admit that the Holocaust happened.
>A deposit of 3000 Shekels were added to your account
>If you make those claims at least bring some facts, sources, etc.
Holocaust Revisionism
guys what the fuck can't you post a simple image?