What did he really do wrong? Kids bullied him so he fought back...

What did he really do wrong? Kids bullied him so he fought back. I think he deserves a medal for bravery in the face of danger.


He was born white.

Yea true

you're in every thread shitposting this video. fuck off nobody cares about your edge.

Fuck you nigger

hardcore dude

Yah his a pos attention Whore!

He killed 17 people that didn’t bully him you retard

How do you know? Were you there?

pick one, faggot.

its honestly all little pathetic you have to really try so hard to cause drama for even a sliver of attention. im sure u relate to dude more than u prolly think under these faux "troll" post

Lol. Kys, edgelord.

Neck yourself edgelord. Get saged. Leave Sup Forums

grow up, kion

OP, I hope you die in a fire while getting raped by KKK Members.

This is kinda sad

he killed freshman, he was 19 years old. why?

if i was still in high school with him i'd probably bully him too

in canada and england they say any woman who was abused not only can kill her husband but should

this sounds questionable but fine until you realize they call abuse yelling, asking her to cook dinner once a week or even asking for sex on your anniversary

17 less faggots in the world bravo

he was also a bully and an asshole, go watch mumkey jones

He was a good boy