What is bothering you user

What is bothering you user
You can tell me

Found out he's white.

and why is that an issue for you

i'm the biggest procastinator ever seen, my gf is depressed, haven't had sex in 1,5 months, parents are going trough a divorce, dad doesn't speak to me, I need to do more for school but the only thing I do is play runescape and call of duty I need to turn my life around but tommorow I'll just get up from bet and do the same fuckig thing. I hate my life, luckly I have good friends.

change your ways or you wont even have "good friends" anymore.

Osrs or rs3
Do not lie

You know this is fake right

That gif reminds me of the researcher that hung himself in RE: Remake, who then falls from the rope and attacks you. Good shit.

if your friends dont encourage you to get your life together then they are not your friends to begin with. i procrastinated 3 years of my life and it was in the shitter, im guessing i was the same age you are now. set a goal for yourself to do one productive thing a day and then go to your usual distractions. one step at a time user, its never too late.

I know..

I dyed my hair from dark brown to blonde and I feel silly.

Huh, i dont have much to complain about today

experimenting with your appearance is never a bad thing! since youre stuck with blonde hair for now, try to own it, you might as well.

actually some do support me in doing things but in the end it's still me who's to lazy to do shit

Almost my same situation. I feel you bro

Nothing. Chilling on the porch, watching birds. Could say today was pretty good day.

Your friends are not responsible for getting your life in order. As you get older, you will see some friends left behind because it would be a full time job turning their life around. That is not to say you don't support your friends if they request it, but you are responsible for your own life decisions.

I am still in love with that person even though that person decided to not be with me

then they are good company ! you must find a way to break out of your shell !

Glad to hear it stranger! Have a good one

At least she told you like a real human been.

I like to remember having a nice time with my ex gf. Im over it, but still like to remember. Friends keep telling me how her life has gone to shit since the breakup (she broke up with me and its already over 8months ago) and that shes basicly throwing everything away. It shouldnt bother me and I dont seek to contact her again, but I dont like the idea of some1 you were that close to to just go to shit.

Skin colour doesnt suit but I suppose youre right. It needs another dye in 2 weeks because it looks too yellow but I guess it could be worse???

Seriously, enter therapy and consider medication. Suggest the same to your girlfriend and let her know how much not banging bothers you. If her response isn’t what you want to hear Or it turns into a fight, it’s probably time to move on, at least for now. Try to remember that parents are just people, invest in them emotionally based on merit. School might not be for you. Think about what you really enjoy doing and try to find a way to do it as much as possible. Make a life for yourself.

Sounds like you dont have many good friends around my man, true theyre not responsible for you, no one is, but in a way it is a responsibility to attempt to guide our loved ones who lose the way..

Have a better one :p

I'll set the bar here: (being some Northern European dude) one random litterally Crazy 21 y/o girl that was engaged with some retard got herself pregnant of me (12 years older) and decided to sue me demanding as much money as she could, suggesting we were in a relation and I hit her. (I did noooowt. True story.) First round she miracously won, before we could slap her around with the truth and confront her with her lies she died before the appeal sitting. Prosecution blamed me for not retracting the appeal after het death (??). So she partly 'won' due to here litterally psychopath layerd lies. The stress those four years gave me turned out leading to two consecutive actually awesome girlfriends leaving me and me (very much highly educated and thus so are my (all but one obviously) former and most likely future partners) due to not being alowed into countries like the US, not very likely being able to built a future with any woman with any sense of ambition or higher aim in life. Also slightly nightmare-giving traumatized by the whole experience. Soo. Boohoo for me .

Gona go out and work on a carb soon. Charging batteries. Doing good.

Love can be a tough one, but i have good news for you! even if things are completely out of your hands you can always work on becoming someone you love (as impossible as that may seem) and in the end someone will come along to love you just as much! Dont give up user!

Typos because of drunk. Because hey fml

Trump is under fire over some hooker and liberals suddenly think they have values. Yet their God worships Satan and eats babies. Not to mention that never in history was a proper President attacked over stupid hookers that should be dead anyway.

Do not mourn someone who holds no real value you for you! respect yourself enough to walk away from toxicity before expecting respect for free, hope it works out for you bud

>haven't had sex in 1,5 months
It's been 8 years now, humans are highly over-rated.

i feel you buddy, but life goes on! do what you can/must

if that is you in the picture then you have absolutely nothing to feel silly about! it looks gorgeous

therapy might not be bad, my gf does take mediaction and sees a therapist, she knows the sex bothers me and she feels bad for me it's just, sometimes its all to much and I feel like my only escape are the games and series. I wanna be an elementry teacher so I will finish school.

If you walk far enough you will eventually loop back. Cuz you know, earth is round.

Ok thats really sweet, thank you. Maybe its just because it was such a drastic change. Just not feeling it yet

I'm sorry user, nothing hurts more than that imo. There is a fish for every hook though, keep your head high and look after yourself bud.

Your situation definitely set the bar here my friend. But no man is given a mountain he can not move. even if you think you are not strong enough, it is simply because you have not reached that potential yet. don't lose hope.

the state of the US presidency is never more than a fabrication of Hollywood, but i say leave politics to the politicians and focus on you

i've become addicted to eating ham. It's the weirdest thing. like, in the last 5 weeks I've had ham 4-5 times a day. I just cook ham up and punch it into my mouth like my hand is mike tyson and my mouth is some albino asian vegas hooker with weird pink eyes. I've gained 25 lbs. It's fucked up.

Hahaha, nice one! but lets be real youre lazy as fuck you wouldnt walk that far. maybe thats why she didnt bother telling you. which in a way supports your analogy. Funny world!

Give an advice or something but don't give too many away, you need some for yourself. I said it day one. It's whatever and I don't really care.

Ugh dude I can relate, but with cheese. In the last 2 weeks I've put on around 6 lbs - and I was already fat - just because I cant day no to cheese. 4 pieces of melted cheese on toast whenever I can get a hold of it.. sigh

You've never been that far to know anything about my walk.

Try powerlifting! you can get swole off a diet like that brother!

I want to kill myself but I'm too much of a pussy to make it anything more than a mere wish

im in love with my best friend and shes aware and she keeps flirting with me but i know it will never amount to anything and i can't help tell her not to.

I went through that too, except it was like 50 varieties of cheese. I went to the ritzy part of the market and got like 5 types of gouda, 10 types of french cheeses, i put it on everything.

I have no idea how the fucking french do it without becoming huge.

Well i could say the same to you! but the fact of the matter is everybody knows something you dont. and theres always someone who has it better and someone who has it worse. count your blessings and man the fuck up kid.

what do you think i've been doing with ham?

my internet is acting liks a fag

I dunno dude but its seriously painful. Girls are supposed to be thin and sexy and I just cant stop stuffing my face. The bit which makes it worse is that Im a binge eater. God damn its hard to keep in check..

user chances are you would enjoy living your life to its natural end. no matter how dark things get, you decide what is good and bad, and theres nothing that you cant change about your life. do not lose hope, rise up above your challenge. You can do it. You are made to do it.


see, we all sat here with good problems and the boohoo brigade had to swoop in here with captain buzzkill.

If you wanted to kill yourself you would. It's not hard to do. Nobody actually attempts it. They just do it. Or pretend to.

What you want is validation and approval and for everyone to surround you and tell you how you're needed and you're wanted and blah blah blah. guess what. You're not. find your own value, and stop trying to manipulate others into boosting your self esteem. become actually useful. Or don't and keep making 'I'm gonna kill myself" threads and save us and the people in your life from having to deal with you in the future.

Chances are shes in love/likes you back!
the thought of being unconditionally loved is motivating enough for me to get out and try my best at being somebody! i think it should be the same to you too ! and if you just dont feel it then fake it till you make it

reboot your router.

But to make those words valid they have to be outside of this imaginary world...

then its time for some tren!
double wide casket

the life you have is the only one you get, don't waste it away for whatever reason you don't want to live. There are people out there who need you, or will meet that will bring something to your life.

Too many coincidences. I see things, strange things. I'm afraid to think for fear that a split second later my fears will become a reality. I had the fleeting thought that I would accidentally cut myself last night and it happened only moments after.

I know I'm crazy, I have to be. But I have no choice. I have to be more careful with my thoughts.

I don't have any problems really. Nothing major. I'm in college, I think I have a decent chance at getting a decent job, but I want to die. I don't want to deal with the hassle of life if its all going to be gone when I die anyway. Why not just speed up the process and save me the effort? I'm really fucking lazy if you haven't guessed

I just paid 40 bucks for 16 gillete razors at Costco.

Thinking of taking them back. Maybe I'll open the package and try 1, then return it.

That's what i'm talkin about. I'm gonna ...ham it up.

I don't want sympathy, I want to die. Literally the only thing stopping me is the actual logistics of it. How can I make sure I die for sure, without pain, preferably without giving some train driver PTSD

I'm 41 years old and procrastinated so much that I've Never even had a job.
Ive just Been playing video games and watching TV all my life lol. Still live at home

im no doctor but i strongly recommend meditation.

I've turned both router and modom off and back on, the DS light keeps blinking

As the child of someone who committed suicide, if you really wanted to you wouldnt care how or if you might fail. You would just fucking do it. Ive been suicidal but, like you, I didnt actually want to go through with it. Turns out I just wanted the pain to go away. And it can. Did for me.

Nothing! I nearly died from an infection this week, and its changed my perspective. Life is amazing.

well its awfully selfish of you to place that kind of pain on the people who love you.
but to help your perspective, the reason why you dont see the hassle as a beautiful thing is because you have nothing planned. try setting exciting goals for yourself.

Indeed it is! Glad to hear you pulled through user! You're a beast

she told me that she doesn't love me like that but she loves me as a best friend. and to be honest thats fine with me as long as i get to be in her life. I guess I just cant help but thinking all we could be.
genreally when I think about building a life with someone, it involves her.

No you don't. if you wanted to die you would kill yourself. you want something else. most likely attention. People who actually want to die kill themselves. You could walk into the bathroom right now with a sharp kitchen knife, make a deep cut on either side of your neck in the bathtub and curl up and bleed out. They say the experience is quite pleasurable, like sinking into a warm bath and sleeping. And the best part is no mess. They turn on the shower and clean out your place.

But you wont. Because you don't actually want to die. You just want people to fall all over themselves and tell you how your life is worth it and don't do it and blah blah blah. I'm telling you to. People like you are emotional vampires. You're predators disguised as prey. You're as aggressive as they come and you make the lives of everyone around you suck.

So figure out what you want and stop wasting your and everyone elses time or kill yourself.

This. The moment I fulfilled my lifelong dream of having a horse, my entire view changed... now everything I do, I do for him

I'm gonna be blunt and just say that I don't really care that much about how other people would be affected negatively by my death. I killed myself to get rid of the shit that life can throw at you, like friends and family suddenly dying, so why can't my friends and family? Call me edgy but there really is no meaning to life. We are just big sacks of meat bone and fluids who move around, make noises, and turn shit into other shit, and then one day we stop doing that. Life has no inherent value, so why don't we all just die?

I want to push dogshit up my sister's cuntpipe

Can i ask you what you think stops you from being someone worthy of building a life with her? Fuck whatever she told you about liking you back or whatever, why do you put yourself down so much ? Take an honest to god shot at doing something with your life user, you have nothing to lose, and none of this will matter when you're dead anyway, might as well enjoy your ride

I spent all day drinking, listening to Russian hard bass, and shitposting

>I dont want to give some random train driver PTSD
>I dont care how my death affects people

Fuck you are up your own ass, brewing shitsacks of lies

That's just it though. I do want to die. But I'm too fucking scared to. I just can't mobilise myself to walk to the train station and step on the tracks. What if it goes wrong? What if there's a camera that sees me and I get caught? What if I get hit but survive, and have to live the rest of my life paralysed or without legs?

You dont want to die. Literally. This is attention seeking.

I think about life and death, and neither really appeals to me.

I feel slightly lightheaded, I can't think clearly, lights seem to be very bright. That's all I've got for now. Oh, and my license plate is expired, my phone was just shut off because I couldn't pay the bill. I can't go back to school because of the debt I have, my car is breaking down and I didn't have anything for my gf on vday.

oh god stop feeding into his bullshit. this is exactly the conversation this asshole wants.

He wants to talk about his stupid problems instead of dealing with it himself. he wants everyone to pay attention to him.

fuck him and his manipulative bullshit. instead of saying "i don't feel fulfilled in life" or "i feel like i'm a burden on others because of x y and z actions" he says "I want to kill myself" and the boohoo brigade falls all over themselves "DON'T DO IT, YOUR LIFE IS WORTH IT" and then he does it in another thread in an hour and you KNOW he's gonna do it tomorrow night because every friday theres yet another one of these fucking threads because he cant bring himself to go out to a bar and strike up a conversation with a stranger or even the bartender.

And hell do this again and again, just like he has for however long he's been posting the same pitiful bullshit.

Fuck him.

great question.
i think maybe its cause i don't like myself, so I suppose it's crazy for me to expect someone else to love me.
this has me thinking a lot though. might as well enjoy this crazy ride we call life and try to make it as great as possible.

I would prefer if I could do it in a way that doesn't affect anyone, but if that's the easiest way then so be it, sucks to be the train driver

Nobody can convince you conjure a living shit about anything but if you really have given up you would have taken your life by now. you are having this conversation with me as a way of crying out for help, you want to be helped, a part of you is still alive and whether or not this cry for help is intentional is irrelevant. if it wasnt intentional it only further proves my point by the way.
How old are you user? (dont have to answer)
What pushed you to the edge? (this you must)

Oh yes I love getting attention from people that tell me I'm seeking attention

So full of shit

death does not appeal to human beings because we have no control over it. reimagine what life is, and reconstruct your world. you can literally create the appeal that draws you to live.

then you don't want to die dipshit. people who want to die actually kill themselves. there's some other inherent problem that you want to fix or have dealt with. most liklely its some pitiful insecurity or self image bullshit.

Stop putting it on other poeple. stab yourself in the neck in the bathroom or shut the fuck up about it and try to figure out what the inherent problem is. Dying is easy. Endlessly whining about it isn't going to fix your stupid problem.

Yeah and you feel the need to prove us wrong

I'm debating whether to spend $7.50 on Warhammer End Times or not.
I mean, that's like an entire Big Mac meal.

Sounds like youre having a rough time. Have you tried doing something about it

>Shitty job
>Uni Dropout
>no gf
>no sex for 2 years
>I have anger outbursts and frequently breaking doors and walls and shit
>in and out of depression once a few months (to the point of suicidal thoughts)
>socially awkward as fuck

Well, how long are you gonna feel happy about a big mac meal, compared to how long you're gonna feel happy about Warhammer end times.

"life has no inherent meaning"

welcome to existence. get in line. or die. if that's the length and breadth of your problems, then heres the solution: wait a couple years until you stop being a whiney self-involved teenager.


my computer keeps freezing and i feel like smashing it with a hammer

I bet ur under 20